Police Director Larry Godwin must be lying because his mouth was moving at a city council committee meeting on Tuesday morning. Godwin stated that his OCU unit has never hit a wrong house and even accused me of writing the statement that Carnecia Moore presented to Internal Affairs on Friday after her home in Whitehaven was struck on Wednesday of last week. Godwin is wrong on both accounts, I had nothing to do with Moore's statement, and OCU did hit a house and hold a woman at gun point who has nothing to do with the persons named in the search warrant.
Posted is the warrant that was given to Moore after OCU entered the home located at 5392 Lastrada. No where in the search warrant is Carnecia Moore or her husband Michael Moore named,So how does Godwin state that what happened was not wrong?
If OCU had done their homework they would have found that Arlene Bell did in fact once live at the Lastrada address but that MLGW disconnected services at the address in her name on April 4,2008. OCU would have also found out that three other families lived at the address prior to the Moore's moving in in March of 2009.
If OCU had done their job they would have found that Tarik Thompson has a phone in his name and lives on Hickey Street. The point is according to the warrant and based on the fact that Carnecia Moore who has no record at all was terrorized in her own home by OCU means that OCU screwed up and now is trying to cover their tracks.
If Godwin says that his unit did not hit the wrong house he needs to explain this warrant. He needs to also make it known as to what is stated in the affidavit that allowed a Judical Commissioner to give the warrant.
Here is the truth. We are at war with our own government state, local and federal and it is no longer a war of words. We are being abused by the machine that was put in place to protect us. Black , white , yellow or red it does not matter. The longer we continue to look the other way as long it is not us being abused the machine continues to gain power. Stand up and take the power back. Do not continue to allow yourself and other to be abused. This country was founded in blood shed and it is starting to look like blood shed will have to be used to take it back. I have a personal rule I will not abuse others however I will not allow myself or others to be abused. When and if they come to abuse me they might as well call cnn cause there is going to be full scale war. No one said any thing when the federal government killed all those women and children in Waco. No one said anything when they killed a little boy and his mother in Idaho. No one says anything when they kill any of us. They honstly know the great mass of people in this country are sheep and won't do anything to protect themself. Rise up people don't sit and watch withhold your tax dollars the machine can not run if it doesn't have fuel. Dare you to post it Thad, or are you a sheep too? Lets see your teeth people.
This is proof positive that Police Director Larry Godwin is either a pathological liar or the most incompetent police director in the history of Memphis.
More than likely Chico did not even bother to investigate the OCU incident with Carnecia Moore; he just took it for granted that people, especially the dupes on the City Council, will believe anything that he tells them.
This search warrant is good evidence for the plaintiff when she files her suit in federal court against Godwin's goons.
At least Mark Luttrell has taken full responsibility for the Dearick Stokes disappearing act fiasco. And you can admire Luttrell for that.
But Chico thinks he is above the law and is not willing to admit his mistakes or the mistakes of the officers who serve under him.
And as long as Chico has this attitude, more lawsuits against the City of Memphis are on the horizon.
When Godwin says they did not hit the wrong house I think he means OCU hit the one on the warrant which would make it the RIGHT house if the address they hit is 5392 Lastrada. Just because someone else is home does not automatically make it the worng house. I have lived with folks and my name was never on the water bill, phone bill, nothing but that did not mean it was not my home since I paid to stay!
I also have to agree with Tyrone - do you really think Godwin got a call from some low rank OCU officer serving a warrant? Naw. Not gonna happen nor did it happen.
This warrant is not worth the paper it is written on. It does not have probable cause in the warrant. A real judge would not have signed the warrant because it does not state why the officer believes there are drugs at that location. Were drugs purchased at that location and if so, when? Larry Godwin is ignorant and does not know how to write a warrant. So it is true; nobody in OCU knows what the hell they are doing. The complainant will laugh all the way to the bank.
Mayor, Mayor, Mayor.
What is it going to take for you to put an end to this madness?
Has everybody in City government got skeletons in their closets that prevent them from acting with consciousness? If so, then why run for office and subject yourself to humiliation and exposure?
Were we better off with Dick Hackett?
WOW MPD policy states that a judge has to sign a search warrant not a Judicial Commissioner. Now thats a policy violation on the AFFIANT. LOL
Thats what happens when you have a house full of rookies doing a veterans JOB.
Lawsuit and then let the jury decide. Put yo money where yo mouf iz. Lots of people every year gets paid millions from suing the PD for damages from unlawful police practice. The Po Po makes mistakes too so go an ahead and take they jobs and live in they houses too!
The limited comments on this thread is an indication of how many are worn out with those who fear Godwin along with law and order.
In the past fatso has warred against John Elkington, the lawyer with the beard, Attorney Gibbons. . . all colorless. It's sure makes this community a great place to live since fatso must be proud of the fact that he can find no fault with a man or woman of color.
"That's what happens when you have a house full of rookies doing a veterans JOB.'
"must be proud of the fact that he can find no fault with a man or woman of color."
April 30, 2010 10:44 AM
Why do you say that? Thad has spoken against the black churches, Martavious at the school board, Kriner Cash, Sharon Webb, CONSTANCE, and many more all because of their actions.
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