General Sessions Court clerk Otis Jackson surprised many political observers by filing to run for Shelby County mayor. Some or saying that someone has paid him to be the democratic spoiler, others are saying he's running to build his name for another race, then there are those who say he's running to get paid to get out, and then most say that his political advisor and employee Del Gill is behind it all.
I have spoken with some who know Jackson who state that he started talking about being mayor last week,In fact one person that I spoke with claims that Jackson told them that it has always been his dream to be county mayor.
What ever his reason he needs to realize that he does not have a remote chance of winning and that his entry into the county mayor's race may endanger his chances for re-election to his present position.
Jackson does not have the name power of a Deidre Malone and certainly not a Ford. His ability to raise money will be hard because of these factors,and if he's labeled a spoiler democrats will turn on him and send him packing when it's time again for him to run for office.
The fact that everyone believes that Del Gill is behind Jackson's idea to run edging him on and telling him that he can win will also hurt him. There are not many democratic organizers and politicians that support the sometime all knowing Gill and will turn on him for just allowing Gill to send him out.
Jackson has a week to withdraw his name and do the job of the general Sessions Court clerk or get ready for the whipping of his life that will go far beyond may 4th.
The entry of Otis Jackson into the county mayor's race is bound to turn an already dazed African American electorate into a basket case.
We already have Deidre Malone and the interim Joe Ford Sr. in the race to battle it out in the Democratic Primary.
This has become a best case scenario for Mark Luttrell who can now measure the curtains in the county mayor's office, because the winner of the Democratic Primary will emerge from that scrap bewitched, bothered, and
Where in the world is Sidney Chism when you need him?
"Jackson has a week to withdraw his name and do the job of the general Sessions Court clerk or get ready for the whipping of his life that will go far beyond may 4th."
Go Jackson, GO! Stay in there as having Matthews against you is a sure vote getter. If his rant bothers you, take out an ad with him.
Matthews is just like those Chicago hoods. Matthews will shut up when he is paid. There is just not much to that ignoramus.
"....Luttrell who can now measure the curtains in the county mayor's office, . . . . ."
The kind of many needed in office, not some money wasting fool like Willie who spent buckets of money on the city mayor's office to shore up his ego.
Finally, an election on the merits of a person not his/her color. That only go you the Fords plus those others that have been jailed. Where is Ophelia, at least when brother John was in Nashville he was sober enough to take care of his brothers. We are about to loose the Med and Ophelia just saps up medical dollars to suit her dependence.
Otis is dumb as a rock. Hiring that racist, Del Gill, is proof of it.
Otis thinks that Del Gill stupid ass helped him to get elected, he is dead wrong, there were others and other extenuating circumstances that put Otis in this position. Otis is simply a one term General Sessions Court Clerk. Hell, all of the people surrounding Otis is just dumb, especially that big Mitzy whomever girl.
"Jackson has a week to withdraw his name and do the job of the general Sessions Court clerk or get ready for the whipping of his life that will go far beyond may 4th."
Stick in there, Jackson. Thad is on the take to get you out so that for the first time he can deliver to Joe Ford as he tries to suck a buck.
It's so funny that everyone has added their two cents anonymously. Otis Jackson is the most competent candidate in the running for Shelby County Mayor. Who in their right mind would vote for Deidre Malone? Does she really think that she can pull the numbers to win? Let's be realistic. Talk about being sent out on a humbug. Anyone that would vote for Mark Luttrell's racist behind is out of order because is the most arrogant person I've ever met (outside of you THADDEUS)The Ford name just does not carry the same weight it used to carry so voting FORD is not the way to go. GO OTIS GO! The grass has been cut and the snakes are out... I got my WAR PAINT on and I am ready to take u all the way to the OFFICE.
Deidre Malone is from Chicago, why is she running for Mayor in Shelby County?
Joe Ford can't manage his own checkbook, how do you think he will do with the County's already overdrawn account?
Deidre has filed a lawsuit against Joe Ford for money he owes her, whats that about?
I will take my chances with Otis Jackson, I don't trust the others.
Speaking of local influence,
Somebody should tell Deidre that Otis Jackson was initially supporting his long time friend (from Bolton) Bank of Bartlett President Harold Byrd for County Mayor in January before Harold made his decision to not run.
So does it help the county's voters to know that Harold Byrd is a supporter of "his long time friend" Otis Jackson!!!
PS: Deidre wouldn't know much about "long time friendships" in Shelby County... she grew up in Chicago!
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