I was contacted by a ranking fire department official who wants to make sure the city does not cover up the facts behind this tragic event. According to the fire department source on last week Graham went to station# 33 which is the station located at the airport to confront fellow firefighter Keon Pickford about Crawford.
Graham who had been stalking Crawford argue with Pickford at the station and told him "I'm going to kill you and that bitch". Pickford fearing for his life wrote a letter that is called redlining to Air Crash Chief Johnathan M. Weeks. In the red line letter he reported that Graham had threaten to kill him and Taffi Crawford. But instead of calling the police or passing the letter on to higher ranking fire officials Weeks set on the letter never reporting the incident.
It is possible that had Weeks turned the letter over to the police or other fire department officials Taffi Crawford may still be alive. The threat to do bodily harm would have been enough to get him off the streets, the question remains why didn't Weeks act upon the letter.
There have been many reports of incidents with firefighters lately with many not being acted upon by fire officials. It's even thought that police believe that firefighters are part of a brotherhood and turn their eyes to acts of violence by the firefighters.
Several weeks ago a young lady was a guest on my radio show that had been living with a firefighter for several years. She stated how Clifton Griffin who happens to work at station #2 which is the same station that Graham worked out of had attacked her. pulled a gun on her, and force her out of the house they shared. When the police arrived several months ago at their home even with bruises on her face and neck she was the one taken to jail. the woman stated that Griffin stated to her that he was a fireman and the police was not going to do anything to him.
Clifton Griffin has a history of domestic violence, The woman supplied me with a copy of a police report that showed that Griffin had punched and drugged a former live in girlfriend. In fact the woman Latonia Campbell is a firefighter and the report also shows that Griffin punched her then 14 year old son when the son came to his mother's aide while being assaulted by Griffin.
The source at the fire department speaks of other firefighter who have committed acts of violence. I'm told that Maurice Jones out of station #37 was fired last week for pistol whipping a youth in his yard. I'm told that Jerry Holmes at station #38 whipped a man with a hammer, Marcus Riley at station #55 was accused of raping his wife's sister, Johnnie b. Harrison at station #6 beat his wife, and a Lt. Joseph Short was fired for domestic violence. It's also reported that on Monday at station #33 a Lt. Busby and a Lt. Scott Miller got to fighting and had to be parted and sent to other stations.
It seems as though there are some serious problems with firefighters I wonder if mayor Wharton will look as hard at this matter of firefighters abusing women as he has city employees abusing dogs?
When authorities/bosses start getting involved in a black man's business you call them racist.
And when they don't, you fault them (for not caring) and cut their nuts out.
What in the fuck do you stand for Thaddeus Matthews?
Why are you so wishy-washy?
It is so sad that we have lost yet another beautiful African American woman in the prime of her life to a cold-blooded creep like Frank Graham.
Years from now this maniac will be strapped to a gurney for lethal injection and put to sleep like the dog he is. That is not good enough. They should bring back the electric chair so that this killer can be French fried.
And, yes, the Memphis fire department does share in the blame for the murder of Taffi Crawford. Unfortunately, the men who let this happen will never be brought to justice.
"What in the fuck do you stand for Thaddeus Matthews?"
Absolutely nothing is the only answer to this question. This nutcase really enjoys setting himself up as a fool. Lots of laughs ahead if he runs for mayor. Will anyone other than his mumbo jumbo followers be able to understand a word he grunts?
Mr Mathews,
Please check with the "ranking fire department official" who provided you with the information in your blog. My name was listed as one of two employees who were said to have been involved in a dispute at fire station 33 on Monday. I am absolutely sure that Lt Busby was not involved in an altercatioMy knowledge is firsthand since I am Lt Busby. Not only was I not involved but I wasn't even at work that day. I am currently on vacation. Furthermore I do not work at fire station where this was said to have occured. I work at fire station 29. Obviously your moronic capacity is second only to that of your mysterious "ranking fire department official." I expect a correction and an apology. Good luck on your next run for mayor, you did so well last time.
Frankie G Busby
I think that these situations are really , really sad. What has this world turned into.
These Fireman are just criminals and is this where my tax money is going to pay for someone to abuse the public and get paid?
First and foremost, we'll overlook all of the misspelled words and bad grammer in your article and focus on the facts. Your ""ranking fire department official" is way off. First of all, it occured at station #9 and not station #33. Second, he did not confront Pickford , because Pickford was not there that day.And lastly the argument at station #33 did not include Lt. Busby, it was Lt. Boothby. This is how things get blown out of proportion and rumors get started. There are too many worthless radio talk show hosts getting in everyone elses business when they should be focusing on going back to school and learning proper grammer. But then again with bad grammer and inability to spell , you just may get elected as mayor this time.
Get at me!!!! MFD ROCKS!!!!
I figured that since thaddeus and his "ranking fire dept. official" wanted to start naming names,I would name his source. For some unknown reason they have decided not to post it so everyone could know the name of his source. It's okay to name some but he takes it upon himself not to let everyone else know who his informant is. I thought everyone was fair game on here but I guess we get to pick and choose who gets called out and who doesn't.
And Alvin Benson was just so defensive in his interview on Fox 13. He's allowing abusive men to remain on the job, men who don't pay child support to remain on the job, men who burglarize homes to remain on the job, and men who've been arrested for a number of other crimes to remain on the job. In any other city besides Memphis when firemen and cops are found guilty of domestic violence they're automatically terminated
Al Benson is a crook. He didn't do anything to Keith Staples in 2008when he beat that child for bedwetting. He got 3 days paid suspension and later in August of 2008 shortly after Benson became Director of Memphis Fire Dept. Keith Staples got promoted to Battalion Chief. Keith Staples' buddy Keith Martin who used to work at Station 16 and who is now at Station 33 got promoted to Lt. in 2008 because he's buddies with Staples and Staples is buddies with Benson. Keith Martin is a high school dropout and he has a history of alcohol abuse. His wife Sherice Martin who works for the police dept talks to people like they're dam dogs or something. So much goes on in this horrible city. Memphis has no standards.
Since we're revealing stuff on firemen, then let me talk about some at Station 41. Battalion Chief Donald Atkins who works at Station 41 talks to women like shit, and he throws all types of parties just so he can f**k random women and other firemen attend these parties. But, yet nothing is done to him. Don atkins is so arrogant and hung up on himself, and he didn't even marry his baby mama but got the nerve to call his subordinates stupid. He talks to his subordinates like they're shit and he doesn't even know what he's doing. His dumb ass can't even spell right but got promoted to Battalion Chief. I hope Ms. crawford's family sues Memphis fire dept and alvin benson with dumb self. just another one of taterhead's appointees.
Al Benson shouldn't even be Fire Director. He has no credibility. Who is he to talk on domestic violence when he walked out on his first wife and two small children and left her for his current wife who he got pregnant 17 yrs ago while still married to his first wife. Al benson has a lot of outside kids who he don't even take care of. He's just as guilty as these other sorry bastards who he allows to keep their jobs.
If Memphis Fire Dept were to seriously conduct background checks before hiring these folks on, they'd probably lose more than half if not close to 90% of the Black firemen on the job.
It is obvious to anyone who knows this man, who your source is. Your show is all he talks about. His conversation often centers around the topic of the day of your sensationalistic amateurish yellow journalism. Your source fed you, and you swallowed it, a litany of false statements. Your source guessed at what might be contained in a letter because, if he had read it himself he would not have found what he reported to you as fact. Your "ranking fire department official" is a disgruntled 27 year "private". He has nothing else to do but sit around and complain about others that have advanced in their careers and trying to denigrate them is his only means of puffing himself up. Your talk show is full of emotionally charged topics where fact is irrelevant and fiction rules. The fire department is no more to blame for this murder than the friends, family members, and coworkers of Ms. Crawford and the court system that knew for months and years that this man was volatile and a threat. But you would rather not only take an unreliable source but elevate him to a credible high ranking source. It does get your listeners all worked up but this type of reporting is dishonest and hurts those that are doing their best to provide a good customer service to this community through the Memphis Fire Department. When that bell goes off and your house is on fire or a loved one is in need of medical emergency care, just remember that those on that red firetruck are there and will risk their life to save you or yours.
Shelby...Shelby...Shelby... you should be ashamed.
Shelby has no shame. No wonder after 27 years on the bottom as a private that the only way he can make an impact is to lie and stir up BS using a talk show host that has no scruples and can only make an impact in the community by lying and stirring up BS.
If what is being stated is true, there should have been a follow up on the threats, especially when it's a known fact that this man was very dangerous. It's too late now, Taffi is gone and we can't bring her back. We can all go through the "would of, should of, could of." What's the point now? We are missing her and we are dealing with our loss at this time.
Hello all, Taffi was my first cousin on her father's side. When I first got the news, I was dumb-founded, in shock. I couldn't get to the hospital so I called and the only thing that they told me is that she is in critical condition. Once I found out how many times he shot her, I knew that the outcome wasn't going to be good. We are all sadden tremendously by this tragedy. This is very hard to accept. We laid her to rest this past Saturday and I still haven't been able to accept it. Whenever you saw Taffi, there was always a smile on her face. She was a beautiful person. At first, I stated that this man is just crazy, but after thinking about it. I said to myself, he wasn't crazy at all. He knew exactly what he was doing. No one has anything good to say about this man.I haven't heard anything at all positive. I know that his ex-wife thanks God everyday that she was blessed to remove herself from such a disturbed person and that unhealthy, dangerous relationship. He was a firemen, sworn to save lives. No good will come to Frank. This man is evil, mean-spirited, careless, and most of all, selfish. How can you say you love someone then plot an premeditated murder. Frank didn't hurt Taffi, because Taffi is at peace with God. Frank hurt us, her "whole" family. He took a child's mother from him and with the same mentality claim he loved her. I don't understand. I have to pray daily because we are taught that we must forgive. I'm having trouble with that at this time but with prayer, I know that I will be able to forgive this man for what he has done. On the other hand, I also pray that Frank will "NEVER" have another restful, peaceful night. I pray that every time he closes his eyes, he his haunted until the day he dies, goes to HELL and meet his maker. You always hear about domestic violence and the saddens that it brings upon the family of the victim but until you experience it and it touches you personally, you will never know how we feel. The only comfort that I can get out of this tragedy is that when Taffi made her transition, my Uncle Spike, her father and her mother was there to greet her and take her into their arms. She's not alone with her parents, grandmother, and God by her side. God bless you Taffi. We love you always and endlessly. Your cousin, Toni
PS Taffi was an organ donor, so Taffi will ive on in many and continue to save lives. Frank, Taffi lives on through many. Remember that!!!!
Who cares what faults the MEN on the department have...Pray for them and keep on pushin. Besides the issue at hand is more critical. Pray for the families that have been tragicly altered by the acts of violence and pray that the Men will be or become just that...MEN
To Ms. crawford's cousin, I'm so sorry for your loss and yes the comments on here about keith staples, al benson, keith martin and donald atkins are true. Memphis fire dept is full of assholes. So ladies beware
Al Benson, Ron Brown, Michael Jubirt, and Daryl Payton all throw shit under the bus. They never follow up on complaints made against these public serpents.
Lets kick down the REAL problem.....
Taffi did not at all deserve what happened to her, that is not condoned at all by some of us good brothers on FD.
One of the real issues is how black women are and how they pursue the guys in uniform, be it cops or firemen, and the shit they pull when its time to part. I'm talking these women coming around to firestations in the tightest clothes you can find, at all hours doing their best to get hooked up. It is unbelievable what lengths they will go to to get hooked up, and almost always they pick the wrong ones, the PLAYAS!! Sisters are terrible, and these brothers will do whatever they can to get em.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see these particular women want to be kept, drive the best of cars and live in humongous ass houses in Collierville or wherever they can be with the Jonses.
Taffi had a baby with a cop, and then started the whole dating firemen thing, Frank had the baller appeal, the Benz and the whole bullshit materials things. When it comes to it, sisters fall for this shit hook line and sinker.
Now its rush to focus on domestic violence, and its end results. But no mention of how materialistic sisters can be, and the fact that they pursue the playas and ballers, in both the police and fire circles. Attend either or parties and see for yourself.....look in your morning commute for "FIRE" tags on over the top expensive cars, and look for the bougie sisters behind the wheel. Look at the outfits, assess poked out breast pushed up.
And the playa and balla brothers do nothing but enable this whole thing, parading these women around, or getting as many as they can. Knowing that they are married, or shacked up......but then these dumb assed sisters know that!!!!
Black Memphis needs to wake the hell up and stop all this fronting and shit.
To the firefighter who posted this bull on here about women want the best, well for starters most of y'all only have a high school education and firefighters are blue collar workers, and your salaries don't exactly classify you as being "ballers" If a woman wants a six figure brother, a fireman ain't it! Nurses make a heck of a lot more money than a broke fireman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Donald Atkins, did you post the comment on Feb. 26 at 10:16 AM? This sounds like some dumb shit you would say with overinflated ego!!!!!!!!!! You're one of the dumbest Battalion Chiefs I know!!!! You sorry ass bastard
I know Don Atkins ain't on here to trying to talk about nobody with his fucked up mouth and old ass Range Rover!! Your dumb ass don't live in Collierville. U stay in Whitehaven,and your dam ass house aint even worth $20,000!!!!!!!!!
I hope Ms. crawford's families sues the hell out of Memphis fire dept and I hope Al Benson loses his job. Al Benson is a worthless piece of shit and a white man's nigger!!!!!!!
Benson is a sorry excuse for director. I went to him about Don Atkins throwing parties and firemen were dressed in uniform at these parties. By the way, I'm married to a Memphis firefighter. Don is always throwing parties so he can sleep with random women and get his dick sucked. Benson didn't do anything about it. There r firemen who strip n their uniforms when they're off the clock but nothing happens to them. Memphis leadership sucks from city hall on down
Memphis firefighters r no good. A fireman saw me at Kroger in Whitehaven and he told me he wanted to jizz in my face.
Memphis fireman ain't ballers! they're blue collar workers. I know a pvt at Station 33 who drives a $80,000 BMW but barely makes $50,000 a yr. These firemen ain't about nothing. They don't pay child support on time but yet think they can pick up any woman they want. Don Atkins swears he's all that driving that Range Rover from 1865!!!!!!! LMAO!!!!!
If Memphis firefighters were ballers and living in the best houses, then why are so many of their names being added to Memphis Daily News for foreclosure?
What about that Stan McCoy, Carlos Newsom, Keith Martin, and Patrick Frazier?
All "so called" "Ballers"
Excuse me, Feb 26 @ 10:18am commenter, but Taffi was with her ex-husband from high school, before he had a career. She didn't just "have a baby by him"; she was his WIFE, you jerkface! Get your facts straight. And Frank came after Taffi. She didn't go after him. Hell, Frank tried to get with several of the women at his ex-wife's church, WHILE they were still married. So get it together! He is scum...
Lt Joseph Short is my fiance' and he hasn't been fired! Wow! Where do you get your information?
This is Patrick Frazier, I didn't know that i was called a baller, and by who's standard. In fact my mortgage is current, and I never had a forclosure, don't get it twisted. Thanks Derick for letting me know that some hater put my name on this blog, Rod at the airport was correct when he told me that, "1 out of 5 people are haters".
Is Lt. Short beating you? I'm not surprised. So many scums make up memphis fire dept and none of them will get fired for domestic abuse because al benson beats his wife
patrick frazier beats women
it's idiots like patrick frazier who hurt obama. mayor wharton it's time for you to clean house or will u just continue to be another taterhead? it's time for this city to raise its standards on who gets hired. you don't hear about this type of crap in new york and larger cities where firemen are required to have a college degree to maintain their position. memphis fire dept is filled with so many high school dropouts that can't even spell but got the nerve to call themselves public servants but in reality they're public serpents. sick of this city. time to put the white man back in charge so he can whip you plantation niggers back in shape
If the things on here being said are true, I just lost respect for Memphis Fire Dept. It's a shame!!!!
WARNING, this blog is filled with lies, it's always three sides to every story, Stop trying to character assinated people because your relationship with that person failed. Think twice before you judge people because of what someone has posted, What if someone started posting lies about you, how would you feel?
If you lose respect for the Firemen just because of what someone said, then you are shallow. Are all women gold diggers? Are all firemen bad? No they are not. We all have sinned, and fell short in the eyes of the God. pray for your enemies, and stop spreading poison.
You lie...
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