Sources within COGIC state that Dickerson L.S. Wells pastor of Bethel COGIC here in Memphis who also serves as a trustee of the national organization was asked to resign his position of superintendent By Presiding Bishop Charles Blake after it was found that Wells had diverted church funds for his personal use.
As Superintendent here in Memphis Wells was the highest ranking official of the national church having control of church funds and properties. Its said that Wells diverted a $20,000 check belonging to COGIC for his own personal use.
Sources state that Bishop Blake flew into Memphis several weeks ago and ask the stealing preacher to step down. There are those within COGIC who will seek to have Wells removed as a national trustee,But since he was elected by the General Assembly only that body I understand can remove him.
the preacher will not rob God,but they will rob us also!!!!!Amen, Amen,Amen
Looks like another minister in COGIC is trying to turn the denomination into Church of Greedy Irresponsible Clergymen.
He should be made to return the money and apologize. Then he should resign as a COGIC pastor. There are simply too many crooked ministers in all denominations and they should be weeded out.
I.R.S. is cracking down on Pastors and Preachers like never before. They are going to prison at an alarming rate. If this is true concerning Wells, he belongs in prison.
Being a Supt. doesn't give you the highest rank in Memphis under COGIC, Thad. This guy was recently appointed as COO (Chief Operating Officer) of COGIC worldwide. That's what gave him access to all the assets. Superintendents govern Districts that are made up of several churches. But you're right, the General Assembly has to vote him out of the national trustee position.
The Commercial Appeal is reporting this morning(March 9) that Cogic Pastor Dickerson Wells has resigned. "COGIC would not disclose the reason for his departure," the CA reports.
But we all know the reason, don't we? It is a $20,000 reason as reported earlier by Thaddeus Matthews and another COGIC blemish.
This is one Saint that aint.
"They [Preachers]are going to prison at an alarming rate. If this is true concerning Wells, he belongs in prison."
Aw shucks! Everyone's on the take. Let 'em off just like that white gal in TN what shot her man in the back then ran away.
There is more to this story! Isn't it true that he was arrested for grand larceny because of this incident? It is believed that he stole the check of his Jurisdictional Prelate Bishop J.O Patterson. He needs to do more than apologize. He should be prosecuted like every other criminal.
& the guy they replaced him with does the same at his local church & is about $20,000 behind in child support.
Will the truth ever be known? Word has it that this preacher cashed a check that was made payable to Bishop J.O. Patterson. I use to work at a bank and even a three year old know if one has a $10 check made payable to someone else the bank will not cash that check. I think this young man was set up. He moved up through the ranks faster than lightning and it had to be more than just knowing somebody. So did he get greedy? Was he pushing his luck with what he knew on some person/persons? I smell a big fat stinking rat. Unless this preacher's name was on that person's account with his name along with the word or, meaning that he had the authority to cash any checks on that account. I know this young man he might have changed a lot from when he started out, but I do not believe this man to be a thief. He has children I do not believe he would risk his life for just $20.000. I could be wrong, I have been wrong before. It smell like a set up. He should know he can not run with the big dogs, he does not know enough. He should have stayed on the porch. Let us wait to hear the conclusions of the whole matter. This man is not the crook.
only a black man
Rather than adding all of these hideous comments about Dickerson Wells, I think that true saints would lift him up in prayer. Just because he may be down today, we may be down tomorrow. I pray for him and for those who have fallen because restoration only comes from the Father. I think that it is ridiculous for those who consider themselves saved to offer such judgment on people who have made mistakes. I honestly pray for him, his church and his family as well as pray for those of you who offer such harsh criticism in your posts. WWJD????? This is not right people of God.....
P.S. I'm sure this may not be posted, but the message has been sent!
People of God have a write and a responsibility to Speak out against this type of Crime. In today's economy $$$ is hard to come by and NO ONE should steal. Not only should saints speak against this type of behavior but we should expose those who try and cover it up. I do pray for him. I pray he go's to jail.
Why did Bishop Blake have to come all the way from CA to dismiss his Supt. position?
I would think that Bishop J.O. Patterson, Jr. could get rid of his own supt.
What an ungodly mess. I know a whole lot of preachers that need to be investigated on tax matters. But that is a whole new topic.
Yes the Saints do have a right to speak out against sin. We are certainly admonished not to judge anything before the time.Elder Wells case is being played out in the media.If a brother be overtaken
in a fault ye which are spiritual
restore such a one in the spirit of meekness.
Elder Wells is not the first to take money from COGIC and he will not be the last. If he did do the act, he took to much and got caught.
Any word from the April Call Meeting that took place earlier this week on Supt Wells? Is he still pastoring his church and has he been stripped from the role of Dist. Supt.?
just shameful!
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