Patrick CiCi the Bartlett police officer who killed Malcolm Shaw in Memphis on March 11,2010 after storming 1346 Standridge on a search warrant for drugs may have a drug history himself. Sources within MPD state that a call was made from Bartlett Police to Central Records asking them to remove CiCi's expungment records from the system so that the past of the narcotic and SWAT member could not be found.
Sources state that in 1988 and 1999 CiCi was arrested for possession of drugs himself,and that he had his record expunged. It is also believed from sources on the street that CiCi and Shaw were not strangers to each other and that CiCi may himself be involved in drug dealing.
CiCi who lives in a appraised home valued at $279,000 at 8785 Gainsway in Germantown also has mortages on 7 other homes according to Memphis Daily News records. those homes are located at 3020 Ruskin mortgage ending 3-1-2039,3965 Pikes Peak mortgage ending 4-1-2035,563 Herring mortgage ending 4-12-33, 4944 Bending Trail mortgage ending 7-1-2039, 1100 Tatum mortgage ending 10-1-2035, 3547 Orchi mortgage ending 10-1-2034, And 3587 Townes mortgage ending 10-1-2034.
The Townes address which CiCi had utilities listed in his name in 2003 is located in an area known as Nutbush which is a area known for drug trafficking and which is also just 2 miles from the Standridge address. Many on the streets wonder how this Bartlett Police officer has been able to afford all these homes on a police salary. I have to wonder why on 2 properties CiCi's wife Gina has to give him power of attorney over the properties.
But the biggest question is why CiCi and other officers were conducting business within Memphis city limits. The search warrant states that Bartlett Police were told by a confidential informant that Malcolm Shaw was storing large amounts of marijuana at the Standridge address. Bartlett Police according to the warrant wired the informant on March 8,2010 and sent him to buy drugs. The warrant states that the informant purchased 13.3 grams of marijuana and stated that large amounts of marijuana was seen in the house.
On March 9,2010 at 6:09 Judicial Commissioner Rhonda Harris signed a search warrant for Bartlett Police and the raid by SWAT members of Bartlett Police took place in Memphis the following day. The report that Shaw met CiCi which according to witnesses on Standridge at the door with a gun in hand and was killed there is a lie. When I entered the house on Friday March 12,2010 portions of Shaw's brain's was being swept off the floor of Shaw's bedroom and as the pics I have posted here shows Shaw's blood stains also on the bedroom floor. The house was torn apart but no drugs were recovered by the out of bounds cops.
Tennessee law states that the officers of Bartlett only have jurisdiction 1 mile from there incorporated city limits so why were the Bartlett Police conducting an investigation and raid within Memphis city limits?. I spoke with Shelby County Sheriff Mark Luttrell on Friday who states that all the officers involved had special commissions given by his department that allows them to go all over the county, But the Sheriff states that the commissions were meant to used by the officers for crimes that originate in the city of Bartlett.
Attorney Javier Bailey which represents the family has received information from another local attorney whose name will not be revealed at this point that there are affidavits in place for a case that states that certain Bartlett Police are operating in Memphis robbing drug dealers and that many of search warrants that have been used by Bartlett Police have been signed by Rhonda Harris.
So is it possible that CiCi and his gang went to Shaw's home to rob him and steal drugs? Is CiCi able to afford 8 mortgages because he in fact is the drug dealer? It is clear that Bartlett police didn't really do a good job at checking out Shaw or they would have known that he has been living in the family house for several years with no MLGW,and no transportation, Is this the lifestyle of a drug dealer?
Another question that must be raised is how after only one business day with no witnesses from Standridge street interviewed District Attorney Bill Gibbons was able to state that the shooting of Malcolm Shaw was justified?
Later this week I will be meeting with Congressman Steve Cohen taking with me hundreds of letters and signatures requesting that he ask U.S. District Attorney Eric Holder to start a federal investigation into the murder of Malcolm Shaw and into Bartlett Police. CiCi surely you didnt think that just because you closed down your Facebook page that a pic of you couldn't be found did you?
Thad, be for real I know several ppl who have there name on lots of rented property. In fact thats how they make their money? You need to be more specific.
they came to rob him.
Patrick Cici has accumulated quite a bit of real estate wealth, and it could be that much of it was obtained through drug dealings. You really can't put anything past a man who would shoot an unarmed person in the head and then flee the scene.
But the main concern now is that we have local and regional police officers acting like Nazi Storm Troopers fresh out of a World War II Germany history book. This is a dangerous time for minorities in America.
If these atrocities should escalate and continue to be condoned by A.C. Wharton, his boss Larry Godwin, the rogue district attorney Bill Gibbons and his goons, as well as the weak-kneed Memphis City Council and the Bartlett mayor, we could well be headed toward a police state.
All of the warning signs are here, and the parallels with World War II Nazi Germany are frightening.
Good Germans stood by and did nothing as evil men seized more and more power. The tragic result was the systematic extermination of six million Jews and a world war that killed millions of other innocent people.
If we do not learn from history, then we are doomed to repeat it. We must remain vigilant at all times.
Great more of your bullshit conspiracy theories that NEVER come to fruition. People look back through this idiots archives and see how many "anonymous source" reports he has that never have a follow up.
J. Bailey representing the family.
Case closed.
all drug dealers should be robbed. get them any way you can.
good job Bartlett Police.
PAtrick cici is robbing to maintain those mortgages on the properties. His wife has been associated with many non-profit organizations over the last 4 years or so. Cici is the president of the midsouth Tennessee Parkinsons disease association. Is there a possibility that they both are crooks trying to feed those 4 children they created? Sounds like CiCi has acted out the crooked cop role in Brooklyns Finest. Wouldn't the continuous signs of his wife trying to start various businesses to assist her husband with the bills be a sign of them struggling? Patrick and his wife seems to be crooked and broke!
For the comment on the drug dealers why speak on such a thing when this individual (CiCi)has shown to have been involved in drugs himself?
Thad one of these days you are going to run your mouth to much. I am shocked the killers in MPD haven't gotten you yet. If I were you I would keep my pear shaped ass out of Barlett. If I was an under cover officer who sold drugs and robbed drug dealers, I wouldn't stop at putting a hole in your head too. Either you are brave, stupid, or you know this stuff isn't true. Out there at the radio station would be a good place to meet you in the dark.
This family deserves better representation than Javier Bailey.I know for a fact J. Bailey is worthless as a lawyer.
When you were a child, you never wanted to play a game with a cheat, so black people need to quit playing these games with these dirty ass cops. They are not going to play fair. What sense does it make for you, black man, to risk your life on the streets selling drugs, just to have some crooked ass cop repeatedly take your loot? You're getting pimped and ass raped in the worst way. And sooner or later, when that crooked ass cop is through fucking you in your black ass, he's gonna either lock you up or kill you. So the best thing to do, black man, is to stop playing these fucking games with these pigs. Don't sell drugs in the first place. Don't give these devils a reason to come in your home and rob you and kill you. All you're doing, black man, is selling poison to your own people and helping the biggoted white man in the destruction of your own race. I don't condone what these pig ass Bartlett cops did, and my condolences go out to the family, but you, black man, need to quit giving these pigs a reason to kill you. Start building your community and stay on the right side of the law. Black man, don't you know that it was the CIA/FBI/COUNTELPRO who was responsible for introducing drugs in your community in the first place? Do your research. Your enemy is destroying you, black man, and you're helping your enemy succeed. WAKE UP AND RISE UP!
Since the highly unsuccessful Jay Bailey has become involved, it is obvious there is nothing to the accusations you make. He is the Algonquin J. Calhoun of Memphis attorneys. If there was any merit to the case, his legal guidance will f--- it up.
Thad i really feel that this young man was murdered in cold blood.If he was selling drug it was nickle and dime shit. A real drug dealer would have lights and a car. I live a few streets from standrige. My heart goes out to the family. I pray that they get justice. Also the victims right comp. This weekend they were getting people to sign a pettion. I sign it happly. May God have mercy on CC,s soul if he has one.
My goodness Thad. Every time a white man shoots a black man you scream RACE! But when Ed Vidulich was murdered you wanted everyone to wait! cause this poor little balck boy was framed for murdering a white man. If old racist white men wear white hoods, you must wear a black one...
Wouldn't it be something if all of the racist gang banging brothas across this fine land stop killing, robbing, raping, and terrorizing black and white folk?
Things that make me go hmm.
But if the guy who got shot was a drug dealer, isn't the fact that he got shot a good thing?
I heard he shot that stupid fucking nigger right between the fucking eyes. I do wonder what else was going thru his mind besides hollow point bullet! BAM! got dat muthafucka!I hope he got all dat nigger drug and money!
Your keep quoting Javier Bailey and say he is a lawyer. He is a quack. If he is your legal opinion, I feel sorry for you.
Black Lion said...
This family deserves better representation than Javier Bailey.I know for a fact J. Bailey is worthless as a lawyer.
March 22, 2010 8:55 AM
He's a dam nigger aint he? Worthless breed of people!!!
Thad, please list your email so everyone can send a note to congressman cohen
"Wouldn't it be something if all of the racist gang banging brothas across this fine land stop killing, robbing, raping, and terrorizing black and white folk?"
Matthews really does Javvy Bailey a disservice by posting his name. It just results in lots of bad publicity for a boy that has never done one single thing correctly in his life time.
Matthews sure keeps Worthless Willie Herenton's name out of this site. If Memphis wants to draw unto itself more deserved disrespect, then voters just send Willie to Washington. Let him make an ass out of himself and this area on a national basis as he dribbles his horrible use of the English language jabbering with what is either a boxers mouth piece or a broken upper and lower plate as his slow witted mind attempts to make some self serving statement as if he brought a thimble of value to our broken school system and fraud ridden city hall. High taxes, high crime and jailed politicians just doesn't say much for the tenure of No Morals Herenton over three decades of corruption that he pioneered.
March 22 5:02am
I agree. There has always been police involvement with drug dealers. This is old news. We have to wake up and do something serious now.
I want to know what Cohen will do abou this. You got rogue cops killing people for profit, personal gain. No justice, no peace. Thad, how about a sit-in rally in front of Bartlett PD and you set up a booth, live on air, until Bartlett Mayor and Chief of Police give you their version of how they ley their police operate in Memphis?
Let's put it where a Negroid can understand, they have to do the same thing at the zoo for the apes and monkeys. If the Negroid would stop having sex with dead people and watermelons, their health would improve. The Negroid brain is very, very small. It is about 1/4 the size of a Caucasion Brain. The Negroid will fill his small brain with the thoughts and fantasys of having sex with really old or dead people. Negroids are pedophiles and child molesters. 98% of Negroids are legally retarded.
God don't like Negroids! They are the Devils chillren.
It starts at the top, and A.C.WHARTON is the guy at the top.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
He got his dope boys, too.
R.I.P Big Cousin, You Will Always Be Miss. Thanks Thad, All I want is that cici get LIFE in jail. That cracker knew what he was doing. They didn't find nothing in his house, but my cousin is dead. No guns, no drugs or no money. Something need to be done NOW before I leave Michigan.
March 25 1:30 p.m. has returned with his racist Negroid garbage, the product of his demented and diseased mind. He/she had been gone for so long we thought this ugly, isolated white faggot spurned by his own people had already died from the AIDS virus ravaging his frail body.
This peckerwood subhuman is the scum that white people always tried to hide, realizing that he/she is not only a rectal stain on the white race but also a rectal stain on the human race.
As usual, his postings are not related to the topic and they make no sense, typical for a mentally ill person who should have been insitutionalized a long time ago.
This faggot racist freak is still into necrophilia and beastiality, something that he uses every opportunity to practice.
What this faggot's family should do is to give him a Greyhound bus ticket to ride around the country sniffing around bus station rest rooms for his sexual pleasure. His postings for sexual pleasure have become a joke as his AIDS-ravaged mind continues to deteriorate.
But he sits at home, sad, lonely, discouraged with the only thing left in his miserable life being his Negroid postings. He is subhuman, and he is dangerous. When he finally succumbs to the STD's ravaging his body, the world will be better off.
As evidenced by the March 25 10:55 a.m. peckerwood posting, we again observe one of the main weapons in the white racist's arsenal: distorting reality.
Can you believe that this lowlife peckerwood would attack Willie Herenton for lack of grammatical and speaking skills when, in reality, Dr. Herenton speaks with the eloquence of Martin Luther King Jr.?
It is just more racial hatred that black people have to endure, and it appears there is no end to it as long as the KKK mentality lingers in this country.
The lowlife white racist will continue to spread his lies and distort reality.
The Negroid writer is indeed a pathetic creature. When he describes the so-called Negroid, he is really describing himself: a brain 1/4 the size of a human brain. Only an obscene, insane white outcast would continue to publicize his own sexual fantasies with watermelons, dead people, and with animals. This man is a disgrace to the human race and would be better off physically dead, because he is already spiritually, mentally, socially,sexually, and psychologically dead. May he rest in peace.
B.T. what part of Michigan? For the guy who say us african americans are 98% retarded, could that possibly be from your ancestors raping our women with their gene poole. It amazes me how you can say such when just as many of your race is uneducated. George Bush for one and he was your guys life saver and his actions became you guys downfall. Please remember that we are no longer the minority. You guys are no longer the majority. Peace should always be in this equation.
The poster who uses the term "Negroid" is a monster and should be monitored carefully. This man is a sexual deviant and is capable of anything abnormal. He is insane.
Something need to be done NOW before I leave Michigan.
March 25, 2010 5:15 PM
Brang yo big azz down hera and CiCi will pop a cap up off in yo azz too!
Now isn't someone going to compliment the officer on the perfect head shot? Right between the eyes! They said that ol boy flopped like a fish for 20 minutes. Way to go Officer CiCi!! You is the man! Rumor has it Officer CiCi has a high body count! taking them niggers out and taking they money! Dam that can be a white boy Rap song!! Naw I would be lowering myself to a nigger!
More of Thad/Javier crap...
Let me guess, the deceased was holding a prayer meeting in the house when the big bad popo burst through the door with grenades, rocket launchers, and a tank.
When he refused to put his bible down, the popo called in an airstrike. And the only thing that survived the airstrike was a bag of potato chips that ole Bailey found at the scene.
And since the DA's office, TBI, Bartlett PD, and Memphis PD all cleared Cici of the shooting, you expect the DOJ to come in and prove something to the contrary.
Why don't you get ole Bailey boy to convene a Grand Jury in Arkansas? Oh that's right, that was shut down as well.
Man, talk about strike outs Thad..
I think you are 0-200 now aren't you?
1:30 p.m. March 25 is a psycho like Jeffrey Dahmer and must be identified before he cracks up completely and hurts somebody. Meanwhile, anyone who knows this sociopath should keep their kids and their pets away from him. He is a basket sexual deviant case and he should be arrested.
Another motive of the entrepreneurial Bartlett cops' arrest missions into Memphis could be to seize houses & other property $$ if drugs were found. If a bad cop uses the bounty from arresting or robbing drug dealers to buy the auctioned property, the cost of the auctioned house would be zero dollars out of pocket. A perfect plan to accumulate real estate with no cash outlay. Rent the property and refinance it later to get more cash out of the property.
For more steady regular cash flow, robbing drug dealers is the way to go. A drug can be robbed numerous times as opposed to the bounty received in a one time drug bust seizure.
Praise the lord for cops like him who put their lifes on the line daily. they know that if they do the right thing and kill a drug dealer in self defense they will get crap from people like yall. every day this man sacrafices for his country and state. shame on yall who call this man a crook.
1:30 p.m. March 25 is a psycho like Jeffrey Dahmer and must be identified before he cracks up completely and hurts somebody. Meanwhile, anyone who knows this sociopath should keep their kids and their pets away from him. He is a basket sexual deviant case and he should be arrested.
March 27, 2010 6:06 AM
The male human dung that wrote this is the sexual predator and faggot! He used the screen name Cock Cajun Commando for a long time and ranted and raved about how much he liked black penis from very young black chillren. He needs to be identified and put in jail. I do know he is white... and I have a friend that is sexually pleasing his future ex-wife. This is one sick sum bitch! He writes stupid shit then he post stuff againest it! Sumbody need to pop a cap up off in his ass!
Justice for the black man!
Thad, the initial report was probably the news assuming what happen. I can guarantee you that the officer did not give his official statement until hours after the incident. So the intial report is meaningless, because the only report that matters is what the officer involved perceived.
He is a basket sexual deviant case and he should be arrested.
March 27, 2010 6:06 AM
This here sound like that Commando dude that had the frail white wife that ran away with a negro man and gots pregnant. Caucajun Commando that be it. I met him downtown at the Jay Wags and out at Lakeside when he was getting treatment for his anger management and his coming out the closet. Real strange dude... alway be talking about some Negroid shit!
Another thing about the racist faggot freak who likes to describe African Americans as "Negroids" is that not only is he a mental basket case, he is also not very bright.
He recently posted two more pieces of ridiculous racist garbage at 11:08 a.m. and at 3:03 p.m. Perhaps he believes that with his lies he can outwit mental health professionals who had him pegged from the start.
But it does not take a mental health professional to realize that anytime any individual starts constantly repeating the same stale lies and babbling about necrophilia, beastiality, canniballism and other extreme forms of sexual perversions, that person is a menace to society and is not playing with a full deck.
This homosexual has a twisted, diseased mind that has always produced the Ted Bundys and the Jeffrey Dahmers of the world. Normal people just don't constantly talk about necrophilia. beastiality, and other extreme forms of sexual perversions that are never a part of the normal sexual experience.
This racist faggot freak is the kind of dirty old white man that operates around bus station rest rooms looking for peckerwood tricks in a toilet stall. He is despicable and disgusting, and that is why his family has abandoned him. He fools nobody with his latest dual postings.
Apparently this white homosexual pervert has come to the end of his rope and needs treatment for his severe psychosis, but how much can anybody do for a faggot/ sexual predator dying from AIDS? He continues to crack up as he ponders his ultimate fate, but at least this will be a fitting end to a worthless life.
March 30, 2010 4:25 AM
Seek help man! If that dude or dudette can get under your skin and make you write this kind of stuff? It's you that needs attention and help. This dude or dudette "OWNS" you. Let him / her have your wife man... she ain't worth it.
7:50 a.m. is again the Negroid writer, and nobody needs any advice from him. But let this sociopath play his little games as his psychotic world closes in around him.
We do not believe that this homosexual racist freak is aware of how serious and dangerous his mental illness is. Here is a psycho who lives in an imaginary world with dreams of sex with dead people, animals, and inanimate objects.
Please note that this freak relates sex with dead people to almost every topic he posts. He has exposed himself as a necrophiliac, an extreme sexual deviant whose twisted mind is tearing his shrunken brain apart.
All of his psychotic postings have been copied and forwarded to law enforcement agencies and mental health agencies. If this stupid bastard finally cracks up completely, he can be identified and dealt with accordingly.
The Negroid writer is really like a rat that has been cornered. But his psychotic postings have revealed that he is a danger to himself and to the community, especially to the white community which had best give this bastard a wide berth.
And notice that this freak always says that he "owns" anybody who responds to his postings of sexual perversions. He does not own anyone, not even himself, as his diseased mind took flight a long time ago. He needs to be picked up and placed in a rubber room at the nearest insane asylum.
March 31, 2010 11:19 AM
Thad?? WTF is this poster talking about? Is he from one of those para militia white christian groups that wants to kill cops? He thinks anyone that post a "get help dude" is againest him. He probably thinks Sarah Palin is "Heaven Sent". One "SICK MF" !!!
Later Dude! you keep it real!
March 31, 2010 11:19 AM
Why do this man think the whole world be againest him? Is he "Hutaree?
If that crazy Jeffrey Dahmer Negroid peckerwood brings his stupid ass into the black community, we will do the white community a favor and beat the living shit out of him. He is nothing but a dead man walking anyway. He should have been cremated and flushed down the toilet a long time ago.
The insane Negroid writer becomes sexually aroused at the very thought of sex with dead people, animals dead or alive, and sex with inanimate objects like watermelons. He is pitiful and a vivid reminder to the world that whites are not superior to anybody.
I know someone who lives in memphis that had two bartlett cops show up with a search warrant signed by harris, and they took money and electronics. This happened several months ago. He never heard anything from them again. The warrant was total BS. They are definitely robbing folks.
Investment properties....wow, that was tough. It took me 2 seconds to figure that out.
Thad is running to Cohen for help. What is he going to do? Get his mommy and army of cats to go after BPD. I would put my money on crazy Ophelia over the virgin gay dude.
Whatever happened to that illiterate Javier Bailey's $250,000,000.00 law suit? Was it thrown out of court along with Javier Bailey? Is this another in a long series of unfinished stories by Thaddeus Matthews?
Hundreds of black on black crime every year that is not considered a killing. Could it be that there is racism on the part of the black community in that the white person is a killer if a black person takes a bullet even if he/she is pointing a gun at the white person?
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