Former world kick boxing champ Anthony "Amp" Elmore is ready to reenter the ring and take on another former boxer. Elmore says that Willie Herenton during his tenure as mayor of Memphis turned his back on Blacks.
A recent disparity report that was issued by the City of Memphis states that Black contractors only received .36% under the former first Black elected mayor of the majority Black city.
Elmore who is Steve Cohen supporter says that he is ready to tell all Blacks of the 9th Congressional District that Herenton unfit to be a congressman and that the former mayor has no real feelings for Blacks and that the bid for congress is just another move that proves that Willie Herenton suffers from a mental disorder.
The former kickboxing champ has created a website http://www.cohensupporters.com/ that shows just how he feels. Elmore will be my guest at 3pm this afternoon on 'The Thaddeus Matthews Show" on AM 1180 WPLX
Please don't humiliate yourself any further by having another outage.
So now your anti-Willie again.
Sounds like 06 all over again.
You remind me of a teeter totter on the scholl ground. up down, up down, up down.
You just can't seem to find any morality can you ?
Anthony "Amp" Elmore will be no real factor in the 9th Congressional District race between Willie Herenton and Steve Cohen.
Right now the only individual defeating Willie Herenton is Willie Herenton himself. His decision to pull out of a debate with Cohen because of Norm Brewer and Otis Sanford has made him appear cowardly and ridiculous.
What Elmore should do is to start giving his customers some decent carpets instead of saddling them with the cheap merchandise he has been peddling. He is a prime example of why blacks just refuse to do business with black businessmen.
If Cohen wins as expected, Elmore will have had nothing to do with the victory. Herenton's blunders and his inability to fire up his old political base, as well as Cohen's excellent record, will prove the former mayor's undoing.
So Amp Elmore can just take one of his lousy carpets and stuff it where the sun does not shine.
If Willie Herenton as mayor did not do business with Anthony Amp Elmore, he should be congratulated. Ask any of Elmore's former customers and they will tell you that Elmore's cheap ass carpets and lousy installation had to be replaced after only a year. Can you just imagine the thousands of dollars wasted for replacement of Elmore's carpets had they been installed at City Hall? Please!
"The aggragate total of Black people doing business in City of Memphis under Dr. Herenton did not total a full percentage point. A Blackman had a better chance under E.H. Crump than Willie Herenton."
Now that's messed up!
If an honest, reliably operated black-owned business can deliver quality goods and services at competitive prices, they should have the same shot at a contract as anyone else. But nobody of any color who has higher prices and less quality or a poor track record should get a job or have a special advantage just BECAUSE of their color. That isn't fair to the public, which is made up of ALL colors.
An important reason for not allowing Willie to represent the ninth congressional district is that racism is something we already have too much of.
Willie Herenton has given only one reason for wanting your vote. His reason is that he is black, that the black people of Memphis need representation. Willie has never represented the black people.
Go to the link in the message from Matthews and learn the truth.
Amp's website is good but he might want to get someone to clean up the misspellings and bad grammar in it.
Thanks Amp for exposing Herenton for what he is. He is a selfish person that has nothing for his race.
Anthony Amp Elmore can complain about being rejected by Mayor Willie Herenton all he wants to, but the truth is he killed his own business with cheap carpets and shabby installation.
Even before a year after installation, Elmore's carpets were coming up off the floor and had more ripples than whipped cream. And when you would call him and complain, he would tell you that it was normal for any carpet to have this kind of problem.
The padding for his carpets was thinner than a razor blade. And his installers would install the carpet backwards and out of line.
So Elmore cannot really blame Herenton for not gaining a contract with the city. His lousy reputation had already preceded him.
Elmore is a lie. He cannot validate his statistics regarding Herenton. Steve Cohen gave him a watermelon for being ignorant.
Everyone know that white are upset with herenton because he did give a great percentage of contract to minority business.
Elmore you were dumb in school, that's why you learn to kick box, you were not good at anything else.
Please do Memphis a favor and shut up. You make Cohen look stupid and I will definitely vote for Herenton . You are a moron
I went to your sight and discovered that you are a bitter narcissistic individual who thinks he is entitled. You suffer from grandiose and you should really seek professional help.
Your website is a self promotion of yourself, not Cohen. The thought of you acquiring any type of power is frightening, therefore I have no choice but to support Herenton. Please get some help
It's amazing that you will not provide a link for the full disparity report. We both know that it will show that you are a liar.
It is 7.36 not .36. Please stop lying. Why don't you tell everyone that you also have sex with Cohen African Style. I'm going to tell your wife
Looks as if Representative Cohen has arranged for an ad either here or on the only blue station in these parts. Seems as if Willie is out to prove only that the racist vote is there for him without his having to out one dime for an ad, nor a dime for a hot dog, nor a dime for a tee shirt.
Okay voters here is your chance to vote again for Willie Herenton for nothing. The next to nothings hot dogs, tee shirts and ads are gone.
I take it that you and WW dont hsve lunch any more. Well I known yall dont have lunch any more.
"Amp's website is good but he might want to get someone to clean up the misspellings and bad grammar in it."
That's hilarious considering the site you're reading.
Obama, like his supporters spent all of it's money on Saturday night, unemployment funds enough to keep people from sacking groceries, an extra check fot social security, etc., now no money for an emergency, like the oil spill.
Stupid democrats looking for something for free. You have been used by Obama, just as you wer locally by Willey, but then Willie gave you nothing. Stupid is as stupid does.
I would like to see Dr. Herenton attack Cohen on the gay marriage issue.............Cohen believes in homosexuality and do not believe in Jesus.........I don't see how any Christian can support him.
the disparity report that elmore refers to does exist and i have read it which is the only reason Elmore was on my show. Their were Black media persons who refused to print or discuss the report because Herenton is Black.
I am not owned or controlled by either Herenton or Cohen so I reported the report because it is news and should be discussed.
The report states and provides graphs and info showing that Black contractors received less than 1% of business from the city between 2003-05. I think that the former Black mayor who wants Blacks to vote for him based on race and a unannounced platform should explain why he did not give Blacks work
Thad, I rarely agree with what you have to say, but I respect your passion for radio. With that said, and I’m not saying this as a joke or to bust you out, but I get the feeling that you let your passion and desire to comeback cloud your judgment. This really would have been a nice interview to listen to. Unfortunately, I couldn’t hear a thing. The static completely drowned-out what was being said. As I’m sure you are aware, you recently got a write-up in the CA recently announcing your comeback. It would be unfortunate if people tune in to listen and end up dismissing the station because of such poor sound quality – never to tune in again. First impressions are hard to overcome. I firmly believe it would have been in your best interest to wait until all technical and sound issues were resolved and at their peak. Then you would have a quality product to present to the public, rather than something that was hastily put together. Hope it all works out.
Anonymous said...
I would like to see Dr. Herenton attack Cohen on the gay marriage issue.............Cohen believes in homosexuality and do not believe in Jesus.........I don't see how any Christian can support him.
June 3, 2010 4:47 AM
Like single father, sexual harasser Willie Wilbert Herenton has any authority or holiness to talk about any type marriage: straight or gay!
4:47 AM, you are funny! Thanks for the laugh.
Stupid democrats looking for something for free. You have been used by Obama, just as you wer locally by Willey, but then Willie gave you nothing. Stupid is as stupid does.
June 2, 2010 7:50 PM
Yep, they are keeping it real it though! They love Obama (the Kenya-Indonesian Muslim), the bisexual man (stuck his half-black/half-white dick deep in white man Larry Sinclair's ass) in the backseat of a limo.
Everyone know that white are upset with herenton because he did give a great percentage of contract to minority business.
Elmore you were dumb in school, that's why you learn to kick box, you were not good at anything else.
Everyone knows that whites don't need a mother fucking thing from this old, potato-head, failed boxer, racist named Willie Herenton! So come again with your nonsense.
And you may want to pull out of your comfort zone from deep within Herenton's ass to let some air and reality hit. Do you really think Willie is going to come back to South Memphis and share his ill-gotten, gubbermint (wanna be three) pensions with your dumb ass?! You are his black sheep....baaaa baaa baaaa baaa. Follow me...
You big dummy!
How many nickels did the Jew throw to you boy? How much does it take to turn on someone you have claimed was your friend?
Anthony Amp Elmore is a crook who has swindled his customers out of thousands of dollars. Anybody who would do business with this kickboxing clown is a fool. And he found out that Willie Herenton is not a fool!
Since you reported that blacks recieve .36% of the contracts and not 7.36, it makes me aware that you cannot read a comprehensible statistical report with accuracy. I have read the report and I am certified statistically. The report shows that minority participation did increase during Herenton's administration, however it also shows how racist Memphis Businesses are in trying to deny minorities the right to participate. Please get a professional statistician to help you dissect the data. You are not qualified to understand random sampling.
It is about time someone expose this long head croo.k! People need to know that Willie Herenton ain't shit and don't give a damn about black people.
You can't have everything, can you, Thaddeus?
Is this so, Thaddeus?
"The report states and provides graphs and info showing that Black contractors received less than 1% of business from the city between 2003-05."
What were the requirements for becoming a crony of Willie Herenton?
There were people like French and a court house full of the brothers along with flat tire fixers, etc. that did all right. What's the bitch, did the brothers over bid and then there were those who had some super salaries even though they really screwed up city hall?
Racist Matthews blurted:
"I think that the former Black mayor who wants Blacks to vote for him based on race and a unannounced platform should explain why he did not give Blacks work"
June 3, 2010 4:56 AM
It's really a bunch of crap to think that if you are of a certain color and you vote color then you are entitled to something.
If Thad Matthews, the local imbecile, voted for a candidate would you want that candidate to allow Thaddeus Matthews a job in communications that might negatively affect those who pay taxes, something Matthews, other than sales taxes, does not pay?
Look at the mess he has made in opening a radio station on the cuff, bail bond ads, horrible grammar, static and perversion. Some of us are just not qualified, so let them sack groceries or become a repo man. Or at least have a job as a repo man if you can't pay for a wrecker.
Thaddeus, it's nice to hear you playing beautiful gospel music. But then of course you go right back to your filthy cussing and talking about masturbation and such. It's gonna be really hot where you end up, you blasphemus sinner and mocker of God! Shame on you and your evil sinful ways.
First of all the requirement/law is to hire minority's. However they ignore the law and hire white contractors cuz they have the under the table MONEY TO BUY CONTRACTS and these crooked mayors take the money...
The man that gave John Ford the $50,000 rolex also gave Herenton $250,000 plush bank acct...he do most of the contracting jobs because he got money to pay MHerenton for contracts.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I would like to see Dr. Herenton attack Cohen on the gay marriage issue.............Cohen believes in homosexuality and do not believe in Jesus.........I don't see how any Christian can support him.
June 3, 2010 4:47 AM
Thats a damn lie.Steve Cohen is a christian and a politican. MayorH is a whore and believe in cheating and buys pussy...MayorH don't believe in the santity of marriage.
"I think that the former Black mayor who wants Blacks to vote for him based on race and a unannounced platform should explain why he did not give Blacks work"
June 3, 2010 4:56 AM
Herenton created many unneeded positions for his black cronies at high salaries. Whether they worked or not is a target for conjecture.
As for contracts we have another matter when it comes to those contracts subject to bidding. What are the numbers there? As for no bid work, did those of color offer enough of an incentive to Willia?
I do find it amazing that the black community is just now realizing that they can get more freebies from a spineless, white politician (Cohen), who feels guilty about the fact that he's white, than they can out of one of their own (Herenton) who is just out for his own selfish interests.
Yet, the black community continues to vote strictly based on race, and it gets them absolutely nowhere. But, of course, this is the same community that thinks that it is somehow up to politicians to improve their quality of life, rather than taking personal responsibility and improving their lives on their own.
Personally, I hope you people elect Herenton.
You deserve it......
"who feels guilty about the fact that he's white,"
Seems that the politicians have dumped fickle-farting Matthews insofar as political ads. Little wonder since it appears that the on again/off again support of Matthews has resulted in just one political ad, that of of the out of law enforcement for eight years, Randy something, the Memphis midget.
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