The past month has been very busy for me getting WPLX on air and still having to deal with some technical problems that should all be resolved, within a couple of weeks. I spend about 14-15 hours a day at the station so my time for this site has been limited. But now that much of the work at the station is coming together I will be getting back to the site starting tonight dealing with how A.c. Wharton has again allowed John Elkington to dupe the City of Memphis. By the way the agreement has not been signed and Elkington signed two contracts giving businesses on Beale Street no rent for 3 years.
I will also begin my political observations such as the rumor that a certain democrat running for office has cancer so why is she running? And why did candidates for the may4,2010 election pay disbarred attorney Bret Thompson thousands of dollars to work in their campaigns. Yes I'm back and it's on.
Yea Yea Yea Whatever,Same old shit different day.
May the Lord help this city. Someone running for office without a first name. Could it really be Javier Bailey? This dudes WWW site shows Javier Bailey as his/her campaign manager. If this hip hopper running for judge is not Javier Bailey, then this would suggest Javier has found a way to win his first case, put a kin folk behind the bench. This "Who Is It Bailey" must be a damn fool to have that loathsome Javier Bailey the who is really from the bottom of the barrel.
Bailey, as in Javier Bailey. What gives? No first name, can this be one of those phony pictures doctored so as not to reveal this candidate is really Javier Bailey?
You have issues with a disbarred attorney??? Heck, you are budddy-buddy with Javier Bailey. He's about as much of a disgrace of an attorney as a person can get.
By the way...love the commercial-free format. You really had me choked-up the other day when you were whining about people not wanting to buy advertising from you. I had to break my crying towel out when I heard that! If only you could do something about the sound. Also, I see UStream actually shows the number of listeners you have online. It seems to run between 20-40 at any given time. That's about right - a far, FAR cry from those inflated numbers you gave when you proclaimed yourself #1 at KWAM. Hard to dispute the facts, Thud. You're just a chump. This is a man's world...you are just a squirrel trying to get a nut! Ben Rules!!!
What they are saying about Taurus Bailey:
"Taurus Bailey is still green as grass when it comes to being a lawyer. He's only running on his name, and that should definitely NOT get him elected."
This buddy of Tim Willis, the guy that helped jail John Ford is on the outs with Taurus Bailey because Tim, his fraternity brother and former close friend worked with the FBI in an attempt to clean up city hall. Memphis does not need a green behind the ears judge who doesn't know the law well enough to afford decent housing. Thaddeus, what are you and Taurus hiding, you don't even have his first name in this blog ad that is your first new ad in weeks?
Javier Bailey as the campaign manager for Taurus doesn't speak well for Taurus, but then what qualifies Taurus to be a judge?
WELCOME BACK THAD!!!!!!! I have been missing your commentary.
You spend 14-15 hours a day at that so-called "station?" More like 24 hours (since you probably sleep on a mattress in a closet there)!
You sure are playing a LOT of worn out music during your so-called "show." Don't have anything talk about? Running out of steam? Yes, you are. Boring, boring, boring.
Funny hearing you talk about how parents are letting their kids get out of control and becoming "heathens." Even funnier that you have a criminal record, didn't pay your child support, have no morals, and are a con man yourself. You a role model? Are you kidding? What makes you even remotely qualified to talk about decency?
What normal, honest person wants to listen to a fool like you? You are just mentally unhealthy for people to listen to.
You're going to go broke soon, Thaddeus. You have no advertisers, and no business person with any sense is going to throw their hard earned money in the trash by wasting it on your "station" and a small number of messed up listeners who have no money to spend.
You'll be off the air before long, just come back to this comment in a few months and you'll see that it has come true. You have only yourself and your dishonesty and bad morals to blame.
This young fellow Taurus Bailey is hoping the name Bailey will be meaningful to those who vote by first, color then name recognition.
Maybe it is just Matthews who removed his first name in order for Taurus to ride on the name Bailey as this Taurus boy tries to portray voters as idiots when he is no more than a clone of Javier Bailey.
Problem is another failure on the part of Tricky Thad, the campaign manager for this green attorney is Javier Bailey, the most worthless now and then attorney, "now" being when he is not under expulsion by the TN bar association, that ever hit the streets of Memphis.
Thad should have convinced Joke Ford to run for congress without using his first name. The voters might have thought he was Henry Ford of Detroit fame.
Really, these self serving politicians try to treat voters in Memphis as if they were idiots. Of course, this might be true.
Javier and Taurus both work for their pop's law firm. Walter Bailey allowed Javier to shit on his cleints over the years and did nothing to stop him.
News Channel 3 is getting ready to hang Javier.
I wonder if Taurus is going to fill us all in on the incident at the Rebel Motel involving "Gay Jay?"
That young boy he got caught with and beat is still close enough to Memphis to tell the tale if provoked enough. (It caused his old pappy to step down off the bench didn't it?)
By the way Thaddeus, keep looking after your health or you will look like that idiot Al Roker.
Fat negro who had the white man's operation and looks like hell now.
dude is lying about his numbers . he said hundreds had already tuned in on the internet when it clearly stated 115. what a joke and with no link up to the radio station and noone can hear it in the city noone is listening and hence no ad money and hence bye bye thad in a couple of months and yeh it will be the conspiracy of the white man fault. ahhahhahahhahahah
734 you are viewing from the you stream site and not from this site. there are to separate set of numbers one for that site and one from this one, which you dont see asshole you spend so much time trying to hate until you dont realize I got your ass coming here as often
734 you are viewing from the you stream site and not from this site. there are to separate set of numbers one for that site and one from this one, which you dont see asshole you spend so much time trying to hate until you dont realize I got your ass coming here as often
734 you are viewing from the you stream site and not from this site. there are to separate set of numbers one for that site and one from this one, which you dont see asshole you spend so much time trying to hate until you dont realize I got your ass coming here as often
Who in their RIGHT MIND would EVER want that Javier Bailey to be a JUDGE in this city? That's crazy.
He doesn't even have a CLEAN DISCIPLINE RECORD as a lawyer!
If he can't stay out of trouble himself, there is no way in HELL that he should ever be elected a JUDGE. That's a position of responsibility, and a person needs to prove they have some first. He pretty much blew it right there.
Would anyone want such a person as him judging THEM? I didn't think so!
That man needs to get his OWN house in order before he starts messing with other people's houses.
I'd vote for a barnyard dog before I ever voted for that man!
Here we go again, same old BS from Matthews. Sort of like his repeated line, "The check is in the mail". Little wonder that Matthews is such a loser.
"I will be getting back to the site starting tonight dealing with how A.c. Wharton has again allowed John Elkington to dupe the City of Memphis."
Thad you have at this point only three posts that don't condemn you for what you are. Those three identical making up an excuse posts are by you.
Little wonder about your not havinmg about your not having advertisers. No one can understand what you are saying when you do open your mouth even with that "baby" "baby moan". Looking at you certainly leaves an awful impression of any "baby" that would get close to you beyond a telephone.
"I will also begin my political observations such as the rumor that a certain democrat running for office has cancer so why is she running?"
You have no problem with Janis or Ophelia holding office with all of their medical issues (their addictions to alcohol and drugs) yet you are going to pick on someone with cancer who wants to serve?
That is cold.....
Javier Bailey as the campaign manager for Taurus doesn't speak well for Taurus, but then what qualifies Taurus to be a judge?
June 24, 2010 11:15 AM
Taurus hasn't even been an attorney for 10 years and now wants to be a criminal court judge? Say what?
My source in Nashville told me Taurus failed the bar exam at least once before getting his license a year or two or three after graduating from law school. Maybe in Memphis that qualifies him to be a judge?
Or is it because his uncle D'Army is a judge and that makes him qualified?
Or is it because he has the last name of Bailey and that makes him qualified?
Or is it because Taurus married a white woman that makes him qualified?
Or is it because his gay brother, Bryant, has been a career court clerk in Judge Stotts courtroom that makes him qualified?
Matthews ranted three times:
. . . . which you dont see asshole you spend so much time trying to hate until you dont realize I got your ass coming here as often . . . "
Can you figure out what Mr. Articulate is trying to say?
People you call asshole, and there are many of them, don't buy junk that you advertise. So, Mr. Controversial, you are between a rock and a hard place with your sparse advertising on this blog and on that foreign language radio program of the forties.
Advertisers don't want to be associated with perverted media topics, grunts and groans and the trash you project. Maybe you should just get a can of paint and write nasties on the sides of buildings in the areas where you hang out.
M B Edwards didn't last too long as an advertiser, did they? Must have caught you in the embalming room taking pictures ala Dr. Laura.
Never could figure why they allowed you the first mention.
Why does Michael Gray always appear to be "on the bone" when he is around Herenton?
Is he queer or what? I had to do some research on him, but it seems he can't take care of a woman and has always hung out with animals or men. What gives?
He and Reginald French can always be seen in TV news footage winking and smiling at each other. Check it out at the Library, you'll see.
Matthews, tame down your ego, clean up your act, rid yourself of racism and soften your language all while not shooting from the hip and dumping on folks then you might have a little support. Miracles don't happen so you will continue to be a punching bag as you grovel for the golden ring that apparently will always be out of your reach.
- Licensed to practice in Tennessee and the Federal Courts of the 6th Circuit
- Bilingual in Spanish
- Appointee – Shelby County Primary Board 2009
- United States Judo Federation – national competitor (6 state gold medals)
- International Traditional Karate Federation – Certified Instructor & General Counsel
- Vice Chairman, Board of Directors – Project Motion Modern Dance Company – 2006 - 2007 NIGGA PLEASE IF HE DID ALL THIS WHY DID HE GETT HIS ASS KICKED AT THE MARTINI ROOM BACK IN 04?
" . . . But now that much of the work at the station is coming together I will be getting back to the site starting tonight dealing with how A.c. Wharton has again allowed John Elkington to . . ."
It's been two nights since "starting tonight". Stupid posting by people who have no inkling of their next move is an apt trait of now and then Blogger Matthews. The
sad as the blues radio station is a prime example of starting a business with nothing more than a hope and a hand out.
June 25, 2010 6:53 PM
Javier's little brother Javier, [a real creep], Taurus is not a bull nor a Roman as the name implies. Further, he evidently is not much of a lawyer excepting insofar as anyone knows, he does not have the lousy record which hangs big around his sibling and campaign manager, Javier Bailey. Another creep looking to tailgate on a name that is mired with scandal, but known to the voters of Memphis in and around the hood.
Can't someone run for a judgeship that has something beyond just a license to practice law, that at least has had a successful legal career and something better than the joke of an attorney going by the name Javier Bailey?
"Taurus Bailey has been licensed to practice law in TN since 2006."
And he thinks he has enough experience to be judge! Lord, please
spare this city of inept officials by allowing the voters to give this street boy a bye.
We surely don't want someone to run the sheriff's office that was a product of the pre Luttrell days of a scandal ridden department that really hit bottom at the time the then sheriff ended his own life.
Speaking of Bret Thompson, He is in support of Republican Jimmy Moore in the upcoming election. Supposedly, Mr. Moore is paying Bret to draw African American voters. This is a shame.
So says Matthews, so why doesn't he get off his ass and do what he says he's gonna do and does it when he says he will do it.
It amazes me how all you white folk that so called hate Thad make a point to visit his site and comment. If you don't like him get the phuck away from here?! Can you do that white folk?! You can't rule and control every damn thing! Okay? You strong armed this land from the Native Americans! Gave them smallpox blankets to seal the deal! Now that's enough ... lol! Take your pink asses on! Self righteous bigots!
Oh by the way, I enjoy your show Brother Thaddeus. You're coming through loud and clear in Cordova! Keep exposing these crooks!
You wrong dawg. Let the man with cancer live his days out as he wish. If he run and we vote for him thats part of his life. Don't step in and try to steal his life- let him live his life to the fullest. Let him live his best life, Thad..
"Okay? You strong armed this land from the Native Americans! Gave them smallpox blankets to seal the deal! Now that's enough ... lol! Take your pink asses on! Self righteous bigots!"
If you think your people coming after the Indians and the white folks did this country a favor, then please tell me what it is?
Why can't you just cool it and live with yourself.
"Or is it because . . . . ."
Man O' Man, there sure is a lot of bad DNA in that Bailey family. The song should go, "Why don't you go home, Bill "Taurus" Bailey"?
There is nothing, absolutely nothing, on the internet that qualifies this four years with a license and nothing to show for it that would qualify him to sit on a judge's bench. African Americans in Memphis will always have a hard time unless they make it feasible for decent African Americans to run for office. You vote crooks like most of the Ford Brothers into office because they are black and you recognize the name.
Anonymous said..."It amazes me how all you white folk that so called hate Thad make a point to visit his site and comment. If you don't like him get the phuck away from here?! Can you do that white folk?! You can't rule and control every damn thing! Okay? ...."Take your pink asses on!"
Hahaha, too funny. But guess what? WE (all races) don't have to stand at the bus stop wanting a ride nor do we have to ride at the back of the bus and remain silent just because you demand.
It's all FREE and EQUAL now.
You don't like it? Tough shit, racist piglet! Oink, oink!
Now piss off.....................
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"You wrong dawg. Let the man with cancer live his days out as he wish. If he run and we vote for him thats part of his life. Don't step in and try to steal his life- let him live his life to the fullest. Let him live his best life, Thad.."
June 26, 2010 11:08 PM
Let's also let John Ford out of jail and put him back in the Senate. Hell, he deserves to live out his life stealing medicade funds that were allocated to young kids who have plenty of years left to cure themselves so we can put unqualified people into office and allocate monies earned by hard workers to those to lazy to educate and earn for yourself. Yes, we would like to be our brother's keepers excepting we have the problem of democrats having created too many lazy brothers who think money, the money of others, belongs to them.
This Taurus seems to be nothing more than one who hangs out in bars. Has he been involved in any of the gang fights we are now having on Beale Street, or since Elkington bowed out.
Speaking of gangs, is Taurus a member?
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