It seems now that the Memphis radio station that was built off the listener ship of Blacks now no longer wants Blacks to listen and and it's owners may just be racist who on
FaceBook poked fun at that audience. That page also shows that Legacy Media owner
Michael Easterly as early as march was conspiring to breach my contract with
KWAM radio. But I will get to that in a moment.
Multimillionaire Michael Easterly has never in the three years that I was a part of KWAM put any real money into the station that he purchased in 2007 for $1.26 million. In fact the station was having a hard time staying on air because Easterly would not put money in place to keep the transmitter operating. On several occasions after a hard rain in 2008 I had to get a friends motor boat to get to the transmitter site because the transmitter is located in West Memphis in a area that floods when it rains. Easterly I was told by former management wanted the station to take care of itself. But that was hard when the only real paying customer they had was me.
Until this year when the station raised my rates to $3000 a week employees of KWAM complained about the fact that their pay checks were often 2-3 weeks late. When they raised my rates in February the station went out and wrapped a old van. Not once has this station spent a dime on promoting the station whose audience was built by me. Unless you take into measure the advertisement they ran in the Memphis Daily News immediately after raising my rates to $200 per hour offering talk shows for $150 per hour.
The audience that has made KWAM even a blimmer on the radar is the Black audience that was brought there by "The Thaddeus Matthews Show". The only time the call letters got mentioned on the news was in connection with me and the show. It strught me strange on Monday when county commission candidate Freddie Thompson who was to appear on my show was told by KWAM's GM George Bryant that I was no longer there and that the station hopes that my audience will follow me wherever I go.
Did Bryant the former owner of a failing advertising agency mean that KWAM no longer needed the Black audience. Or was he saying "Thank you niggers for making us what we are but we no longer need you". At first I thought that maybe Bryant was only finally allowing his true color to show, But the more I thought about it I realized that even though he was the messenger the message had to come from Easterly and the decision to breach my contract had to also be a decision that was made by Easterly.
Bryant was always speaking of how Easterly was on his ass to bring more money into the station. And in my conversations with Easterly when I would have to tell him he needed to rein Bryant in in his approach of dealing and speaking to me Easterly would always make of point of telling me how he was on Bryant to bring more money in. It was a known fact that my show sold more advertising in a week with only 15 hours then they could sell with 24/7.
So I was surprised to hear Ben Ferguson state on air that he was getting paid by KWAM. What sense does it make to pay Ferguson when you're receiving $12,000 a month without having to pay anything out to get it? And if Ferguson was all that great why wasn't WREC trying to hold on to him? Is the reason that Easterly and Bryant went after Ferguson a matter of pure racism where they really just wanted a White base audience all the time? And why instead of just canning my show in January when my contract was over did they come to me with a new contract with the new increase? Did they need my money to make Ferguson an offer? and when did the conspiracy start?
I believe it started in March, Easterly did something that I had never seen him do in my three years at the station and that was to come in town and stay for several days. Normally Easterly would only be at the station a couple of days and the former Memphian would be gone. It is doing this time that I think that Easterly went after Ferguson thinking that I would just walk away silently.
On his FaceBook page dated March4th Easterly writes "NOW WORKING IN MEMPHIS AT KWAM990.GREAT LOCAL SHOW UNDERWAY" What great local show was he in reference to? surely this busy businessman with all his holdings was not concerned about little one hour $150 shows was he? Or was Easterly who made it his business to avoid me at the station plotting how to take my money and breach my contract at the same time?
In that same FaceBook quote,A Carolyn Meaders asked "Are you the Dj?" where a Marty Moore responses "CAROLYN LET'S HOPE NOT, WE HAVE LISTENERS THAT DON'T UNDERSTAND OUR BRAND OF ENGLISH". then to imply laughter, smiley faces are typed in. What did Moore mean? was he referencing the Black audience of KWAM? Was he stating that the speaking of KWAM's Black audience not up to the English of KWAM's white audience? Was Moore being racist and poking fun at Blacks who listen to KWAM?
But who is this Marty Moore and why does he use the word WE in reference to the listeners who he states does not speak OUR brand of English. Well he's Martin W. Moore President and Chief Operating officer of Legacy Media Holdings, And Chief Financial Officer of Legacy Media Memphis, owners of KWAM.
So it appears that to Michael Easterly and Martin Moore, and George Bryant, that Blacks are beneath them and serve them no purpose but to work their fields and bring the harvest to them. It seems that Easterly with all his money sought in March to breach my contract and to use Bryant who runs the day to day operation of KWAM as his whipping boy. Easterly even allowed Bryant to take a check for a $1000 from me as a down payment on this week's show on last Thursday knowing that their was a plan to cancel the show the following day. I received the check from Hicks Convention Services and signed it over to them.
I am suing KWAM for $500,000 and will be going to court on May 26,2010 I plan to prove that KWAM took my money from the time of the signing of a contract to end August 15,2010 with plans to breach. In discovery we will ask for................ Well I'll let that be a surprise cant give these racist time to change paper work can I?
But it appears from the FaceBook page that KWAM does not care about Blacks and only want to take their money. Hopefully Corey Maclin and The Shelby County Democratic Party, Christian Funeral Home, and any other Blacks doing business with this racist station will cease to do business and take their business else where.
I also hope that now since this story will be listed every time someone googles the name of Michael Easterly, Marty W. Moore, KWAM, And Legacy Media Holdings that businesses will realize that this company is made up of racists that care nothing about Blacks and will even have their executives poke fun will decide not to do business with them.