This very much angered me knowing that KWAM was not even on the map until my show started airing on the station, In fact we had just had the conversation where the Arbitron ration showed that my show had beat every talk show during the 4-7 time slot including every thing on his KWAm including all national shows.
While I was pissed and KWAM refused to allow me to reduce the show to two hours to save me money I signed a 6 month contract ending in August at the $3000 per week rate. The $3000 has been paid every week since including last week.
On Friday when I arrived at the station, a station flunky pretended to need something out of the station van leaving the door open so that I could enter. I now know this was to keep me from knowing that the locks to the building had been changed.
After my show on Friday By rant returned to the station with a show termination letter and copies of all my commercial spots in a envelope. The meeting if that's what it is to be called became very tense partly because I have a contract that ends in August and partly because Bryant took a check from me on Thursday for $1000 from a new advertiser knowing that he planned to end the show the next day.
The $1000 that I gave Bryant was to go on this week with the balance to be paid today. I had the $1000 in my pocket and since I thought we were all acting in good faith with him knowing that I was leaving KWAM at the end of my contract. Bryant acknowledge in front of station employee Cam Williams that he did in fact take my money knowing what his plans were.

At this moment I wanted to do some damage to Byrant for standing in my face and admitting that he had robbed me, But I could also see that he was baiting me to kick his ass in front of a witness so that he could call police.
I found out first thing Saturday from a politician that John Willingham came to him telling him at Jimmy Moore's breakfast that Ben Ferguson was replacing me. I also started receiving calls stating that KWAM had already removed me from their site and placing Ferguson there. I then found out that a meeting took place on Saturday morning at the station where Ferguson, Bryant and their station consultant Tony Yoakam all met to prepare for today.
The reason that Bryant states that my show is being terminated is that, He claims that I have had two FCC complaints which he can not show me, And that I am not living up to KWAM's program policy. First of all I would be surprised that I would have had only 2 FCC complaints in 3 years giving the nature of the show but if that was true their is a due process for that. Secondly I have never seen a KWAM programming policy. Then he states that the station wants to go into a new direction. How is replacing one controversial with another a "new direction"?
But the total fact of the matter is that I have a contract and their reasoning does not hold water. It can now be proven that KWAM and George Bryant conspired to breach my contract which is why I will be in court this morning seeking an injunction against Bryant and Legacy media to seek to force them to honor the contract. I am also suing Bryant and Legacy for $500,000 in damages.
The point of the increase was to force me off the air during the political season. but Bryant did not realize that with the popularity of the show that i would be able to maintain the weekly rate of $3000. Republican and the Tea Party which has also purchased time need me off the air before Tuesday's election and before August General election.
I also wonder how Ferguson can go on air when every other employee of Clear Channel has a 6 month non compete clause. But whatever the issue is KWAM will have to do battle with me. It is my plan to have a new station on the air very shortly, In fact the station will be a 24/7 All Blues station. The deal has been signed and the building has been leased in The Pinch District. Bryant is fully aware that I was leaving but I intended to honor my contract.
Is the recent flooding a sign GOd is mad because of how you have been treated Thad?I was looking for the reason God was angry and this must be it. Those dirty bastards.
Please keep us informed Thaddy Bear and please Keep your cool.
yo hood rat-you got replaced by Ben F. of all people. U must really stink worse than he does.
Say goodbye to your 15 minutes of fame:)
Although I rarely agree with your positions on local issues and wish you took a more professional approach to your "journalism," I do support your assertions of due process and fairness on this one.
Hold your ground and fight the fight.
It's a shame that a strong voice like Thaddeus' will be replaced by a whining sissy boy like the Pillsbury Doughboy. I can't imagine that anyone who tuned in to hear Thaddeus would stick around to hear the swishy sounds of Mike Fleming's bastard son.
Thaddeus often gets caught up in himself, but he deserves credit for bringing the killing of Malcolm Shaw to the public's attention. Without Thaddeua asking the questions that need to be answered, the police and DA would have swept the killing under the rug. When the rest of the lame-stream media turned their back, Thaddeus got in the cops' face. I wish him well in court and in his future endeavors.
What the F$%k! I am so sick & tired of this s@$t in Memphis. This is down right ridiculous how people here do & they feel they can do anything to African Americans & it's just not right. As long as you had been with that show, they owed you the decency to tell you that they were going to pull this s@$t & to allow you the time, if just a week to inform your listeners. You are not a paid employee of KWAM & they cannot just rid of you, like the sunday paper. You need to bring an even bigger lawsuit, because not only are you losing revenue, but the time to not inform your listeners can result in them being displaced & not knowing where to find you.
I have been a loyal listener for about a year or so now, & honestly Thaddeus I feel it's for the best. You have a strong show & the money they was requesting from you was just robbery. I know this was all a part of KWAM's perfect timinig but instead of focusing on their underhanded ways, look at how this could be a blessing in disguise, because whenever one works to hurt another, they wil not prosper.
As hard as you work weekly, to help with community issues, its unfair for the money you raise through advertising to go mostly to cover your expenses. You deserve to make a profit also, and until a more amicable situation can arise for you, I think this time off, may not only be needed, but deserved. The citizens of Memphis need to come forth more to not only support you but to help you financially also.
I commend your tenacity & efforts to show what kind of city Memphis truly is. Memphis will never change & there will always be a problem or target on blacks who want to do better from themselves. I pray for you Thaddeus & I wish you the best, because without a battle, we never get to our blessings,
love always,
Wasnt it about 1-2 weeks ago when a listener called in and stated she would have your job because you told the name of the policeman who shot the drug dealer in Bartlett? And now all of a sudden youre gone?
"I found out first thing Saturday from a politician that John Willingham came to him telling him at Jimmy Moore's breakfast that Ben Ferguson was replacing me."
Hey, I thought you were replacing Ben at WREC....so are you saying that you got shit-canned and Ben is replacing you at KWAM?
When does he start? This going to be tough for me because I really, really enjoy The Andrew Clarksenior Show. looks like I will have to split my time up and listen to one on one day and the other the next.
Now we know that the conspiracy to boot Thaddeus Matthews off the air was far from imaginary. And unless Thaddeus can get some relief from the courts today, all of the enemies of Thaddeus Matthews will be dancing in the streets the rest of the week and perhaps even longer.
And to add insult to injury, the fools at KWAM have the audacity to replace Thaddeus with the no-talent, boring, racist Ben Ferguson straight from the White Racist Entertainment Channel(WREC), an outlet which broadcasts lies and racist propaganda 24/7.
This is an outage and an insult to the African American community. Ben Ferguson is a brainless, Howdy Doody-looking clown who loves to ridicule local black public officials, calling them names like "Fulladrugs" and "Bug Eye."
But once Ben Ferguson shows up to replace Thaddeus Matthews during the 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. slot, there will be a massive exodus of KWAM listeners to other media. Ben Ferguson will have to get his white racist following to move with him to KWAM in order to have a respectable size radio listening audience.
With this outrageous move, KWAM is morphing into another hate radio venue, something that the local market does not need. The only thing that this pompous little radio station is doing now is alienating the entire Memphis black community, which will never tune in to this poor excuse for a radio station again.
We just wish that Thaddeus Matthews would have told poor KWAM to stuff it back when they doubled the price to keep his show on the air. But the Thaddeus Matthews Show continued anyway, so the KWAM bosses and their political stooges had to create other means of purging their only broadcast star.
And what do they get for their efforts? Ben Ferguson! What a laugh!
Let us hope that the Fat Lady can end Ben's virginity and send him back to WREC with a smile on his face.
It's a shame people have no integrity in our day and time. Without you, 990 will fall completely off the map. Especially when the power goes down during the winter months. You don't need them Thad. God will bless you for all the good you've done and for your willingness to spread the Gospel of Christ over the airwaves. Although I didn't always agree with your approach, you definitely shined a light on how one can be saved. God bless you my brother! I hope you get all of the half million you're suing for!
Wow...I can't believe this happened. I hope you win in court and that they have to pay you damages. No one listened to that station before you were on it and no one will listen to Ferguson. I look forward to listening to the all blues station. God bless you in all you good endeavors!
"I am also suing Bryant and Legacy for $500,000 in damages."
Chicken feed, Bailey would have gone for $500,000,000.01.
That is wild seeing Ben Ferguson in the line up on KWAM! Dayum....
Hey, I bet you can turn this into a racial issue if you try hard enough. Call the FBI or something.
Good luck in court......too bad you can't make right all the judgments that were taken against you from other folks when you failed to fulfill your responsibilities/contracts/agreements/obligations with them.
Let's hope if you do win against Bryant that you won't have as much trouble collecting as those people do trying to collect the debt owed by you.
We are looking forward to your new Blues format! You will do fine.
The bosses at KWAM must have sawdust for brains. This little station will fall into oblivion bacause of this silly move, and Ben Ferguson will not be able to save it.
White racist politicos must have paid KWAM a lot of money to get Thaddeus Matthews off the air. And old crafty Ben Ferguson had to get some of this money.
"When you lay down with dogs, you get up with fleas. When you lay down with the fat lady, you have to wade through her wrinkles." And that is a horrible sight. Ben Ferguson and the fat lady?---UGHHHHHHHH!
DUDE!!! How dumb are you to be fighting for a show where you pay $3000 a week....and they bring in someone who is going to get paid to take you place. Your contract is worthless....and then to make it worse you are about to sue to keep the contract so you can keep paying them $3000 a week. I mean that's pretty counter-productive right? Talking about standing up for the wrong thing......Thaddeus, you are not the sharpest tool in the shed.
When they change the locks to the building on your ass, you know there is trouble afoot. But many of us smelled this skunk a long time ago.
How are you suing, and you weren't even getting paid??? You brag about putting the station on the map, but sounds like you were paying bills for them too.....DAMN HOW STUPID ARE YOU?
Sometimes silence can be the killer....just saying.
Thaddeus Matthews had kicked Ben Ferguson's sorry ass from one end of the airwaves to the other. So why would KWAM put a loser in Matthews' slot? Unless KWAM wants to be a loser, and that's what it is--a loser!
It looks like Bill Gibbons, Larry Godwin, A.C. Wharton, Myron Lowery, Dwight Montgomery, Johnnie Turner and other anti-Thaddeus Matthews locals have got what they have wanted for years---the ass of Thaddeus Matthews delivered to them on a platter, courtesy of KWAM.
But is it really over? Thousands of curious Memphians will tune into KWAM today at 4 p.m. to see the immediate outcome of this controversy.
Will Wendi Thomas sing?
If Ben Ferguson pops up on KWAM at 4 o'clock today, I will never tune in to KWAM again.
Without fanfare, Thaddeus Matthews has been removed from the KWAM website and the introduction to the new Ben Ferguson Show filling the old Matthews 4-7 p.m. slot begins with a lie: "Never boring."
Now Ben will be called every kind of motherfucker in the book by Thaddeus Matthews' castoff listeners. But that's okay. This fat little creep thrives on insults.
We got that nigger off the air. Our next move: Stop this blues station before it becomes a reality.
Evil white people never sleep.
AM 990 KWAM will have its largest audience in the history of the station today, May 3, as much of Memphis will tune in to see which radio talk show host will surface--Thaddeus Matthews or Ben Ferguson.
If Ben Ferguson surfaces, the KWAM time slot of 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on May 4 will probably have the lowest rating in the history of Memphis radio as its audience share shrinks like a deflated balloon.
GOOD LUCK THAD!!! That's another example of the white man's trickery when it comes to African-Americans. They will give every other nationality a break but us, and the others HATE them with a passion, including the Mexicans. They are just witnessing the tip of the iceberg when it comes to violence from the Mexicans, and it is going to get much worse. Remember MS-13!!!!!!!!!
It's unfortunate that you've been bumped under these circumstances. Your show was always entertaining, whether I agreed with your point of view or not. Clear Channel more than likely has no bad blood with Ferguson since they still syndicate his weekly show on Sunday nights.
Listening to KWAM! Will switch to Andrew Clarksenior WREC during the next hour and then back to Ben @ KWAM for the last hour.
I cannot friggin believe fat Ben is actually on KWAM! I hope the whole damn station falls into a hole in the ground! This is messed up! I listen right at 4p hoping to hear ya Thad, guess not! But yeh, it ain't end of the world!
Please let us know when your going on air on your new station, because I need something to fill in my 4p.m. to 7p.m slot everyday. You had the best radio talk show I ever heard.
At 4 p.m. on AM 990 KWAM, Ben Ferguson did show up. CLICK!! End of Ben ferguson. People listening to his shit would better entertained watching paint dry.
Goodbye, Ben. And good-bye lousy AM 990 KWAM. See you in the funny papers.
Thaddeus we miss u, and eagerly await ur brand new radio station!
I will keep reading ur blog and checking to see when u go on air.
I also plan to make a donation soon. You are too important to the black people of Memphis, TN. Thank you Thaddeus and we love you!
No, that was not a hyena on the Thaddeus Matthews Show today(May 3)at 4 p.m. That was loudmouth Ben Ferguson, who looks and sounds like a hyena.
Thanks, KWAM. The Thaddeus Matthews Show may temporarily be history, but so are you.
Looks like the Fat Lady has sung loud and clear!
How did that injuction work out?
Oops. Maybe you used the Cracker Jack legal services of ambulance chaser Javier Bailey.
The sun has set on your dog-and-pony show.
Enjoy retirement. Try and stay one step ahead of the skip tracers.
Well tuned in at 4:00 today and see that Thaddeus is not on the air today. Ben Ferguson said that he was "here to stay".
This is outrageous!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thaddeus, the best will come to you. Just keep forging ahead. No, the fat lady has not sung yet. Make sure you SUE! Everything happens for a reason. Just keep you head up and moving forward.
Wow! The thing is You got a talent that has power......Your mouth! You help people and relate to a lot of us. When you have a power to move federal investigations, open up cold cases, help the poor, and just being a all around REAL GUY! , PEOPLE. Don't want that! Sorry it had to happen out of your control....but like the prophet from NY told you last year you have bigger n better things that will cme about . It may be a storm inbetween but , you'll make it .Keep the faith!................ Queen!
An idiot has taken over the slot previously reserved for The Thaddeus Matthews Show on KWAM. And so far nothing this idiot has said has made any sense at all.
KWAM, you should take Ben Ferguson off the air. He is fouling up the airwaves. Bring back Thaddeus Matthews so we can be entertained for three hours instead of having our intelligence insulted for three hours.
You were replaced by Ben??? LMAO!!
You were replaced by Ben??? You were laughing when he was kicked off the air, and he TOOK your spot?? LMAO...
Ben Ferguson has only been on KWAM for an hour, and already he is praising the lying Fox News Channel and lining up white racists to appear on his show.
Looks like Ben intends to bring all the racist garbage he broadcast over on WREC to KWAM as well as all of his ignorance.
What we don't understand is why KWAM is willing to pay Ben Ferguson but turned thumbs down on Thaddeus Matthews, who put this little station on the map.
Something is seriously wrong here.
Well, I listened at 4 p.m. today LIKE YOU REQUEST, and what happened was, YOU WAS FIRED! GONE! Course, you know how that is Thad, you been fired more times than a coal furnace. Just a notch in your oversize fat belt of disgrace.
You a disgrace to all us African Americans Thad. They should have fired you on day ONE. Heck even just listening to static on the radio was better than you so-call show.
Now what you gonna do, big fat talker? Go find you a soap box on the side of the road and stand on it and talk about yourself? That sound about right.
The only people who ever listen to you was lazy no accounts and bums. Now the lazy no accounts gonna have to find something else to do when they aint making babies an collecting welfare all day long.
As for you, well you know eventually you gonna have to get a job and do something called work. I suggest applying for a job shovelin shit. You good at that.
It's "sung" not "song, fat-ass.
You can't read, you can't write, you can't speak the King's English and you are an ignorant fool. But you still insist that your place is in broadcasting. Thad, you are a laughing stock...but too stupid to realize it.. Give it up, homeboy.
Church's can always use a deep-voiced negro to turn ckicken.
Well it looks like they booted you. Oh well, I look forward to hearing you on the new station whenever that may be.
OMG!!! Thaddeus, what the devil has meant for bad, God has ALREADY turned it around and used it for your good. May God strengthen you and give you VICTORY in this ordeal.
In January of this year after paying $1250 per week for two years to broadcast my daily radio show George Bryant President of Legacy Media Memphis owners of KWAm called me into a meeting,,,
Your fans told you this wasn't a smart idea.
When is the new Blues Station supposed to start? What number on the dial?
Tuned in at 4:00pm - Thaddy is nowhere to be found! LOL!
Thaddeus you scared them when you brought the feds down. They realized the power you have and they are afraid of it. They want you to "be a good boy and stay in your place" but you're not having it and there is nothing they can do about it. They try to control you in every way they can, but they don't know the blessing they just gave you because their incompetence has then blinded. Nevertheless you can't keep a good man down, and believe you me, they will reap what they have sowed. In the mean time keep your eyes on the prize because God has been plans for you my man. You are blessed by the best! Nothing but love for ya Thaddy.
DUDE!!! How dumb are you to be fighting for a show where you pay $3000 a week....and they bring in someone who is going to get paid to take you place. Your contract is worthless....and then to make it worse you are about to sue to keep the contract so you can keep paying them $3000 a week. I mean that's pretty counter-productive right? Talking about standing up for the wrong thing......Thaddeus, you are not the sharpest tool in the shed.
i concur. dude you are begging to pay $3000.00, to rant and rave. you are more of an idiot than i thought. i guess the only station you will be working for is EXXON. by the way, can you wash the bugs off my windshield. fatboy got replaced by fatboy who is getting paid. no mo hot tamales, huh. and funeral home advertisements, oh yea, larry godwin said he was going to pull the plug on you.
see you at EXXON or Sonics, they both have intercom systems.
Look at it this way. You were the best and what you did and will continue to do!!If not, why would anyone go to the trouble to get you off air and do it in such a low down way?
Only a coward would do this.
At least, you called it like it was and didn't hide behind anything while doing it. They do things and hide their faces. This is one that they will not get away with. Whatever it takes Thaddeus - do it!! Make sure they pay in court.
do you really think you are THAT important? that people are going to miss you??
maybe you will have time to learn how to pronounce words like...SATURDAY and not SAURRDAY. or ASK and not AXE before your new show (that will fail) airs.
get some of that tounge trimmed back so you can talk correctly.
you are and always have been a racist that has your "sheeple" that believe everything you say. Everything is not a conspiracy against black people. you talk and preach about God but you don't lead by example. have a nice life PAYING for your show. if you were ANY good, stations would pay YOU and your listeners can't even understand that. :) typical
Anonymous said...
We got that nigger off the air. Our next move: Stop this blues station before it becomes a reality.
Evil white people never sleep.
May 3, 2010 11:56 AM
Written like a true black racist. THANK YOU FOR PROVING MY POINT ASS CLOWN.
Good luck Thad.
Ben Ferguson has only been on KWAM for an hour, and already he is praising the lying Fox News Channel and lining up white racists to appear on his show.
Just because you hold a different political view doesn't mean someone is racist.
What's your problem?
Thad we discussed you in our office about 2 months ago. The time you began to request money to stay on, when you brought bartlett police acts to light, memphis cheif of police, i heard you expose republican party plan to never have 2 black mayors...I can go on and on. As long as you kicked martavious jones out, henri brooks, maxcine smith, AC Wharton, etc. any of those black leaders you were fine. When you started talking about white repulicans, you had to go! I knew you would be gone anyday. I tuned in everyday and was shocked to hear your voice. WHen I turned the radio on today, I was not surpirsed. The hand writting was on the wall with the website issues, your laptop being stolen, your signal started to fade around 5:30 in parts of the inner city, your rate did not fall. I think they have use the time to put a legal team together, accept the fact that they will not be listen to as much, perhaps been bought out by all of your haters and willing to pay you to get rid of you. Do your own thing and do right by people that will be working for you. I think you do the community a great service, but your approach is all wrong, plus you talk too much. Stop putting out so much of your business on the air. ITs easy to fight you. They know just were to attack, you tell them. Oh another thing, I believe some of those that are closest to you played a part. Sonya was one of them. I think she knew what was going on. maybe mayor herrington, cohen's camp, i think these people may have played a part.
I am laughing so hard it hurts. Justice in this racist, bigoted town rarely takes place but, this time, it has. Your bloated, racist butt has been canned, kicked off the air and replaced by probably the worse talk show host (next to you) in this city. At least it does show that not ALL black people subscribe to the bullshit racism that you have spewed over the airwaves all this time. Open your little racist blues station downtown and continue to be a Sharpton wannabe and, maybe, if you are lucky, you can get back in the repo business someday you lard ass racist pig.
Roses are red, violets are blue; It looks like radio just ain't for you. At least now you got plenty of time on your hands to do what you do best, EAT!
nah nah nah nah
nah nah nah nah
hey hey hey
T Bear you have said many strongs things about many strong people. You should have been more prepared for this day. When you are in an on air battle like you have been fighting day to day, you must prepare to lose ground sometime. Now punt to get a better advantage. This was just one little battle not the whole war.
Good Luck in your next battle.
Keep your head up,don't quit. Thad you have planted a lot of good seeds out,now you are about to grow even bigger.And as for them Kwam walk away and show them your ass when you get that money.Now for your HATERS they are BLOWING your blog up LOOKING
to find out where you are going next.
Don't let the intimidater BLOCK YOUR BLESSING
"When the tea party shows up, the COCOA party needs to show up". Okay, I have read majority of you people's comments. It hurts my heart that in a time like this, some of you are down talking this man. Damn, if you don't like him, why take time out of your day to come on his site? You're the stupid one. It's Mr. Mathhews that inform us on what's really going on in this political city. A lease is just like an apartment. If you break your lease, you are liable to pay that money for the duration of that lease. They put him out of his lease, so they need to pay him for the remainder of the six months. Mr. Matthews, you handle your business to get back on. I was mad as hell when I turned on the radio and heard that punk talking about our president yeaterday. I thought the evening news came on early.
AM 990 KWAM had its orders From Bill Gibbons , Larry Godwin, and others involved in the ouster of Thaddeus Matthews: this troublemaker, this thorn in our side has got to go.
KWAM officials really became nervous when the FBI investigation into the murder of Malcolm Shaw was announced. They knew that this was the result of another Thaddeus Matthews crusade and were blasted by Gibbons and Godwin for not getting rid of Matthews earlier.
Now even with Matthews off the air, the FBI investigation is ongoing and might prove embarrassing for Gibbons and Godwin who lied about their own investigation into the murder of Malcolm Shaw.
Even Stevie Wonder could see that Gibbons, Godwin, and the outlaw Bartlett Police Department did not really investigate the Malcolm Shaw murder. All of these high level criminals merely gave their overwhelming approval to the murder of a black man by a rogue Bartlett cop.
So Thaddeus Matthews had to be taken out. He had become too powerful and was not going to let this issue die. He even had Memphis City Council members stirred up, including Myron Lowery, Janis Fullilove, and Wanda Halbert. Barbara Swearengen Ware sent shock wave through the city when she just said flatly that Malcolm Shaw was murdered.
So nothing was moving in the direction that Gibbons and Godwin expected. Their cover-up was beginning to fall apart. And Thaddeus Matthews, the man responsible for the fallout,had to go.
Why did Sonja Young leave as Thaddeus Matthews' sidekick a few weeks before Thaddeus Matthews was kicked off the air? Apparently she knew what was coming down the pipe and was easily intimidated by the bosses at KWAM.
Sonja wants to hold onto her radio show and could get the boot just like Matthews if she speaks out against the KWAM action.She has a sexy, soothing radio voice and, with her enormous bulk, she is primed to become the next Willa Monroe of Memphis.
This is just Karma coming after you Thad.Karma is kicking your ass and Karma is going to put you in line at Union Mission,Karma for stealing money from the Failed Recall and Baltimore St Fundraiser. I hope Karma continues to rain down on your sorry ass until you burn in hell.
Thad I don't agree with your politics, but I can't stand for dishonesty in business contracts. I hope things work out for you.
AM 990 KWAM will have its largest audience in the history of the station today, May 3, as much of Memphis will tune in to see which radio talk show host will surface--Thaddeus Matthews or Ben Ferguson.
If Ben Ferguson surfaces, the KWAM time slot of 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on May 4 will probably have the lowest rating in the history of Memphis radio as its audience share shrinks like a deflated balloon.
You sure know what to say my friend!
How can you replace someone who adresses community issues with someone who talks about nothing? Thad, the only reason why he kicked you off was because you were kickin ASS. You had Cohan investigating cases, you are involved in the OCU crime and how they targetted the wrong family. Kwam was probably being threatened to shut down if they didn't get you off soon, but why not fulfill the contract, Thad only had 3 months left!
Everyone just make sure that you all do not support Ben's program because he will be getting a lot of Thad's listeners and some of his old ones. Thad, I'm sorry but I had to tune into WDIA yesterday to get away from that bs show and the MUSLIMs were taking credit for the Malcolm Shaw investgation.
"Let us hope that the Fat Lady can end Ben's virginity and send him back to WREC with a smile on his face."
May 3, 2010 9:18 AM
Oh my God, just stop being a hater and go ahead and admit you are intolerant of people who hold differing views.
So relax and enjoy the conservative voices (Andrew and Ben) each weekday from 4-7 pm on your afternoon ride home from work...if you do work.
Remember, this is a great country and you are FREE to turn the radio dial.
" . . . .that punk talking about our president yeaterday. . . ."
Wish somebody could get your president off the airwaves. He does nothing but read speeches seven days a week while he flies around the country like country comes to town. You can have your president as thinking people with an education have had their fill of his socialistic endeavors to hold onto the free loaders that still support his skinny.
Between b obama and his mate stand the largest staff of gofers this nation has ever seen. Those two act as if they have won the lottery.
"At least now you got plenty of time on your hands to do what you do best, EAT!"
May 3, 2010 10:18 PM
Matthews lost all of his ads for soul food along with his female toy ads and a few other unwanted products when he began catering to shady politicians that we and he will see the last of in the next couple of days.
Instead of Matthews asking for donations for his extinct radio show, he best get out his chalk board and a spot in the heart of the hood and advertise that he is ready to work for food.
Can someone teach Matthews how to hot wire a motor vehicle since his repo wrecker was repoed just before his now defunct again radio station that Matthews has now described as so broke they were the only ones that would have anything to do with him?
"Oops. Maybe you used the Cracker Jack legal services of ambulance chaser Javier Bailey."
Most dogs stop chasing the tires of motor vehicles after being hit by a turd uprooted from the street by a mud flap. Picture a mongrel dog with the head of Javier Bailey being slapped in the face by a flying turd for the twenty fifth times as he tries to take a bite out of the tire of a flying shtz wagon. Hire Javier for what you think will get you back on the air, a big check from what you call a broke radio station. Matthews, you continue to show a total lack of judgement. Why should you bother, most creditors ignore your rip offs. As the saying goes, you, if you are strong enough, couldn't turn Matthews upside down and shake a dime out of his pockets.
Matthews is always posting documents that he has pilfered with little concern as to how his actions might affect the outcome of a legal procedure. Maybe, but I doubt it, Matthews will post his so called contract with KWAM so that his audience can pass judgement on his wild and bitter recriminations.
I agree with the earlier poster, Thaddeus I loved your show but you showed 'them' your hand. You talk toooo much for your own good. Why not keep your business dealings with the new radio station venture to yourself. Wait until you get things settled before you talk more about your plan, get your equipment, and actually get on air before you start all this talking. Keep ya head up and your eyes forward...don't look back.
About Sonya. The woman is just doing her job. She has no power. What good would she have done to let Thaddeus know what was up? Then both she and him would be out of work today....the woman's has kids to feed. If she knew anything, which I doubt she did, then she did the right thing to keep her mouth closed. Talking wouldn't have stopped the station from firing Thaddeus.
Thad you got a raw deal, even though I don't agree with your views. It was good to get a different perspective on things.
KWAM made a great move. Tuned into KWAM to listen to Ben Ferguson. It was great to hear voices that made sense and here great logic about important topics. Give it a try as it was impossible to improve your mind while listening to the booted racist that brought to the forefront listeners and talkers that represented zilch in buying power.
" . . . .that punk talking about our president yeaterday. . . ."
Yep, and many felt the exact same way about your "punk" ass when you talked hateful, racist shit about "our" President Bush for 8 years.
A little bit of advice for you.....if you can't take what you dish out then quit dishing your shit out! Duh!!!!
When will black people wake up? Why in this day and time no one has the balls to own their own black owned radio station? We spend more money on stupid stuff that has no meaning...Its clear that Racism is alive and well in Memphis.....Black people wake up!......Its time for a change!
An idiot with only the ability to speak in idiot English and unable to function in an economic world has been replaced by his formerly arch rival, a young man with both a local and a national audience having the ability to speak about national issues where all that the Thug knows is that there is a President named Obama with supporters who only know the name Ford.
omg, i loved the niger show
be coz you showed how niggers really act
i will miss
Thad could not make it on KWAM without asking for donations. His ads on the blog have gone to zilch. Don't let him miss three meals in a row. DONATE NOW AS HE IS NO LONGER WELCOME AT THE FOOD BANK.
Miss You Thaddeus!!
I didn't agree with ALL of your COMMENTS and/or OPINIONS, but, MEMPHIS need to hear from you. Your show brought awareness about corruption, brutality, and information that the news media cannot air.
Don't focus on the negative comments,...after all, THEY had to listen in order to make them and, AS A RESULT,INCREASED your RATINGS.
Not that it matter, but, I'm a white person and many of us LISTENED.
I guess you all talking about Thad asking for donations haven't tuned into Kwam for a split second to hear the back to back commercials with Laura Ingram and some other man BEGGING for advertisments along with Ben. When Thad was there no one was airing out to get adveritsing for their show on other programs because Thad was paying plenty money to hold the station up! Did Thad ever make COMMERCIALS begging for money, with various radio hosts asking as well. Interesting?
I guess you all talking about Thad asking for donations haven't tuned into Kwam for a split second to hear the back to back commercials with Laura Ingram and some other man BEGGING for advertisments along with Ben.
Polly's Yard Egg
i've been followin thaddeus on a local web site that has a really difrent idea aout him. This guy says TM is really a journalist doing a job tho he thinks he's over the top. EVERYBODY READ THIS!! theres a long story with a link at the end and it takes you to pictures of thaddeus when he was in city hall. copy and paste this:
So you are saying YOU pay $3ooo per week to broadcast your show? Dude that is $12ooo per month....if you are paying to have a show, you either are a total dumbass or are making tons of money and have a ton to throw out the window.
Anonymous said...
So you are saying YOU pay $3ooo per week to broadcast your show? Dude that is $12ooo per month....if you are paying to have a show, you either are a total dumbass or are making tons of money and have a ton to throw out the window.
May 8, 2010 8:54 AM
We all know the money being put out was not from Thaddeus because he doesn't have any. The thousands put forth on his behalf to spew hatred was being funded by members of the known racist hate group The Black Panthers.
fuck the fat rat u get what u deserve at 52 no one is checking for a fat no count no talent nigger
Remember when Thaddeus was ughing and grunting over someone's yard eggs. Well he laid one, then that layer was rejected by both Church's and KFC becaus he crossed the road and made a fool of himself, something he tried hard to do.
I happen to be Caucasian, conservative, Pro White, and lack even a micron of White guilt concerning white privilege and agree that you were done wrong by KWAM. I dislike Ben Ferguson because of his smart-assed and snotty demeanor, and that his opinions are RNC views handed to him by the party and Washington DC think tanks, not what he has come to with any deep research or thought. He is an empty suit that lacks intellectual curiosity, parroting what he is paid to, which are lock-step with Neo-Con ideology. He also has no stomach for dissenting views with people like myself that who are REAL conservatives, not party hacks like himself. I hope this is his last radio job. By any measure, he is a lightweight and will fail at syndication.
I enjoy listening to you, somebody I disagree with about 80% of the time, because I can tell that your beliefs are based on the self-interest of you and your people(BLACKS) and because you have personal conviction and life experience. Most white male broadcasters have been cowered into not speaking their mind, and I respect the fact that a man like you tells like they see it and will not play nice.I'm a big boy, I can handle it. I enjoy hearing what the other 60% have to say.
White male broadcasters need to do the same thing, even if it hurts the feelings of others and makes us lightening rods for controversy. I will listen to you on your new station. Best of luck.
"I hope this is his last radio job. By any measure, he is a lightweight and will fail at syndication."
FYI, Ben has two radio shows and one is syndicated... has been for quite a while and is doing very well. So it appears you need to pray a little harder because your wish for him to fail isn't working.
While you are at it, pray that all of these stations stop calling him to be on their television shows... CNN, FOX, MSNBC, HNN, etc...
"Anonymous said...
Remember when Thaddeus was ughing and grunting over someone's yard eggs. Well he laid one, then that layer was rejected by both Church's and KFC becaus he crossed "
You need to quit it already...making my ass hungry for some good tasting breakfast. How is Miss Polly doing? Anyone check in on her lately?
So, is Ben paying $3000 a week to be on the air? If not, it sure does sound like a good foundation for a lawsuit.
So, is Ben paying $3000 a week to be on the air? If not, it sure does sound like a good foundation for a lawsuit.
May 12, 2010 9:13 AM
How so?
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