Mainstream media that is controlled by White corporate America in many cases have been assigned to go after strong African American males who will not dance to he music of White males who feel superior.
White controlled media has a fear of Black men who can look a White man in the eye and tell him to go to hell and that they will stand up for the wrongs and injustices of police departments that can come into Memphis and murder a black man like Malcolm Shaw, Or dare to make it public that the police directors lynch squad, OCU can kick in the door of a innocent woman and call it wrong.
White controlled media can go after Black politicians calling them crooks and other names each morning as does Fox 13's Valerie Calhoun but refuses to call her husband John Elkington a crook who has stolen millions of dollars from Beale Street'
Now WREC's Keli Rabon has decided to go after attorney Javier Bailey who stands up for many Blacks who have been mistreated my our so called justice system. In fact Keli Rabon as in the story that this TV station ran on my radio war with KWAM where they choose to do a story without speaking to me is attempting to do a story on Jay without giving him a chance to reply.
Attorney Bailey who has decided to deal with this matter in a different way asked me to remove the email and poster from the page until he sees what actions WREC bring forth. He wants to see if Ron Walters the President of WREC who happens to be Black has the balls to to make sure that his white reporters treat all citizens the same. If you are going to do a smut story or an investigated report, interview the target and not just ambush.
I received a call from a former Black media person who wanted me to remove Rabon's address on Tennessee Street that is in the name of her parents. This person pretended to be calling for Jay suggested the removal of the address not knowing that i had just gotten off the phone where Jay had made the same request. So Mr. Walters do not think that LG had anything to do with the removal it was done only at the suggestion of Javier Bailey, because after I received a call from a former Black reporter who has in the past been removed from the air waves for speaking out against Bill Gibbons I was pissed enough to allow the info to stay.......... But I guess White power brokers can always find one of us to make the call
So let's get this straight:
"Attorney" Javier Bailey had a disciplinary hearing, and he didn't like the idea that it would possibly be on the NEWS, where people (potential clients) could actually find out about it. You know, so THEY could make an informed decision about whether it would be wise to use his services or NOT.
So now, he's attempting to draw other people into this in order to divert attention from himself.
Sounds 100% correct, doesn't it?
Anybody who allows their name to be used to support what this guy is up to is a fool.
I hope this guy is watched very closely and if anything gets dicey it should be reported to the state bar association.
Thank GOD for Channel 5! At least there is an organization with some backbone on the side of the Memphis consumer.
While Keli Rabon might be an irritant to Javier Bailey and maybe a few others, she is still a virtual unknown and certainly not radioactive.
Actually her stories on WREG TV have so little impact that if you blink, you will miss them. She is like a fly buzzing around an elephant, and that is the extent of her impact. She is not even a household name in Memphis like Claudia Barr and some of the other Channel 3 reporters.
Javier Bailey seems to be making a mountain out of a molehill. Ignore this virtually unknown reporter and she will fade. Start a campaign against her television station and she will gain stremgth.
Nobody is paying any attention to Keli Rabon. Not many of us have even heard of this woman.
If Javier feels that he personally is being defamed or libeled, he should take the matter to court. Otherwise he should just swat this little fly buzzing around an elephant's head and move on.
Javier Bailey has got to quit acting like the bungling Algonquin J. Calhoun character of Amos 'n Andy. Nobody even knows this woman. If she knocked on your door and there she was, you would think it was Avon calling.
Javier might be a brilliant attorney, but he does not seem to have much common sense.
Javier Bailey's silly proposal to boycott Channel 3 advertisers because he has a problem with Keli Rabon has about as much chance of success as a candle in the wind. The flame of the little candle would be extinguished before it got a chance to glow.
I am really surprised at Javier going off into the deep end. As a local celebrity, he should realize that all stories that come out of the media are not going to be positive about him or any other celebrity.
And for him to throw a hissy fit is ridiculous.
there is no need to list her address. This makes your argument seem weak, if you have to bow to such tactics. no one cares what a racist wreg station has to say about a black person. we know the game that is being played, give black folks more credit and sense than you apparently think we hsve.
So if "Gay Jay" Bailey has put her home address on his flyer does that mean that he wants her brutally murdered like the Disc Jockey several years ago?
"Gay Jay" needs to urgently re-read the statute on Reckless Endangerment, and quickly.
"Nobody is paying any attention to Keli Rabon. Not many of us have even heard of this woman."
I've never heard of her either. But thanks to Thaddeus and Javier, they are promoting her.
You are losing your credibility trying to convince people Jay Bailey is an outstanding person in the Black Community. Bailey does far more harm to the Black Community as a lawyer, than good. This Black man deserves the White media to attack his ass. I know this to be a fact.
Matthews, your skin color must be yellow since you wouldn't dare publish your address, but you would try to bring harm to a female report. You have, and always be, nothing but a slob.
As for Javier, most of his career he has been under the eye of the Tennessee Bar Associations substance abuse program as well as other self abuse programs.
No judge or jury gives an ear to Javier Bailey, nothing but a broken down unsuccessful grease ball of a failed attorney.
If Javier is that much of a clone and buddy of Thaddeus Matthews, then Matthews should not publish his name herein. All it does is bring about derisive comments about this low life.
No decent politician calls in to a Matthews gypsy radio talk show nor comments on this site. Some people just don't want to be identified in sleazy places.
Javier Bailey...the only guy in town who is a bigger idiot than you.
Javier Bailey has a record of misconduct going back almost TWO DECADES!
He's been censored and had his license revoked MULTIPLE times.
What kind of person doesn't learn from their mistakes THAT much? And this man's supposedly a "lawyer?"
And he wants to make this a black and white issue? Good luck with that. He just wants to keep this information from the PEOPLE!
You can contact the Tennessee State Bar Association if you want all the sordid facts about this character.
Here are just a few:
Tennessee Censure 2007 04/06/2009
Tennessee Suspend for 30 days 2004 04/06/2009
Tennessee Suspend temporarily 1995 04/06/2009
Tennessee Suspend for other period 1995 04/06/2009
Tennessee Censure 1992 04/06/2009
Black Lion said...
You are losing your credibility trying to convince people Jay Bailey is an outstanding person in the Black Community. Bailey does far more harm to the Black Community as a lawyer, than good. This Black man deserves the White media to attack his ass. I know this to be a fact.
May 6, 2010 10:49 AM
And Javier Bailey's lawyer discipline record is public... so how is this the white media's fault?
LG=Leon Gray, one of the worst TV reports Memphis has ever seen. Was on WPTY back in the day.
Furthermore, have your audience check out:
and read the illustrious disciplinary record of Javier Bailey. Since you are so quick to post personal info on your enemies, let's see if you have balls enough to post this.
(You can also follow Jay/Algonquin's stellar local court history at the Shelby County Court website, as well as that of his namesake son.)
Every lawyer (black & white) I know considers J. Bailey a scoundrel and want nothing to do with him. Thad, you are losing credibility by the day championing that guy.
Thaddeus Ron Walters is a white man's nigger. Kelly Rabon will get what she deserves real soon. I can't say more than that, but you hold your ground. In fact, Ron Walters is a closeted gay man, who won't admit what he is.. But he goes after people that he feels can lift him to a higher ground.. Get his be otch ass. Punk, that is Walters is a punk and ask Kelly why was she seen in South Memphis at a crack house, and it didn't pertain to a story
Let's see now..."LG" isn't he a Ford camper now that they have employment and veto power?
Thaddeus Ron Walters is a white man's nigger. Kelly Rabon will get what she deserves real soon. I can't say more than that, but you hold your ground.
Yeah right, Sambo.
An Edward R. Murrow award winner times 2, multiple awrds for investigative journalism and even turned down a trip to CBS News, and they will get rid of her? Sure.
And Martin Luther Koon took it in the ass.
Anonymous said...
Every lawyer (black & white) I know considers J. Bailey a scoundrel and want nothing to do with him. Thad, you are losing credibility by the day championing that guy.
May 7, 2010 9:57 AM
Listen, the only reason Thaddeus uses Javier is because Javier does all his work for free for Thaddeus. It doesn't matter if he never wins. So long as he is able to say "my attorney will do this and my attorney will do that." It is for appearances only. I have to admit that Javier is known around town as a black racist radical. Just saying.
Anonymous @ May 7, 2010 3:13 PM AKA Ron "Yes Massah" Walters:
Go shine some shoes, homo.
Bailey only cares about one thing - himself and how much money he can get hold of. Trying to make him sound noble and a champion for the poor is just hilarious. get a grip.
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