While he may be correct in his opinion of both Brewer and Sanford based on commentaries both have given the former mayor should debate Congressman Steve Cohen..... somewhere. Herenton should not expect to be elected, and the citizens of the 9th Congressional District should not elect him if he is not willing to bring his platform to the stage so that his platform can be compared to that of the current congressman.
No one running for any office should be allowed to receive votes based solely on their name, or what they say is a past record. Every citizen of the district deserve the chance to know what the candidates plan to do for them in the present and the future.
Willie Herenton has the right no matter what one's opinion of him may be to be treated fairly in a debate forum, but he does not have the right to say he will not debate at all. I'm sure that there are other TV stations that would love to hold this very much needed debate of the issues that address the citizens of Memphis.
While the former mayor is totally correct when he states that Tennessee has no Black representation on the federal level, this can not be his total platform. While Blacks should represent their communities, the history of Black leadership in Memphis has not proven that if a Black is in office that Blacks will receive any benefits in reference to service and change.
If all else fails by July I will have returned to the airwaves and will be totally be prepared to hold the debate for just 1 hour but four. I am prepared to ask the tough questions of both candidates without race being the primary focus. I know that Willie Herenton is comfortable with my interviewing style seeing that his last two big announcements have been on my shows. If I was to hold the debate neither Herenton or Cohen would receive fluff questions, But the issues of the community would be addressed.
The Black community can not and must not elect Willie Herenton just because he is Black or that the state of Tennessee has no federal Black representation. He should only be elected because he has a workable platform and can show when his platform is compared to that of Steve Cohen that he is the better candidate and the best person to represent the citizens of the Ninth Congressional District.
Okay someone has hi-jacked fat man's blog. Who ever has done this said he shouldn't be elected based soley on being black. I will alert the F.B.I. that something has happened to Thad.
Thaddeus said
"but he does not have the right to say he will not debate at all"
yes he does. he has the right to say anything he wants.
Has our beloved Willie Herenton lost his mind? In refusing to debate Steve Cohen on WREG TV because of Norm Brewer and Otis Sanford, Dr. Herenton has virtually ensured that Steve Cohen will remain congressman for the
9th Congressional District.
Herenton is a skilled debator, and can easily chew up and spit out Brewer and Sanford for breakfast.
So what is Willie's problem? Maybe he needs a new campaign manager. Sidney Chism has got to go!
My God, my God, something we can all FINALLY agree upon.
Is this really you Thaddeus?
7;17 you are right as a grown man he does have the right to say anything he wants, but the citizens of the 9th congressional district have a right to hear what his platform happens to be or use excerise the right not to vopte for him.
Willie herenton has made the choice to run for public office which means that the public must know how versed he happens to be on both local and national issues.
Racism does exist in memphis and there can be no doubt about that but any black that runs for a public office must be prepared to answer the tough questions. Norm Brewer and Sanford are not the only interviewers in Memphis and WREG is not the only TV station in town.
The former mayor has the right to say that brewer and Sanford may not be fair but if he 's running on the issues he does not have the right to tell citizens that he will not openly compare his platform to that of steve cohen
I see King Willie is no longer a threat in the Congressional race
Steve Cohen in a debate he does not want to face!
Herenton has showed himself to be a coward – not to mention he is insane
There’s no telling what is in his head – it certainly isn’t a brain!
Steve will get re-elected…so it doesn’t really matter
Anyone else notice that Thaddy keeps getting fatter and fatter?
Like Thaddy’s radio show, this blog has become stale and boring
When I read it…all I can do is try to keep myself from snoring!
At least the picture of Joe Ford is gone and that is good
Send his ass back to where he belongs – in the ghetto or the hood!
Thaddy talks bad about Ben – I suppose that’s fine by me
He’s just jealous of Ben – a person who is cool as can be!
Some people say Ben is stuck up and that he doesn’t know how to act
They don’t know what they are talking about – on his show, he is just stating the facts!
Brains, class, and style...in these Ben will always be first
All Thaddy can do is cry and drink Mad Dog 20/20 to quench his thirst!
When it comes to Ben, all Thaddy can do is talk some trash
That’s OK – Thaddy’s the one unemployed…Ben has all the cash!
Spreading lies and propaganda...that is all Thaddy is good at
He’s nothing like Ben...educated and a having a wallet that is fat!
Of this there is no question...there can be no debate
Thaddy’s gone and Ben is on…it’s time to celebrate!
"If all else fails by July I will have returned to the airwaves and will be totally be prepared to hold the debate for just 1 hour but four."
That would open the door for some really sick laughs about this community. Some half ass, blues playing, foreign like lingo speaker hosting a debate that airs the voices of two of the worst public speakers in these parts.
Look there have been about six comments on this blog with hundreds on the Commercial Appeal blog. This blog and the remote possibility of a reincarnation of thug on another radio gig are of interest to the worst elements of Memphis, only.
I have a problem with any politician that refuses to debate based on who a moderator is or what channel is hosting the debate. If you are scared of a media personality, how can I have the confidence in you to stand up to lobbyist or others who may attempt to influence you. A real politician will debate anyone anytime because they are sure of who they are and what they stand for. I guess Willie may be scared to have to admit who his is and what he stands for. Just more proof that he wants to be in total control.
yes he does. he has the right to say anything he wants.
May 13, 2010 7:17 AM
And the citizens have a right to vote Steve Cohen into office...AGAIN.
Steve has nothing to hide and done more for this community in the short time he has been in this office than the Fords did for decades.
King Chicken Little Willie... always got to be in control and running things the way he wants. He needs to retire. Like all ya said, McCain was too old and so is this old corrupt loser.
Thad, like these others, I gotta agree with you here. Now I am white but I don't have a particular love for Steve Cohen. I also think that the 9th should have an African american representing them. BUT, I have not seen anything to show me that WWH would do anything in Congress to help Memphis. Much of it is how the congressman would work with the other 434 Representatives to get things done, to get bills passed that help us, that help protect Memphis interests.
Willie Herenton has never had an inclination to work with others to get positive things done and I don't see him having a major life change at age 70. The African American community needs to re-elect Cohen this year and look for better candidates next time.
“If all else fails by July I will have returned to the airwaves and will be totally be prepared to hold the debate for just 1 hour but four.”
“Be prepared to hold the debate for just 1 hour but four.” What??? Did you mean you will be ready to conduct a 4-hour debate? Dude - if you can’t put together a legible sentence, how in the hell are you going to conduct a debate?
That aside, I smell a hair-brained scheme, or should a say it in a word you will understand…a bamboozle…being concocted. Holy mackerel!!!
Not long ago, you, Thaddy, hoodwinked that dude running against Sidney Chism (I think) to coming in for an interview. Once you got him in the studio, you beat the guy down. Granted, that guy was clueless as they get. But there is a lesson to be learned…what you say versus what you do is two different things. Sidney Chism bought advertising from you…and go figure - you dogged out his opponent. King Willie has also bought advertising from you. Has Cohen? Guess who is going to get the short end of the stick if you have them side by side and you are the moderator?
So…King Willie has refused to have a debate with Norm Brewer and Sanford. I’m just wondering if King Willie is going to “suggest” you moderate the debate. If Cohen says no, he’s in the same boat as Willie is in now (at least in the mind of people who are uneducated). Then again, that is giving you, Thaddy, too much credit. In reality, no one takes you seriously.
But it would not surprise me in the least if this is what is going on behind the scenes. I will say…just from a personal perspective…it would be fine if you were on the panel with Brewer and Sanford. Maybe King Willie will accept that. Then again – you have to deal with the issue of people taking you seriously. They don’t, so this will probably never happen.
I agree with this 100%
Ben Ferguson's jackass poet has extended his attacks
To include not only the Thaddy Bear
But other prominent blacks
He says this blog has
Become stale and boring
But only his stupid poems
Get people to snoring
Like Ben Ferguson,the jackass poet has no talent at all
His poetry stinks like a
Filling station rest room stall
Whoever told this punk he could write
Should be banished from humanity for life
But he loves to kiss Ben's ass
And he does that with no class
Received this query from South Carolina
"Does Ben Ferguson have a vagina?"
As far as I know,sir,he does not
He hits on those four sisters a lot
They live over on Thumb Avenue
And that is all the sex he can do
A strange little fat man with no sex life
Except for the jackass poet lighting up his nights
Ben Ferguson is an ugly fat man
With no neck and no physical plan
This no-talent joker looks like a pig
And he will never make it big
WREC put a foot up his ass
They finally found out he has no class
A lying zombie shameful for his age
Racist and bigoted on this stage
Ben has never been highly regarded
Most will agree that he is retarded
But sending his poet's ugly mama was the final straw
A woman that big and ugly
It should be against the law
Looking and dancing like an Orca whale
She is truly a bitch from hell
But I've got her number and Ben should be aware
Nobody fucks with the Thaddy Bear!
Anonymous said...
I guess Willie may be scared to have to admit who his is and what he stands for. Just more proof that he wants to be in total control.
May 13, 2010 9:38 AM
Right on target. AMEN!
Willie reminds me of a spoiled little child. Somebody please give that man a pacifier... make sure it's a black one though - he hates all other colors.
Have to say it's a fair argument on Herenton's part. I mean, if the city is majority black, why debate at a white-owned venue? If I wanted to reach the Hispanic population, I would be at any of their shops or on a Spanish speaking broadcast to show I'm with the people. Same with Asians or whites.
Saying all of this though, Herenton still has an obligation to debate Cohen openly for the public to see. We should be able to see what he plans on doing to help Memphis instead of just saying we need black representation (Herenton) or vote for me because I've been doing this for a long time (Cohen).
Ben Ferguson's jackass poet needs to study the fundamentals of poetry before he writes another line. You just can't mangle a few verses and claim that this is poetry. Real poetry has form and function, and the writings of the jackass have neither. His "poems" are embarrassing.
I would vote for a loaf of bread before I voted for that disaster Willie Herenton. He's nothing but a egotistical jerk just concerned with himself. The people can do better.
Someone other than Thad is running his blog today. Or maybe he has toned it down so he can get in the house and be the good little house nigger his mama always wanted him to be. News flash no matter how good you act you are just to plain ugly to ever make it in the house, back to the fields for you.
Music via AM with old scratchy tunes from the past. I would say your byline is a real stretch.
But then they still advertise those old mechanical push mowers, so maybe with time those old mowers and AM music will make a come back.
"I have not seen anything to show me that WWH would do anything in Congress to help Memphis."
It doesn't seem that Willie has the heart to even open a decent campaign. Ernie Lunati and Robert Hodges at least tried and they didn't have black going for themselves. Maybe that's all it takes in this town.
If Willie can't mount a campaign in Memphis, then could you expect any results from him out of Washington?
I think Herenton is scared. The man is scared. Plain and simple.
He has a PHD. He has no reason to not try his best at the debate with Norm and Otis asking he and Cohen of things.
Part of public service is to rip your rival a new one in a debate.
I think that Herenton is scared of what he will be asked more than anything. I really do. His legacy speaks for itself at this point.
What I have been wanting to know for an eternity now is something very simple...
What is Herenton's platform?
Gosh someone answer that for me.
Smarty, smarty, had a party,. Nobody came but a big fat darkey.
Don't worry Willie, have a campaign, Thaddy will be there if you take out an ad.
I done heard uptown while a go that the new TV station goon be UPN30. That's right. Mayor was seen at they bulding on Union Extension just while a go so I was tolt by Carlishia mama. And she also sad that the all NEW hostesses is goon be Janis Fullazanx & r vary own THADDEUSS MATHEWS. They gunna airsat 3:30 Wednesday right after Jerry Spranger that way most peoples will be homes& can sees it
Oh happy dayz is her again!!!!
"Willie Herenton has never had an inclination to work with others to get positive things done and I don't see him having a major life change at age 70. The African American community needs to re-elect Cohen this year and look for better candidates next time."
One of the best posts I have ever seen on this blog. I like that Cohen is getting more than some token opposition but there is no way that Herenton would get anything accomplished in Washington.
A poster wisely stated:
"Much of it is how the congressman would work with the other 434 Representatives to get things done, to get bills passed that help us, that help protect Memphis interests."
Willie can't seem to work with anyone in Memphis after more than twenty years in the public. He has been no more than a piece of grit in the eye for the past decade. Just how could he ever get along in Washington. They just wouldn't put up with his crap. Hasn't the black caucus already endorsed Steve Cohen, an experienced legislature that has done well in our capital as well as having done well for the people in Memphis while Willie, thorn that he is has just made an ass out of himself as well as this city.
Willie has claimed that Tennessee needs black representation. Is he speaking of his black soul?
Keeping fighting! Not only the Ninth District stand up for U of M even the professors are having a call for papers about the Business School.
Thad, Keep fighting. Even Professors at U of M have a say.
Think is says it all.
Willie is running scared! He was stammering on the news like the old fool he really is! Or perhaps, he realizes all he has to say, is "I'm black, vote for me!"
He doesnt have to debate and we dont need to know his platform. Hell he can stay home and run his house.
He cant get my vote.
Poster, this blog needs an informed opinion.
"If Willie can't mount a campaign in Memphis, then could you expect any results from him out of Washington?"
If by a stretch there is a visitor to this blog that knows the symptoms of dementia, then would they enlighten us as to whether we should lay off this idiot running for congress as if it is not dementia that has taken hold in the mind of Willie Herenton, what is it?
"Have to say it's a fair argument on Herenton's part. I mean, if the city is majority black, why debate at a white-owned venue? "
I am in Houston, TX but was born and raised in Memphis and listened to your old show often over the internet. Will the new station be on the internet? I hope so. If not, I will only be able to listen during my 3 trips back to mempho every year.
Blogger Eddie said...
Have to say it's a fair argument on Herenton's part. I mean, if the city is majority black, why debate at a white-owned venue?"
I have to say, since we have a majority white country, we shouldn't be having a black president.
Eddie, are you stupid? Quit making "color" excuses. All of you folks done told whites not to look at skin color and now that is all many of you want to do...
No way - we won't put up with double standards in the 21st century Pal.
You all need to practice what you preached and what MLK preached.
Ben’s talent on the radio is way beyond compare
His wisdom and knowledge with Memphis he does share!
Ben always keeps his cool
Unlike Thaddy, he is no one’s fool!
Thaddy’s new station will fail...you all will see
Ben will laugh and say, “Thaddy wishes he could be like me!”
Lies and venom...that is all Thaddy can spew
Ben laughs and goes about his day...from 4-7 he’s right on cue!
Thaddy is worthless...he probably can’t even earn a dime
He is good at stirring up crap though...the idiots fall for it every time!
When Ben is on the radio – the days are nothing but sunny
When people say bad things toward him…he just thinks it’s funny!
Ben is the best at what he does...there really is no comparison
Unlike Thaddy, you never want to turn the dial and listen to George Harrison!
Confidence, intelligence, and class – in these Ben does not lack
All Thaddy wants to do is start crap...he doesn’t know jack!
Ben is full of energy on the radio – he keeps on going like the Energizer Bunny
KWAM pays him to be on the air – they gave him all of Thaddy’s money!
No doubt, Thaddy’s station won’t last long – and he will cry just like a little bitch
After a month or two I guarantee WPLX will disappear from your radio switch!
The Poet
Ben Ferguson is less of a rooster
And apparently more of a hen
As to his sexual orientation
He has a homo "poet" singing love songs to him
Maybe I was wrong when asked from Carolina
"Does Ben Ferguson have a vagina?"
And I said no, I don't think so
But ,honestly,I'm not for "sho"
Ben is a strange little fat man
Who might well be fixed into a woman
He doesn't like women,we all know that
He thinks men are where it's at
That he's a sissy gives me no joy
An attorney calls him the Pillsbury Doughboy
I don't really know what he is
But his sex life will bring you to tears
He says he's saving himself for marriage
And hopefully there'll be no miscarriage
Ben is really like an old maid
A nasty freak who is getting played
But where will he find his match?
Maybe in a cucumber patch
That's the place he should be
And leave his homo poet to Pee Wee
The homo poet's mama is still a pest
Lord, she won't let me rest
Calls me day and night
Trying,she says, to make things right
Bitch,I told you to leave me alone
I can't stand you,even by phone
You are just too big and fat
And I just can't deal with that
But back to Ben, I agree he is funny
But only if you mean "funny bunny"
He should not be back on the air
He's no match for the Thaddy Bear
His homo poet's lies won't change a thing
But let them have their little fling
I've kicked Ben Ferguson's sissy ass many times before
And now he's coming back for more
Ben thinks he's solid as a rock
But actually he's a laughing stock
He has no talent, nothing big
Put lipstick on a pig--it's still a pig
Ben is a pathological liar and a fool
Using the radio as his school
He spreads lies like that Gulf Oil slick
But he's no more than a whorehouse trick
And this fairy is back on the air
Awaiting another ass kicking from the Thaddy Bear!
Ben Ferguson's boyfriend should quit calling himself "The Poet." There is simply no resemblance to his sad verses and real poetry. If he wants to whisper sweet things in Ben's ear, that is fine. But he should never butcher poetry by putting his love for Ben Ferguson in writing. He stinks!
Herenton is going to Drop Out of the Race.Stop wasting my god damn time with this monkey bullshit.
In sending the so-called jackass poet to this blog to degrade Thaddeus Matthews and the new AM 1180 station, you might say that Ben is already running scared and has decided to engage in a pre-emptive strike. When Thaddeus was on KWAM in the same time slot, he kicked Ben Ferguson's sorry ass so much that the WREC owners knew Ben was a turkey. And that's why they got rid of old no-talent Ben.
When Thaddeus returns to the airwaves, Ben realizes his(Ben's) ass is going to get kicked once again, over and over. So Ben's strategy is to start the war now before Matthews soon puts another shoe in Ben's aching ass.
As a host on hate radio, Ben Ferguson has been trained to lie. He ia a small piece of shit in the lying radio network that includes Limbaugh and Hannity. These radio hosts thrive on lies. Ben Ferguson is a lying motherfucker just like all the other filth on hate radio.
No intelligent person is going to believe anything this nincompoop has to say. He is a paid, professional liar.
Whoever responded to my post, who said I believed in everything MLK said? I know whites are taught to believe blacks can't govern themselves, so I'm not really even mad or offended.
But for the record, if whites were so fair and decent now, why isn't Alan Keyes, Micheal Steel, J.C Watts, or Colin Powell the President? They are conservative, but whites chose to vote for ...whites. So if I think black people should have representation in the government and I am black, I see nothing wrong. Herenton will have to prove himself better than Cohen just like the black people in the last race that I didn't vote for.
Ben Ferguson seems obsessed with the new Thaddeus Matthews radio station. This is a young man full of hell and hate, a disgrace to this country and to his generation.
When CNN wants to have an opposing point of view on one of their programs, they call on Ben Ferguson just for laughs, cornering him like a frightened rat. The look of stupidity on this idiot's face is one for the ages and played repeatedly on YouTube. Ben Ferguson is truly a ridiculous person who does not fathom the fact that CNN plays him for a clown.
i'll repeat what i and others have axed many times without a response from thad or other AA's..
If a majority black district requires a black representative, then the majority white country must have a white president, right???????????
no it's not right. vote for the best person with no regard of his skin color.
and keep in mind, it was white america that elected
obama. it took their vote to win.
Ben Ferguson has come to this website in the form of a "poet" to spread his lies about the new AM 1180 in the hope that he can derail his upcoming new competition from Thaddeus Matthews.
Ben Ferguson has been trained to lie. Ben Ferguson has been trained to deceive. Ben Ferguson has been trained to misinform. Ben Ferguson as a professional broadcaster is a failure. Ben Ferguson does not deserve respect.
Dementia Noggin Herenton comes back one day later saying he will debate if he is allowed to whine, pine and set the rules. The Commeercial Appeal in their print edition is to be commended for not giving this nut case publicity for his most recent outburst, just an editorial that told it like it is. This ape should be put into a cage at the zoo.
Anonymous said...
Blogger Eddie said...
"Have to say it's a fair argument on Herenton's part. I mean, if the city is majority black, why debate at a white-owned venue?"
Shouldn't he be living in Orange Mound along with his haters.
"The African American community needs to re-elect Cohen this year and look for better candidates next time."
Let's see, Rickey Peate and Roscoe Dixon should have their get out of jail free card by 2012. Doubt if John Ford will be out by then, but knowing that the voters went for Joe Ford and sister Opillia along with nephews and kids one named Edmund, Jr. plus Just Teen Ford, anything can happen. It might be suggested that no decent African American wants to run for anything since his/her name would be along side some really bad eggs starting with Willie who has proven, the voters of Memphis will vote for anything of color. And Matthews talks about whites being racists.
Ben Ferguson pays his bills. Ben Ferguson was chosen over Thaddeus Matthews. Ben Ferguson is attractive to those who can speak on broad topics, are educated and speak English.
"I know whites are taught to believe blacks can't govern themselves, so I'm not really even mad or offended."
No, you are wrong. All one has to is look at the majority of black-run countries in Africa and it's not very impressive. Poor, poor people (mostly kids nowdays) are still being sold into slavery, female genital mutilation is the norm, corrupt leaders living high on the hog while innocent people are left to eat dirt and grub worms and live in huts, disease-ridden, cannibalism, rampant rape, slaughtering of black Christians with machetes, etc.........
Nope, my mama didn't teach me any of that. I just open up the newspaper and read current events. Also, the Internet has proven to be a valuable learning tool. No lie here...it is all too real. Sick and real.
You, are right, I suggest at a federal penitentiary. Let him go at it with John Ford. The debate could be scheduled on the first Monday of every month for ten to twenty years.
Brother Herenton should debate ONLY on black folks playing field, with blacks "running the show," so to speak. And NOT on Steve Cohen's turf, with whites and Jews in charge of the whole debate, as is so often the way it goes. They want to pick the questions, how they are framed, and who the panelists are, etc., etc. So Willie should not fall for their tricks. In fact, it's most likely Cohen who needs to score a lot of points this time around. And if they debate or not, Cohen needs to be asked by the black media and preachers, to explain why he is anti-Jesus. So that Christians will know he does not follow THE LEADER of the Christians. --- Rev. George Brooks
"As a host on hate radio, Ben Ferguson has been trained to lie. He ia a small piece of shit in the lying radio network that includes Limbaugh and Hannity. These radio hosts thrive on lies. Ben Ferguson is a lying motherfucker just like all the other filth on hate radio.
No intelligent person is going to believe anything this nincompoop has to say. He is a paid, professional liar."
Yet you believe Thaddy??? Be sure to send him a donation!!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"As a host on hate radio, Ben Ferguson has been trained to lie. He ia a small piece of shit in the lying radio network that includes Limbaugh and Hannity. "
If you people would spend some of your time doing for yourself instead of baseless knocking of successful individuals who have made it big while you whine with little fact finding, then you might find something in life that is pleasant.
All of the hating creatures posting here that knock white successful folks make real fools of themselves by airing their limited capability with the English language and obviously living in a do it without world of envy. You truly have brought onto yourself your sorry state in life.
Read the bio of your hero Matthews as linked in one of the responses herein. Whose path would you rather walk in, the smelly tracks of Thaddeus or someone who has made a success of life while you have been on the outside looking in while hiding your ignorance with vulgar language sliding over rotting teeth?
"Brother Herenton should debate ONLY on black folks playing field, with blacks "running the show," so to speak. And NOT on Steve Cohen's turf, with whites and Jews in charge of the whole debate, as is so often the way it goes. They want to pick the questions, how they are framed, and who the panelists are, etc., etc."
So...Rev. Brooks...just for clarity, what is Otis Sanford...a white or a Jew??? Please enlighten us. Also, if 'Brother Herenton' had a record he could stand on, could he not answer questions from any panel - regardless of who they are??? I know if I were running for office, I would welcome the tough questions. I would want to show how strong of a candidate I am. I would let my record speak for itself. All 'Brother Herenton' has done is shown himself to be a coward. He knows his record can't stand the test, so he backed out of the debate and in doing so, showed the yellow streak down his back. Is this how he will act when faced with adversity in Washington? What kind of representation does that give the 9th District? If you want to vote for a coward with no backbone ONLY because he's black - go for it. See what kind of represntation you get.
Rev. Fred Sanford
Seventh Day Junkist
So that Christians will know he does not follow THE LEADER of the Christians
One more question for you, Rev. Brooks. Is adultry a sin in the eyes of the LEADER of the Christians? Didn't 'Brother Herenton' have a child out of wedlock? Isn't this child's mom having to pull teeth, so to speak, to get 'Brother Herenton' to have anything to do with said child, much less support him? Also, didn't 'Brother Herenton' openly say...on TV...that statemens made by Norm Brewer were, and I quote, "Bullshit"?
Are these traits and values of a person that follows THE LEADER of the Christians? I sure hope the black media and preachers ask (axe) 'Brother Herenton' about these issues. He won't answer though...he'll be to yellow to show up.
Rev. Fred Sanford
Seventh Day Junkist
To truth shouldn't offend you:
Yes and in European countries there is sex trafficing, terrorist attacks, drug problems, homelessness, economic meltdowns, guys stealing the money of hardworking people, serial killers, organized crime, corruption, and sexual perversion as well. Your point?
"These radio hosts thrive on lies. Ben Ferguson is a lying motherfucker just like all the other filth on hate radio."
Yet you can't even point out one of these so-called lies and present your facts rebutting anything said. All you see is the color white and it is automatically a lie. So I'm sending a fuck you back your way, asshole.
So I guess that makes you the liar and racial hater in this deal. But keep on hating. I hear many conservative AA's calling into Ben's show every day. So keep on driving your intelligent brothers and sisters away from the perverted liberal ways of the Demonrats, which will eventually be the demise of this sick Party of slavery, over to conservatism.
It's all good!
Matthews, why don't you reveal how much change you have received in donations. You claim to have high ratings, but you have to beg for funds. People remember you begged all day for donations for the family where one of your color brothers killed about seven in one family. There was a just cause, yours is not.
Even in your just cause begging you received very little in donations. Did you ever turn it over to the shattered family?
"When Thaddeus returns to the airwaves, Ben realizes his(Ben's) ass is going to get kicked once again, over and over."
Ben wont loose any of his English speaking callers, nor does he want any of Matthews grunt word callers.
It's all about advertising revenue. Compare the quality of the products Ben advertises to the trash advertised by Matthews.
It's all about advertising revenue. Compare the quality of the products Ben advertises to the trash advertised by Matthews.
May 17, 2010 10:00 AM
There is no comparison.
Rev. Fred Sanford
Seventh Day Junkist
May 16, 2010 3:57 PM
LOLOL! That's a good one Rev Fred!
Notice how Rev George Brooks the Separatist wants to be included and to be separate (discriminate against other races) at the same time.
What a god damned fool you are George. You can't have it both ways. It's too late. Keep on a hating though, I'm sure your God will deal with you. American White and Black and Hispanic and Asian ALL getting inter-mixed and having children. Nothing pure around here lol.
"All 'Brother Herenton' has done is shown himself to be a coward."
Well this explains his failed boxing career that caused him to be a gov'ment worker for life.
"You can't even point out one pf these so-called lies and present your facts rebutting anything said."
7:22 a.m. May 17
This had to be posted by one of those wingnuts who believe that all of America is as retarded as he is.
To document the lies of the lying GOP would take forever. There are national organizations on the internet that track GOP lies on a daily basis. Media Matters for America is probably the best in this regard, and it is really scary when you think that an American political party has turned itself into this lying entity, this monster that is destroying American ideals.
This is the same philosophy that Hitler and Joseph Goebbels embraced in Nazi Germany during World War II. "If you tell a lie long enough, it will be seen as fact."
And stupid Ben Ferguson is a lying motherfucker who parrots the lies of Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and all the other lying shitheads on hate radio and the lying cable Fox News Channel.
And anyone looking for perversions can find them right there inside the hypocritical GOP. Wasn't it that Republican senator out west who was caught playing footsie in that airport rest room as he tried to solicit male sex from a stranger?
No doubt a hero of Ben Ferguson, a fugitive from "Queer as Folk."
On one day Eddie asserted: "I know whites are taught to believe blacks can't govern themselves"
After assuring Eddie that my parents didn't teach me the crap he accused them of teaching me and that I learned by reading and looking at the facts of the situation.
Eddie then asks: "Your point?"
Eddie, my fucking point is that you are wrong - I wasn't raised or taught to believe anything negative about black folks like you assume.
The decent people of Memphis would agree that he should debate a federal prosecutor from the witness chair to answer for the crimes he committed while doing great damage to the reputation of Memphis while being the lousy mayor that he was for far too long.
"May 17, 2010 5:23 PM"
Far too many democrats are like this obviously poor and vulgar free loader that can only come up with gutter talk, not facts. I cannot imagine anyone wanting to be around you other than those whose nasty mouth and most likely filthy bodies that you probably run with while hoping wealthy democrats like Obama obtain your votes while you do nothing but fester away to your final days without a tooth in your head unless, of course, you manage you continue to slide into poverty while doing nothing but hoping for a dental plan.
"This had to be posted by one of those wingnuts who believe that all of America is as retarded as he is."
No, once again, you are wrong. I am an Independent. Just because I'm not stuck deep in the ass of the people in the Proud Party of Slavery <- Demonrats, doesn't make me a Republican. You should come out for fresh air every now and then!
I don't need to belong to any group to feel good about myself. I don't need a damn Dumbocrat taking away my freedoms in exchange for free shit. Only ignorant, helpless lazy folks desire this way of life.... to be enslaved to a bunch of elite, rich folks (Obama, Dodd, Reid, Pelosi, Rangel, Franks, et al) who wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. They use you up and you love it. Who be da fool?
By the way, the Democrat Slavery Party is chock full of "Queer Folk." Hey, these be yo people that you march side by side with chanting "Kumbayah." Funny how the hypocritical Dems are supposed to be the party of tolerance and takes and welcomes everybody up in the fold-even the homos (you hate) yet you righteous Dems are the ones who are most intolerant.
Left wingnuts are no better than right wingnuts. What a big dummy you are.... hate one but love the other? Fucking fool.
Maybe some of the posters to this blog would be happier with their cousins waiting in front of tent to meditate with a witch doctor within the continent of Africa, then the Med could be closed which would leave Joe Ford with nothing to crow about regarding his claim to fame for a sixty day fix of the finances of this medical hospital that started as a Saturday suture palace for area knife wounds. A stitch in time for a dime.
I guess Willie Herenton and Joe Ford figure they can live without campaign contributions as long as they can count on color being a prime asset for winning an election.
You've got to hand it to Joe, he knows how to buy a vote in taking a campaign position that is against merging the city and county, something most inner city democrats deeply desire. Joe says he will get 90% of the democrat vote. He claims 100% of the black vote, but he is sucking up to the white majority outside the city by being against consolidation. Joe and Willie are good at putting the screws to their people.
Seems as if more people care for Thaddeus Matthews than they do, Willie Herenton. That's not saying much for Willie Herenton, who doesn't seem to have a friend at all, even on this filthy blog.
Yeah, that's a great rebuttal. "You're wrong!" So you can tell your truth and I can tell mine, but I'm just wrong completely? I think you've just proved what I'm talking about.
Eddie, you are wrong in saying that white people are "taught" certain things and are raised to believe bad things about black people. This is what you are wrong about.
I didn't say white governance was better than black governance. Just pointing out to you that black governance is not any better than white governance.
Today, black people hold black people down more so that white people. That's my point. All you have to do is look at the motherland for major proof of oppression.
That's where you're wrong. I never said black governance is better that white governance. I said that a lot of whites grew up believing blacks couldn't govern themselves. Depending on how old you are, textbooks didn't really even cover how much blacks did in this country let alone all the civilizations in Africa before colonization got heavy.
Look, I know for sure no race is perfect, but I'm sure as hell not going to let someone point out all of our problems while holding what someone else other than themselves did that was so great just because they shared the same skin color. If whites are so great, why are there poor whites? If blacks are so bad, why are there black lawyers and doctors?
And now about the holding each back thing, it's true. But when black people stop fighting and actually start trying to help each other without even doing anything to white people, whites get scared and start yelling racism. You don't believe? Then explain why you're fighting so hard right now.
But when black people stop fighting and actually start trying to help each other without even doing anything to white people, whites get scared and start yelling racism. You don't believe? Then explain why you're fighting so hard right now.
May 20, 2010 1:04 PM
My greatest wish is that you all would stop fighting and start helping one another.
What makes you think whites are afraid of blacks? I'm not afraid of black people and certainly don't want them to be afraid of me.
What I am fighting for has absolutely nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with what these people are about.
Unfortunately, the members of this group get racially harassed from people from your side of the fence (Democrats, Liberals, Leftwing Nutjobs) becauseof the VALUES they hold. Now that is fucked up don't you think?
But when black people stop fighting and actually start trying to help each other without even doing anything to white people, whites get scared and start yelling racism. You don't believe? Then explain why you're fighting so hard right now.
May 20, 2010 1:04 PM
My greatest wish is that you all would stop fighting and start helping one another.
What makes you think whites are afraid of blacks? I'm not afraid of black people and certainly don't want them to be afraid of me.
What I am fighting for has absolutely nothing to do with skin color and everything to do with what these people are about.
Unfortunately, the members of this group get racially harassed from people from your side of the fence (Democrats, Liberals, Leftwing Nutjobs) becauseof the VALUES they hold. Now that is fucked up don't you think?
The reason I know is because history has shown it. MLK died because of it. Malcolm X died because of it. Tulsa and Rosewood were razed when blacks actually fought back. Even when a black man stands his ground against "mainstream" culture, people try to destroy him. So don't tell me how whites would like for blacks to actually stand together because more has been done to prevent than promote it.
As far as black conservatives go, I feel sorry for them. I have no problem with being economical or whatever else the conservatives say they believe in, but when they support people who laugh behind their back or don't even consider them worthy to have a seat at the table,that's the problem. It's always been conservatives who openly railed against anybody poor or none white, so why do they think they have our best interest heart now?
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