AM 1180 WPLX will also bring a first to Memphis radio, A all Blues format that airs the Blues 7 days a week and not just on Saturdays. The mixture of Soul Blues with traditional Blues and a touch of R&B that grown folk remember will make this new station the number 1 AM station within 6 months if not sooner.
The WPLX morning show will be hosted by two former WDIA employees, Captain Curtis Lee and Denise Dean. The Captain holds the record for the highest ratings in Memphis radio having a 22 share while at DIA. Also while at 103.5 The Captain had an 11 share on their Saturday morning Blues show. Denise Dean or Dean as most radio listeners call her will bring an exciting element to morning radio along with news tidbits and traffic. Dean also has the ability to do talk radio often doing the Bev Johnson Show on DIA, In fact many times more issue oriented then Johnson.
From 9-10 AM daily I will come on air to discuss issues and to give a taste of what I will be doing from 3-7pm in the afternoon. Yes now "The Thaddeus Matthews Show" will air 4 hours daily with the same no holds barred controversial conversation. There will be no change in my style or approach in fact I will be hitting very hard during this political season. I will continue to get involved in issues in the city and fight for those causes that the so called mainstream media refuses to investigate or report.
So to you haters you make have thought it was safe but its not, Republicans you may have thought that you had a free reign with that wimp Benita Ferguson fighting your cause,But you don't Im back and I will be kicking some old ass and looking for some new.
Do you know what what they call Ben Ferguson behind his back at the other radio stations? Yes, it is "BEN GAY"!
And this is an excellent time for Ben to come out of the closet. Everybody around him knows that he is homosexual, and there is no need for him to hide this fact. And his gay friends like this jackass poet say the sweetest things about old Benita.
Ben Gay is an established name and an established product. Sissy gal Ben Ferguson should take full advantage of this by making a commercial for the makers of "Ben Gay."
"Hey, I am Ben Gay Ferguson, and I want you to know that this product really works."
When you get Janis Fullilove on your new radio station, please have her rip Ben Gay Ferguson to pieces. This coward had the nerve to slander Janis when she was having a few personal problems.
Ben Gay Ferguson! All this fat man needs now is a girlie figure and he can complete his transformation from half man to full woman.
It will be exactly one month from [my firing} by KWAM and the arrival of [a member of the truth squad] Bennie Ferguson to a time slot that I had already kicked his ass in, And a time slot where that ass whupping will continue.
But your audience didn't have the purchasing power for a shop lifting jaunt to the dollar store. That's what it is all about.
Anyone with a livable body temperature knows you are all talk. Another example is that you would even dare to compete with other radio stations that have been in Memphis before you, unfortunately, were born. Take that anyway you want.
"The mixture of Soul Blues with traditional Blues and a touch of R&B that grown folk remember will make this new station the number 1 AM station within 6 months if not sooner."
Thad will u be on the internet and sync live!!
Thaddeus, you know good and well this lawsuit is going to go on for years. Trying to make it sound like you are fixing to get paid is pure hogwash and wishful thinking on your part.
In November 2010, Democrats and traitor Republicans across America are in for a big ass surprise! No local radio station of yours can stop the tide that is already in full force and rolling down on the fucked up incompetent Demonrat run Congress we currently have. You will see what I am talking about so stay tuned!
I'm glad your handlers are getting you set up in a new crib. Got to keep the famous Memphis racial hate and propaganda going! Have fun and good luck with your new gig.
Dame Ben Gay Ferguson--what a name!
Sounds like royalty--or Ben's sissy game
Over on AM 990 he spreads lies about Obama
When he should be criticizing his own mama
It looks like she raised a freak
A sissy whose brain has a leak
Who'd rather wear a dress than suit and tie
Now that would make any mama cry
From 4 to 7 p.m. KWAM ratings have fallen
Clarksenior of WREC is the new racist darling
Dame Ben Gay Ferguson is no longer a mystery
This arrogant punk is now history
And now his stupid lies won't help him
No matter what he does on a whim
He has no respect for the truth
He's a horrible role model for our youth
Dame Ben Gay's lies are all over the place
It's hard to tell his ass from his face
His audience's IQ will make you swoon
Dame Ben Gay could tell them the sun is really the moon
And they'd believe him, they're that dumb
The lowest IQ group under the sun
But let's give Dame Ben Gay a positive touch
This fat little sinner will go to church
And Ben Gay is generous
We know that to be true
He put in a hundred dollar bill
When the basket passed his pew
The minister was so impressed
He came down to thank old Ben
"Son, I want to thank you personally
By giving you a hymn
Just tell the choir what hymn you want"
And with that, Ben Gay began to point
"I want HIM, and HIM, and HIM, and YOU!"
"This coward had the nerve to slander Janis when she was having a few personal problems."
You people are something else, a long rap sheet makes a politician just like a member of your family and you want to put him/her in charge of decent people's lives.
A few personal problems like too drunk to work, injuring children while drunk, fired from one job after another, fraud insofar as a driver's license, drug abuse, etc.
If someone with the worthlessness of Janis Fullabooze showed up in my neighborhood, she would be asked to leave.
You deserve your plight on this earth if you continue to elect losers like Willie Herenton, Joe Ford, Ophelia Ford and little kids like Justin and Edmund, Jr.
Thug thinks a visitor with insults helps his sorry reputation.
Like going to the county fair and throwing eggs at the dumb ass who inserts his sorry head through a canvas hole or sits on a broom stick ready to be tossed in a tub of rain water and bird droppings.
Thud, you are the entertainment, the man on the broom stick, the head in the toilet shaped canvas
hole. Keep in mind, this free entertainment doesn't influence us to buy the products you hawk. Your advertisers, if any are left, are wasting their five dollar bills.
OKAY, then you were evicted, a path you have been down many times before. Fortunately for KWAM, you were never an employee as that might have made it harder for them to get you off the premises.
Brother Thad, wishing you the best of success with this new WPLX. But please inform me as to who are ALL of the owners of this new venture? For my group are now preparing to launch a national movement to at least sound the need for 100 percent black-owned businesses. For, as you should agree with me, Brother Thad, so called black businesses that have whites and Jews in them, are usually really owned and controlled by the whites and Jews. Even the Tri-State Defender has some whites and Jews among its parent company's ownership. And this may have too much influence on the upcoming Congressional election. Good luck, and will be watching to see the list of owners. --- Rev. George Brooks of Murfreesboro.
advertising is all about the buying power of those tuned in.
Learn the roots of Thaddeus Matthews as reported by Memphis Flyer back in 2003. Just click on "Thadshistory"
If that doesn't work, try and place
the following address into the address bar.
Thanks for the update Thad and we can't wait to hear you on the airwaves. As you say "We don't have to agree on everything but at least we can come to an agreement about some things", and I can respect you for that.
Also Thad will we be able to hear you streaming over the internet? A lot of us listened to you over the internet because we live out of town like me. (way out west beyond Texas towards CA).
And for all you haters that keeps coming back to this blog, "We thank you dummys/dumbazz for making this happen". You are sometime our inspiration our motivation. I thank you Thad thank you and the world thanks you.
Keep up your hateful words of encouragement. And we know you'll be listening come May 31st.
And one more thing to all you haters on this blog who bashes Thad in the kind words of Aunt Ester of Stanford & Son Thanks again you "FISH EYED FOOLS" Oh Glory......
man sometimes you make me sick but you cannot be denied. Can't wait for your station to air
yes the station will stream both online and synclive
Blessings to you Thaddeus on your plans. One question. Will Janice Fullilove still have a time slot?
From the Memphis Flyer:
"I [MATTHEWS] started using all the lines I had ever used, and playing love songs. I would get women calling me on the phone, masturbating." WNWZ failed after a one-year run."
This is what Matthews is all about. Just substitute WPL with the X on top of it for "WNWZ" and you have the next chapter in the life of a person who has exceeded at nothing.
Thad, how can us out of towners catch you online with the new venue? Wishing you much continued success. Thanks
Yo Thad,
You gonna be on the internet?
When George Bryant hired Miss Ben Ferguson to replace Thaddeus Matthews, he thought he was doing something clever. He believed that Miss Ben would bring most of the WREC 4-7 p.m. listening audience with him to KWAM.
But guess what? Most of the WREC audience did not budge. It stayed put. It is eating KWAM alive in the ratings.
They do not call WREC the White Racist Entertainment Channel for nothing. With lead-ins of Limbaugh and Hannity, this is where the rednecks flock to get their daily dose of racist lies and misinformation for the day.
Another factor is that Miss Ben Ferguson has an annoying voice that is not really suitable for radio. He sounds like a barnyard screech owl, screeching in a loud monotone for three hours. His voice is horrible.
And when 1180 opens to listeners in a few days, the thousands of Thaddeus Matthews listeners will return intact.
So it makes no sense for Miss Ben Ferguson to come to this website to attack the new AM 1180 before it even opens. Miss Ferguson should be attacking WREC and trying to lure some of its audiece away to KWAM.
But it will not happen. In Miss Ben Ferguson, KWAM is now stuck with a failure.
Thad you are still a loser. No matter who you slice it, you are a loser. Thad., you don't have to play the blues all day, just think of your life, it is the blues. I forgot, Wanda Halbert and Larry Godwin said they both are going to whip your fat ass.
And one more thing to all you haters on this blog who bashes Thad in the kind words of Aunt Ester of Stanford & Son Thanks again you "FISH EYED FOOLS" Oh Glory......
May 16, 2010 10:44 AM
And one more thing to all you haters on this blog who bashes Ben in the kind words of Aunt Ester of Stanford & Son Thanks again you "FISH EYED FOOLS" Oh Glory......
"And for all you haters that keeps coming back to this blog, "We thank you dummys/dumbazz for making this happen". You are sometime our inspiration our motivation."
Well, I'm no more of a hater than you are. But the thanks goes back to you all! If it wasn't for all the FCC complaints for the sexual nastiness and racial hate that was the cause of Thaddeus having to pack his bags at KWAM, we wouldn't be blessed with Ben and his informative program. So really, all the thanks goes to big old Thaddy Bear for making room for the younger feller.
Isn't it interesting how 10:24 p.m. May 15 thinks he will gain something if the Grand Old Jurassic Party gains control of Congress.
The fact is that the Republicans are not going to do anything for anybody, black or white, male or female, Hispanic or Jew, old or young, intellectual or retarded.
This is the party of no, the party of nothing, the party of lies.
But as long as the big corporations have the rednecks fighting against themselves, America will continue to take a step backwards.
Have alien microbes invaded the brains of tea party/tea bagger idiots? They've been out clowning about higher taxes under President Obama when actually taxes decreased last year for 95% of America households.
So the gorilla in the room is not taxes, it is the refusal of bigots and racists to accept a black president.
And now racist Pat Buchanan is concerned about too many Jews being on the Supreme Court if Kagan is confirmed. Oh yes, the racists hate the Jews too, just like Hitler did in Nazi Germany.
The GOP has created a revolution of racism in America.
Big man, huh Thaddeus?
You're gonna get a can of Whoopass right back.
Your every move is going to be recorded and sent to the FCC. It won't take long for the FCC to have Pollock's frequency revoked.
Profanity, obscenity, hate mongering, all good stuff the FCC is going to be informed of in great detail. You know you are going to cross the line and this time the FCC steps in.
Let's see how long it takes before WPLX gets it's license revoked.
How long will the other DJs work there after their checks start bouncing as usual? They aren't stupid. Well, maybe they are.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"man sometimes you make me sick but you cannot be denied. Can't wait for your station to air"
May 16, 2010 11:21 AM
Everyone, get out the air freshener as this "air" will be the loudest fart the hood has smelled in quite a while. Blues music on AM, nothing but a cheapo three person operation under a brown smelly cloud.
Hey Thad, didn't you own a REPO business? That means you were preying on the hardship of people in the black community. Kind of the same thing you do on the radio. Just exploiting the bad news of other people. You are just an opportunist that lives off the suffering of others. Shameful.
Ben Ferguson is nothing but a dirty professional liar. He is so steeped in lying now that he does not know right from wrong. All of these professional liars like Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Michael Weiner Savage are disciples of the notorious Joseph Goebbels of World War II Nazi Germany. They are a disgrace to the founders of this country.
thad its amazing to me how all of these "Tea Party Hater" talk about you and low-rate you, but at the same time they keep up with what you're doing on your blog. it is evident that they really love and admire you for who you are, what you do, and for what you stand for, but they cannot express those feeling openly because of who they are, what they do, and for what they stand for
"They've been out clowning about higher taxes under President Obama when actually taxes decreased last year for 95% of America households."
Meangingless dribble from those uneducated Obama socialist looking with envy on those who have made it. You poor souls had about $25.00 worth of government relief in the form of a tax savings resulting from Obama borrowing hundreds of billions from China to spread out amongst you that can't make it on your own. Food stamps, government schooling, medical care, ect., that you hope will come out of the hides of those who are savy enough to educate themselves and their family.
You free loaders are just as much in debt as the do it yourselfers. Wait until the repo man puts you out on the street as you risk living like those in Cuba.
Damn, there are some really stupid people that follow Obama, the biggest charlatan of all times. No one, not a person, remembers him from his days gone past. No birth certificate, a wife who lost her license to practice law. Damn, how does it feel to be such a failure in life that you have to live off the labor of others. Thank goodness that he is not a white man. It would then be a a total disgrace.
Look at all of the jealous haters here! Go Ben go! Keep up the ignorance and keep sending all of the conservative and intelligent AA's Ben's way....they are calling into his show by the dozen. He had to get more telephone lines and the owners at KWAM put up a more powerful tower...Probably payed for it with all the dirty money that Thaddeus' masters (the racist black folk in Memphis) were handing off to him to give to George!
FYI, liberal Democrap radio WILL NEVER succeed. See the now defunct Air America Your message of hate and the permanent sucking on the government teat doesn't resonate with the hard working, independent Americans (no hypenations).
Whatever happened to Ben Ferguson's poet? He seems to have disappeared. And is it really true that Ben tried to have sex with all the male members of a church choir as well as the male minister?
Enquiring minds want to know.
"May 17, 2010 11:07 AM"
You said absolutely nothing that was of any interest. Evidently, you are a product of the Memphis City School System and it's free breakfast, lunch, and show and tell as applied to your rear end and foul math. What do you do for yourself during the winter while the Mexicans are raking leaves?
Is the new station going to be streamed via the internet for your non Memphians listeners
"His [Ferguson, you say]
voice is horrible.
Ferguson speaks English, not ebonics which happens to be the language of Matthews, his callers and followers who failed out of the Memphis City School System.
Even Temporary Mayor Joe Ford is against city/county consolidation.
How will this go across in the hood?
Curtis Lee
Denise Dean
Thaddeus Matthews
can't wait . . . . .
can't wait for u to reopen that can of whup-ass
If they ever give talk radio in Memphis an enema, they will have to place the nozzle firmly and squarely into the broadcast booth of Ben Ferguson. Only then can the filth this lying wimp produces on a daily basis be washed away.
And one more thing to all you haters on this blog who bashes Ben in the kind words of Aunt Ester of Stanford & Son Thanks again you "FISH EYED FOOLS" Oh Glory......
May 17, 2010 7:07 AM
Hatemonger/tea-stasher grabber I was orginal with what I said and you're still riding on Thads jockstrap baby.
So the next time you want to use something I said DON'T. Keep wearing your bikini's thongs and you and Ben "bent-ova" or "benn me ova" Ferguson can keep playing momma and daddy.
Again as the great Aunt Ester said "SUCKER"
Memphis is SICK of WDIA and it's host. Damn their're DUMB. Tha same $#%T everyday. Boring......
Have you noticed that no poster has challenged the fact of Ben Ferguson's homosexuality? Everybody in Memphis should know by now that Ben Ferguson is gay, perfect to be a cast member of "Queer as Folk," and the rednecks have always known Ben is a sissy. Now the black folks know that Ben is gay, and finally rednecks and blacks can agree on something: BEN FERGUSON IS GAY!
But it is silly to assert that anybody would be jealous of this homo queen. Who really wants to be like a half man who swishes from one radio station to the other?
Miss Ben Ferguson is such a big liar that he even tried to conceal his sexual orientation all these years. But Miss Ferguson is out of the closet now!
And now at KWAM, George Bryant is king and lovely Miss Ben Ferguson is queen!
"Only then can the filth this lying wimp produces on a daily basis be washed away."
It's so easy (and the lazy way) to try and discredit people with degrading names yet not one person can point out these so-called lie and state the truth.
I think you many of you are jealous black racists who can't stand a strong, successful white man, lol!
Pity poor Ben Ferguson. He came to this website with poems of hatred for Thaddeus Matthews and the new AM 1180 and ended up being roasted
like the pig that he is. And this is just the beginning. Expect more expose of this lowdown sissy.
Blogger nesiewoowoo said...
"can't wait for u to reopen that can of whup-ass"
May 17, 2010 9:51 PM
Where else would you expect Thaddeus Matthews to reside?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"If they ever give talk radio in Memphis an enema, they will have to place the nozzle firmly and squarely into the broadcast booth of Ben Ferguson. Only then can the filth this lying wimp produces on a daily basis be washed away."
May 18, 2010 5:57 AM
BEN FERGUSON REALLY BOTHERS YOU PEOPLE. It's statements like the above that really displays the ignorance of those that flounder in their envy of the haves. Nothing but nasties in their spoken word. Maybe that's why they end up in the worst jobs. It's hard to imagine them in a decent place of business.
So you go from working at one white jewish-owned radio station to another white jewish-owned radio station. Big deal. Let's see how that works out. You know it won't.
"They do not call WREC the White Racist Entertainment Channel for nothing. With lead-ins of Limbaugh and Hannity,"
WREC? The station that has the conservative African American Andrew Clarksenior running the 4-7 M-F show? Sorry but they are not racists with an AA in the prime spot. Come again with your racist hatred and see if something hits next time.
Rush and Hannity? I see these two men got your government-issued panties in a wad. They must be hitting on some truth there to get you all twisted up like this. But no, I don't listen them. I do listen to Dennis Prager, Neal Boortz, Michael Medved, Mike Gallagher. I guess you hate them too since they have a different viewpoint than yours <--- the lockstep march of the historic Democrat Slavery Party to which you obviously feel totally at home. Things that make me go hmmmm.
Break those chains son... You are in bed with your enemy and are so brainwashed and don't even know it! We'll get the racist Rev Georgie Brooks to pray for you.
Miss Ben Ferguson is on KWAM today discussing the Arizona immigration law. No surprise, this sissified simpleton is all for the law and is speaking on complex issues of which he has no knowledge. What Miss Ferguson is really doing today is teaching more white people to hate Hispanics, the same way he teaches white folks to hate blacks, Jews, and Muslims.
Miss Ben Ferguson is a stupid bitch who should take his homosexual ass off the air and let a real American take his place. We do not need bigots like Miss Ferguson poisoning the airwaves. He is nothing but a sissified simpleton.
I love it when Ben @ KWAM 990 reads the emails from the black racist listeners! He doesn't even have to say a word about the hate dripping from their hearts - the ignorant emails speak for themselves.
Listeners from all over get to hear EXACTLY what the white people have to live with daily in backward-ass Memphis, full of dependent black people who freely choose to live on Uncle Sam's Plantation and are STILL OWNED by the slave-owning Democrats. I'd bet Republican MLK is flipping in his grave at the willful and pitiful state his people are still in.
I wuse outside tying to listen to yo new ratio stashun A&M 1180 today round 2 this afernoon but all I herd was scratic. Have you cut it on already just yet? I lives just off Holmes in south Memphis so I should heard you Ok but I dont. I wuse upin my nephews car. He says he gots 1000 watss up in his ride. How many watts you says you gonna have again? He also gots 15 inch boomers. How big yo speakers gonna be?
I cant waits to here you again I sure it gonne sound even much mo better than W.D.I.A caose you says so and you is a man of intergready & concerns.
Keeps on keepen on and we gonn keep it all still for reel and hate them shakers off.
Good luck, and will be watching to see the list of owners. --- Rev. George Brooks of Murfreesboro.
May 16, 2010 10:09 AM
You still hanging around Georgie porgie puddin and pie?
How much did you pay Amanda Mae ______'s parents before you fled to Murfreesboro to hide out?
That 15 will get you 20 if it ever gets out!
If you want to see what a real coward is like, just go to YouTube, pull up Ben Ferguson and witness a Wonder Woman named Randi Rhodes ripping this sissy to pieces. In this cable news interview, Ms. Rhodes demolishes this hatemongering punk so badly that you almost feel sorry for him.
And this is what KWAM wanted to bring back to the airwaves--a stupid, cowardly sissy afraid to enlist in the military and go fight for his country? Please!!
Make all the fun you want of Ben Ferguson and KWAM but your head is still in the sand if you think little of that station and the advertiser's at the station during the drive time hours.
The callers are heads above the callers that were attracted to Thaddeus Matthews. They can be understood. That should tell you something. They are educated with a broad understanding of a variety of topics.
All in all, some of you posters here should listen to how improved this station has become. The products advertised at KWAM you would proudly own or put to use given time.
KWAM obviously was not a fit for Matthews or his callers. You posters here should tune to 990 and just listen. Don't embarrass yourself by calling the station as you just don't fit yet you might step out of the hole you seem to occupy over time by listening. You might not have smarts enough to participate, but you would find it to your advantage to listen and learn.
Thud is gone and now KWAM is putting up a new antenna. I guess the demise wished for by Thud ain't gonna happen. Looks like they will survive the departure/firing of the Fat Stupid Obnoxious One after all.
The commentary from white racists on this blog indicates quite clearly that they will not change and will drag America to hell. Notice how even the lowest white person who comes to this blog can lie, deceive, and misinform. If a black person uses perfect English, they will swear that person is into Ebonics. If a black person like Willie Herenton speaks eloquently in the manner of Dr. Martin Lutger King, they will swear Herenton is a poor speaker.
And the white racist is wrong if he believes that a homosexual idiot like Ben Ferguson bothers anybody in the black community. Black folks and Hispanics could care less about this swishy sissy.
He is nothing but a faggot queen who would be more suitable for a cable television series like "Queer as Folk." His having sex with men is his own business and probably bothers the hypocrites in his own party more than this behavior would bother a "liberal" Democrat.
So, yes, go Ben, Go! You can jump in the sack with as many men as you like. Just remember to use protection so nothing will hurt that squeaky voice of yours.
But sissy Ben aside, the white racist will never learn from history and is doomed to repeat it. What is happening in America today unfortunately parallels what happened in Germany prior to the Nazi takeover before World War II. The Jews were the major target then and the white racists ended up exterminating more than six million of these innocent and beautiful people.
And once again anti-Semitism is raising its ugly head with racist buffoon Pat Buchanan's statement about too many Jews being on the United States Supreme Court.
But the main target of the white racists today is the Hispanic, the Latino, the Mexican American. The white racists use an unconstitutional immigration law in Arizona to legalize their hatred for Hispanics in the hope that it will slow down the upcoming majority race in America.
But it is too late. The flood gates are open. The Mexicans are here and nothing can stop them! The white racists may have better luck trying to hold back the incoming ocean tide with a spoon.
History is not on the side of the white racist.
Ever wonder why white racists visit this blog and express such intense hatred for Thaddeus Matthews? It is because he tells them the truth about themselves, and to the white racist, truth is just like kryptonite.
I really enjoyed the poem "Dame Ben Gay Ferguson" and laughed until I cried. The sight of the little gay man, sitting in the back of the church and eyeing the male members of the choir and the minister for sex, is hilarious. It sounds like something Ben Ferguson would do.
But what happened to the dueling poets? They were funny. Looks like they ran out of material and gave up the ship.
Thaddeus Matthews put KWAM on the map, and the little AM station, to show its gratitude, stabbed Thaddeus in the back.
Now the station is crowing that sissy Benita Ferguson has been a bonanza foe their ratings, and we know that is a lie.
No one is really listening to KWAM anymore since Thaddeus Matthews left. WREC and WDIA pull in many more listeners; KWAM is simply no competition and ranks clearly at the bottom of the radio food chain.
KWAM programming stinks. If you tune in to their shit, it is purely by accident before you switch to an entertaining station or go back to television.
Please do not be fooled by KWAM schemers coming to this website claiming that the demographics changed educationally from 4-7 p.m. when the sissy Ben Ferguson took over the time slot.
Sissy Ben's audience consists mostly of rednecks and his gay friends. That is no improvement.
Hundreds of educated people, black and white, always tuned in to The Thaddeus Matthews Show because it was always exciting, entertaining, informative, and always pushing the envelope.
Sissy Ben's replacement show is just downright boring and will put you to sleep, but it falls right in line with all of KWAM's other
sad and sorry programs.
"Using a basketball shoe and the back of his hand, a 23-year-old man beat to death a 2-year-old girl in Hickory Hill, according to Memphis police."
---The Commercial Appeal
Once again another story regarding the Negroid and his beastial ways.
The story that probably will not come out is that this suspect in all likelihood attempted (or did) to fornicate with the corpse.
Posters decry the alleged homosexuality of Ben Ferguson but will not confront the terrible issues facing the Negroid race. Beastiality, necrophilia, incest, rampant "being on the down low" and having sex with warm melons, etc.
Rules of the Old South may have been spot on:
Remember to spay or neuter your Negroid pet!
--The Famer Rests
And this is what KWAM wanted to bring back to the airwaves--a stupid, cowardly sissy afraid to enlist in the military and go fight for his country? Please!!
May 18, 2010 4:41 PM
Are you talking about Thaddeus? He didn't enlist and serve his country either! As a matter of fact, he still hasn't paid up and taken care of the children he brought into this world - the taxpayers had to help raise them.
In your hateful, racist efforts to make Ben look like shit, you only highlight Thaddeus Matthews' own failures and incompetency. And he has had almost 25 years on Ben to make something of himself and get his life in order.
Seriously now!
P.S. I voluntarily served in our great military for both of these so-called cowards and sissies so stick that up your ass, hater!
How much did you pay Amanda Mae ______'s parents before you fled to Murfreesboro to hide out?
That 15 will get you 20 if it ever gets out!
May 18, 2010 4:18 PM
Nooooo, don't tell me that the God fearing, bible verse quoting, upright and honest, racist, separatist Rev. George Brooks done went and stuck his penis in an underage little girl?! Amanda Mae?
Can't even trust the damn preachers these days. They are full of shit just like the politicians.
Whenever the GOP wins, everybody loses. The Republicans under George W. Bush created the economic mess in America today by starting that bogus trillion-dollar Iraq war. It will take decades to clean up Bush's mess and it looks like we are stuck in Iraq for another 100 years.
The GOP is controlled by billion dollar corporations who don't give a damn about the average American. And they count on foolish white Americans stupid enough to burn down their own houses.
At least with the diverse Democrats in power, all Americans have hope. With the Republicans, there is no hope.
Hey Thaddeus, have you ever been invited to talk on any national programs such as CNN, HNN, Fox News, MSNBC? Do you have a syndicated talk radio show on Sunday evenings?
"they keep up with what you're doing on your blog. it is evident that they really love and admire"
No, they are keeping up with the hate talk that drips from the lips of black racists.
Keep on dreaming pal... I just can't seem to admire someone who has a long list of debtors and ex-wives still trying to get compensated.
The fact is that the Democrats are not going to do anything for anybody, black or white, male or female, Hispanic or Jew, old or young, intellectual or retarded.
This is the party of Slaveowners, the party of power and control and oppression, the party of lies.
"Have you noticed that no poster has challenged the fact of Ben Ferguson's homosexuality?"
Has anyone noticed that there is one person on here who is totally obsessed with Ben and his ass? Must be one of the liberal homos blessed with a ruler sized dick who done ran out of welfare mama's to poke it in and is now trying to prey on Ben.
Aren't there enough homos in your own slave owning Democrat Party to poke? Larry Sinclair, haha! Remember him? Obama and Michelle do, lol.
"Ms. Rhodes demolishes this hatemongering punk so badly that you almost feel sorry for him"
Ah yes, Ms. Genderless Rhodes, the Lesbian from the liberal network, Air America, that folded in bankruptcy in Memphis and elsewhere.
Let's face it, liberals looking for a free ride will continue to get the crumbs from the Thanksgiving tables of those who are willing to get an education, pay for an education then work hard and thrive. Keep begging and hoping those of you who look up to Thaddeus Matthews and the fly by nights like Jock Rhodes.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"So you go from working at one white jewish-owned radio station to another white jewish-owned radio station. Big deal. Let's see how that works out. You know it won't."
May 18, 2010 12:09 PM
The have nots like Thaddeus Matthews are just totally dependent on the haves. They know it, the world knows it. The bellowing whiners are just one notch above those that terrorize. Watch out for the, profile to protect yourself. Take a man with a mask, not much different than a man looking for something for nothing voting for those that are trying to spread the wealth into the paths of the good for nothings.
Youtube + CNN Sanchez - another stupid Republican = Ben Ferguson Getting intellectually bitch slapped!
Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Yo Thad, just wanna correct you. There is an all blues station in Memphis right now, but you need an HD radio to receive it.
104.5 HD2 The Delta plays all blues 24/7 with no commercials.
Hope your station adds something special, considering the audio fidelity of AM isn't so great, and we'll be forced to listen to commercials.
Married to eight or ten big boned women, failure to support children, lacking in education, felony arrests, bankruptcies, fired from many jobs decent people would avoid, vulgar, a sexual addict, nights in jail, unpaid judgements, etc. is what Thaddeus Matthews is all about.
No doubt, those that support Thaddeus Matthews are cut from the same cloth.
You ain't hittin on Nuttin!! You ain't whipped nobody's ass since your third year of second grade.Now get the hell off my net.
"If a black person like Willie Herenton speaks eloquently in the manner of Dr. Martin Lutger King, they will swear Herenton is a poor speaker."
You would think that with a doctor's degree in education he would be at least an adequate speaker. His brain, if it works, is not in sync with his tongue. To listen to him garble his words with poor English, hesitate long enough for a listener to take a leak. You show your stupidity by even suggesting Willie with his easy to get degree is an eloquent speaker.
But poster, you would never know as most of your life you have been in the world of ebonics.
Honey, I have just about had it with the faggot who calls himself The Famer. He is really the Cajun Commando and is mad because I got away from him. I am now liberated and you may call me John the Baptist.
He is jealous of Negroids and mad because I now have a Negroid boyfriend. He does not realize that this is a Negroid age and you have to have a Negroid mind to survive.
I had to get away from that old nasty white man. He is as whacky as a road lizard and as nasty as a skunk, dipping snuff and chewing tobacco and spitting all over the place. He is also senile and his family is worried about him. He lost his mind a long time ago.
His postings are never going to make any sense. So please just ignore them. I am very happy with my Negroid boy friend.
John the Baptist rests!
"But it is too late. The flood gates are open. The Mexicans are here and nothing can stop them!"
And they're beating and killing your people every day in the western states just because of their brown skin color. You can't stop them??? Do you want to stop them??? Is it okay they're killing black people??? You proud of that???
I've talked to many Hispanics and they have learned they could care less about your history of slavery and that MLK doesn't mean shit to them. So, you think you have problems with the "honkeys?" You haven't seen nothing yet. Dumbass.
But the main target of the white racists today is the Hispanic, the Latino, the Mexican American. The white racists use an unconstitutional immigration law in Arizona to legalize their hatred for Hispanics in the hope that it will slow down the upcoming majority race in America.
Use an unconstitutional immigration law? Hahaha! Not even close to the fact. You are a fucking liar and a major race baiter who must have attended Fat Al Charlatan School of Master(Race)Bating.
I have Hispanic-American kin folk and they are firmly against the illegal Mexicans and other Latinos nibbling on the already sucked dry tit (because of lazy liberals) of the mammy government the slave-owning Democrats have created. They are standing 100% behind Arizona's RIGHT to deport people who snuck across their state border illegally.
Arizona knows that Obama, Reid, and Pelosi are nothing but WEAK ASS PUSSIES and have decided to take care of the illegals themselves....the Obama's Democrat Slave Owning Party propaganda be damned.
"Let's face it, liberals looking for a free ride will continue to get the crumbs from the Thanksgiving tables of those who are willing to get an education, pay for an education then work hard and thrive"
Right on!
The cold hard fact is that liberals (all colors included) NEED conservatives (all colors included) to survive but conservatives DO NOT NEED liberals to survive.
They know it!
I searched Ben Ferguson's name in the You Tube search bar, and mostly what I got was videos of this guy getting his ass handed to him by people much smarter than he is. How sad. Is there anything worse than a someone who thinks they are "it", but in reality they are "sh!t"? He doesn't deserve a talk show. KWAM would probably get better ratings having a farting contest from 4 to 7PM everyday, than putting this guy on the radio. Who runs tha' joint over there, a bunch of fukn' monkeys?
That man who claims to be the Famer is senile and in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease. We try to humor him, but I am afraid his mind is gone. He just mopes around the trailer all day saying the same thing over and over and over.
The other day I was called on by a family member to check on him since his boyfriend split some time ago. I was shocked by what I saw, the nasty, filthy trailer that had not been cleaned in weeks.
Then he told me to put my head to the wall of the trailer and listen. So I did what he said, but told him that I didn't hear anything. "Been that way all day," he said.
And, by the way, this pitiful half dead white man is half white and half black, which may explain his fascination with "Negroids." He has a Negroid mother and a Caucasoid father.
Hi,Thad, just waiting on you to return to the air-ways.
"A Memphis police officer, accused of rape on Sunday, has been placed on non-enforcement status while the department's sex crimes division investigates the allegations."---Commercial Appeal
Another Negroid cop only demonstrating what I have been saying.
The victim was probably asleep, unconcious, or playing dead which excited and aroused the Negroid buck.
Plantation Owners: Remember to spay or neuter your Negroid pet.
--The Famer Rests
"Who runs tha' joint over there, a bunch of fukn' monkeys?
May 19, 2010 6:59 PM"
Hey, I was thinking the same thing when they let Thad in the door. At least Ben doesn't have a criminal record.
I don't agree with your over the top politics, but I think the radio station treated you unfairly. I am a conservative and I couldn't stand to listen to Ferguson. He will be a failure in that time slot, you should be thankful you are able to move on to better.
Barack Obama stood by the side of the Mexican President as he insulted the United States as does his yellow skinned soul mate, Obama. If the Mexican President was referring to the inner city part of Memphis, TN,
his conclusions make a point.
The Commercial Appeal, today, gave us an account of the police of Memphis that have been accused of crimes over past years. Don't you think that it is about time that they stopped hiring from the inner city of Memphis?
"So you go from working at one white jewish-owned radio station to another white jewish-owned radio station. Big deal. Let's see how that works out. You know it won't."
Your show will be cancelled in no time at all. Why? The bottom line will be money. White jewish station owners like Bill Pollock might not care that you're a racist and con-man as long as you bring him some money to WPLX, but he's gonna expect to see the greenbacks. You think you can deliver that nut? Think again. Here's my prediction: 4-5 months. Let's watch that calendar and see.
I get so sick of you dam white ass people on this blog talk about what you like and don't like. Stay your ghost looking asses off this dam site talk bout what Ben done and what he gon do! Who gives a dam besides you! One thing you WHITE ASS folks hate is for a BLACK person to progress. You start getting jealous and shit. All we care about is the truth and that is what Thaddeus brings us! I wish you would cross my dam path wit sum bullshit I am cut your ass down like grass. I can't wait till Thad get own the air so I can hear Sundown, Walk the Backstreet and Cried, yea its cumin partna! So quit hating and start congrulating. I so glad Constance fake lying ass is gone I don't know what to do! She's a little girl buying $900 dresses but aint got no where to stay! (Dam) Grow Up aint your momma told you don't buy no expensive car until you get the garage first. Aw you young tho you got to grow some more. And that Sonya; that bitch was a snake in the grass. She knew all the time what the station was planning to do but laugh and grinned in Thaddeus face every day, with your fat jaw ass! You knew this and wouldn't let a brother now! Girl your day coming; aint your momma taught your: WHAT YOU DO TO THE LEAST ONE IS DONE UNTO YOU! LET THE CHURCH SAY AMEN!!!
Mental illness can be devastating for any family. This crazy man who sometimes posts as The Famer has been in and out of mental institutions all his life. As an adolescent, he was in and out of Lakeside. He has been treated at Poplar and Dunlap.
His family has done as much as they can for him and is on the verge of having him committed to a mental institution. He is almost completely dysfunctional and will not even take a bath. He just roams around the trailer park all day long staring into space and babbling about Negroids. He is a pathetic sight.
Anonymous said...
Mental illness can be devastating for any family. This crazy man who sometimes posts as The Famer has been in and out of mental institutions all his life. As an adolescent, he was in and out of Lakeside. He has been treated at Poplar and Dunlap.
His family has done as much as they can for him and is on the verge of having him committed to a mental institution. He is almost completely dysfunctional and will not even take a bath. He just roams around the trailer park all day long staring into space and babbling about Negroids. He is a pathetic sight.
May 21, 2010 5:46 AM
You know all about the bastard so are you his "butt buddy" or something?
Both of you are a couple of nasty bastards! Go die somewhere, the both of you!
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"I get so sick of you dam white ass people on this blog talk about what you like and don't like. Stay your ghost looking asses off this dam site talk bout what Ben done and what he gon do! Who gives a dam besides you! One thing you WHITE ASS folks hate is for a BLACK person to progress."
Surprised you could use the spell checker well enough to post the word "progress". It is something that you obviously haven't achieved. Your use of the English language and your attitude prove you to be quite stupid and irrelevant beyond some street corner within the hood with your pants half off.
You, like others that support Thaddeus Matthews, seem to be cut from the same cloth, each and every one of you, totally without an education or as much as a dime in your pocket.
Wait and observe that the Mexicans moving into this area will end up with African American shine boys. They have a work ethnic similar to the the white and yellow race. It's obvious on any construction site where you can observe that they have the best trade jobs.
So, to you who plan to lazy around listening to tinny am blues music, then enjoy and hope the future Mexican business owners will have shovels etched with your names.
"His postings are never going to make any sense. So please just ignore them. I am very happy with my Negroid boy friend.
John the Baptist rests!"
May 19, 2010 2:55 PM
I take it that you are a queer!
Too Bad there isn't away for you to kick your own ass!
Thad, cannot wait for you to get back on the airwaves. I have a question: Who is paying for Ben to be on the air? You know what I mean....
Don't forget Thaddeus:
If you play music on WPLX, you are going to have to pay royalties and license fees.
Now, you may THINK you can get away with NOT paying (since you prefer NOT paying your bills) but guess what?
A bunch of folks are going to help you REMEMBER by regularly REPORTING YOUR ACTIVITIES to the FCC and the music associations that oversee broadcast music use. Ultimately, if YOU don't pay, station owner Bill Pollack will be required to pay those fees. He'll love that of course.
How's that float your boat, Mr. Con Man?
Who cares fat boy. WDIA can't wait to whip you and your crews ASS.
What a racist statement! What if that was flipped to "Wops and Niggers"?
"For, as you should agree with me, Brother Thad, so called black businesses that have whites and Jews in them, are usually really owned and controlled by the whites and Jews. Even the Tri-State Defender has some whites and Jews among its parent company's ownership."
Tuned in Monday like you said, and your two dollar tin can radio station was nowhere to be heard.
So a "storm in Arkansas" knocked you off the air huh? You mean, a "gentle breeze" right?
That's going to be pretty typical for you, and then the FCC will soon enough take you off the air on its own accord.
Sounds a lot like your nickname, doesn't it? "Unreliable." LOL!
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