On Saturday Randy Wade candidate for sheriff of Shelby County kicked off his campaign with one of the most diverse crowds as any Black I've seen running for office thus far this year. There appears to be many White deputy sheriff officers who want to see Wade as the nest sheriff of Shelby County.
Wade who for the last four years has headed up the office of Congressman Steve Cohen states that while he will be tough on crime and especially violent crime,he states that under his administration he the sheriff department will be proactive dealing with parents and education. Wade states that if we can stop the first chance at crime there wont need to be so many programs for a "Second Chance.
Wade states that mental patients should not be locked away at 201 Poplar or the Penal Farm but treated for their illnesses in a facility that deals with mental illness. The candidate who spent over 20 years in the sheriff department stated that he cost $90 per day to house a prisoner causing tax payers a ton of money, but non violent offenders could be monitored for as little as $10 per day with tracking devices attached to their legs saving taxpayers at least $70 per day.
While there are several other candidates in the race for sheriff many believe that Randy Wade is the man to beat and that as far as democrats are concerned he has it sewed it.
Thad, I hope that maybe something can be done about this crime problem. What parents need to understand is that these older gang members recruit the young to commit crime to make easy money. Parents need to take control of their household and their kids. Thad even when my children became teenagers, my husband and I did not let our children run the streets. It takes alot of work to keep your children on the right track. Thad would you please do a show on how one of those teabaggers spit on Congressman Cleaver. I saw the video and it did happen. A white female capital hill police woman was right next to Congressman Cleaver when it happened; and when Congressman Cleaver complained she did nothing about it. The video shows how Congressman Cleaver had to go and get a Black Police Officer to handle the situation. Would you please try to find out the name of the White female police officer and also the name of the person who was arrested for spitting on Cong. Cleaver. They let the man go because Congressman Cleaver would not press charges. Thad I went on Fox News website and the teabaggers were denying that it happened and they were joking about it. Thad would you please try to get your listeners to stay away from the Fox stations and they need to stop listening to Andrew Clark Sr. If a Black person who disagrees with what he is saying calls in he belittles them. Andrew Clark Sr. acts like he is a White man living in a Black man's body. Fox News hates so bad that a smart Black Man is in the White House that the whole network has gone crazy. We need to let our young people know that racism is not dead.
Looks like you at least two races right... Randy Wade for Sheriff & Otis Jackson for County Mayor!
Randy Wade would make a great Sheriff. He is experienced and well known in the community. I think he is more in touch with the community then Luttrell was. I will be voting for him.
Fucking niggers are ruining this cuntry!!!
I haven't decided who would make the best sheriff, but having you pushing Randy Wade (and playing that ridiculous "song" of his all afternoon) gives him a strike against him. French is the most useless of the lot; I guess he quit coming with the cash because you used to massage his balls daily on your show. I want JUST ONE candidate "of color" that can pronounce a-s-k properly. The clown that is pushing "change" in a run for the register's office might be the dumbest of all; he must think he is running for mayor or council.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Looks like you at least two races right... Randy Wade for Sheriff & Otis Jackson for County Mayor!"
Too much stealing and self serving over paid employment has been going on for the last couple of decades in these parts. Locally, it's time to throw the riff raff into the Mississippi before it becomes cluttered with the riff raff that has been strong arming the nation's capital for the last year. That trash will be coming down the Ohio and Mississippi come call. Let's let Mark Luttrell clean up the mess before county government goes down the tubes as has city government.
Let's tell Otis to have his next party at KFC instead of trying to be a big shot at the expense of the tax payer. Petty crime of city film was what started Michael on his trip to jail. Couple that with putting his just as guilty wife into a 100K job as a vote payoff by Willie Herenton is they type of fraud we need to rid from this city and county. You didn't have this crap going on when Boss Crump or Henry Loeb were around.
Randy Wade we wish you the best and I also love that Theme Song!!!
I have to ask.........why do black folk refer to Randy Wade as "redbone"??????
What does this mean? And is it a racial slur against Randy Wade?
And for the good of the area, let's elect someone with some real top level experience, someone that can continue the great work of Sheriff Mark Luttrell. Yes, it is time to promote Sheriff Luttrell to the office of Mayor instead of electing that financial dimwit, Joe Ford, who lied his way into office. WHAT A CREEP! This Ford would need instructions to just peel a banana.
Can you believe a voter would fall for the following statement of Reginald French knowing that he was found guilty of slashing the tires of his girl friend in the middle of the night in what might have been your neighborhood?
From the political advertisement of
Reginald French on the Thaddeus Matthews blog.
by Reginald French,
the ex mayor's dagger bearer. His election would mean that he would be responsible for law enforcement in Collierville, TN as well as the entire county. Why Collierville is where French received his only experience in law enforcement. He made such a mess of himself there, that he was fired from the job.
It's no joke when it comes from the mouth of a cutting edge knife wielder. But then he had the connection to receive a multi- million dollar contract for bug infested computer programs within city hall. Sheriff Reginald Smith, that sounds like a cruel joke.
Lets be honest here. What has Randy Wade done? Nice guy, but when he was on the Sheriff's Office, he was nothing but a public relations liaison. He was able to meet people because he lucked up to be Anfernee Hardaway's "bodyguard". He then lucked up to be Cohen, the idiot's" assistant. When it comes to law enforcement, he knows nothing. Luttrell knew more than he did. Also, Wade is notorious for promising jobs back to deputies who were fired for criminal and policy violations. Lets name a few and if you don't believe look at the pictures on his facebook site. Frank Joyner (fired for illegal Katrina car scams), Robert Latimer (fired for DUI in a police car), Alvin Dortch(currently charged with murder after he shot the tires out on a Hispanics car and lied about it), Allan Smith, not fired, but had been indicted but cleared in the past, and also out on a "medical" retirement (looks fit to me), Rick Jewell (ran off from Millington and the Feds looking at him), John Harvey (disgruntle sheriff's deputy who quit and went to MPD). Randy Wade is a nice guy, but tries to win off of false promises, name association and being black. Wade has no qualifications. If you HAD to vote Democrat, Bennie Cobb has the best credentials and her is an idiot to. Look at all the candidates for both sides and overall qualifications and you will find the answer, very simple. Give you a hint, second under Luttrell, has ran a large law enforcement agency and has over 35 years experience.
This guy Wade is as close to a zero as is possible. Just what qualifies this bogus boy with little or nothing to offer. His own WWW site proves that.
Kevin Helms quit trolling on here nobody is voting for that fat ass former mpd chief who got ran off.Now lets look at "current' employees Lt Scott Wright just got out of drug rehab and still in Narcotics,also hog tied a man and almost killed him,and if it wasnt for Randy Wade he would be in the federal Pen today.Dee Bowling just promoted to Sgt so many Dui's we cant even count.Not to mention David wing jr who we all know what he did considering we have one dead deputy,well just move him to homeland security to punish him,WOW!! dont sound like " excellence to me" the list goes on and on.Your just scared cause the gravy train is about to be over for your little click.
Ok so lets be honest??? So the current admin's motto is what?? continuing the arrogance...So lets name names David Ballard -Alchoal rehab...well just move him to gib cause we love his momma.Kevin Helms - Alchoal rehab left the dept for a year...come on back and hell well give your time and stripes back too and well throw in Inerstate supervisor.Lt Scott Wright -Drug Rehab!!! well just keep him in Narcotics??Really?? I guess his dad didnt have any thing to do with it.Billy Speight-failed drug test...your punishment...Homeland Security with a take home car.David Wing jr.....sleeping with your mens wifes..deputy blows his brains out and your punishment jr is.....Homeland Security cause your dad is a chief.Dont sound like excellence to me.Dont throw stones in a glass house my friend.
Alchoal is actually spelled alcohol.
Inerstate is actually spelled interstate.
First time "trolling" on the new website to whomever thought I was posting on here. Couldn't even find it at first, Thad changed IP address. Funny though, some of the things said in that particular posting are interesting.I will remark since I was called and told you were talking about me Mr. Anonymous. I did go get some help, but mine fell under a different category (PTSD)and it was not alcohol, or as you would say "Alchoal" or drugs. I am not ashamed of it, glad I got the help to learn how to deal with people like you who try and deface people's character. If you really know me, you know I will not stoop to your level and deface people's character over a sheriff's election. I hate this thing is happening to our department because it splits good deputies. I have many friends in other camps and there are no hard feelings. It is a right to vote and no one should be judged by who they support or do not support. Look at job performance no matter where you are assigned or what opportunities have been given to you. Like I said in another blog, I have been in the trenches with an administration, have been in good graces with another and before my career is over, most likely will be in the trenches again. There is always going to be someone that will talk trash even if they do not really know you. Good luck to all the candidates and may the best man win. My vote is for Oldham.
K. Helms
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