Former state senator John Ford is back in Memphis to testify in the federal trial of Dr. Robert Morgan which is set to start on May 15th. Ford arrived in Memphis last week after spending a couple of weeks in a federal facility in Oklahoma.
Ford who has been in contact with members of his family is doing his time at the Yazoo City Federal Correctional Complex. A media outlet sent word through a family friend that they wanted a recent picture of Ford,and rightfully so the family has refused. This outlet only wanted to see if prison has changed the appearance of the former Memphis politician so that from now until the trial is over his picture could be flashed all over the screen.
Hopefully John Ford will be able to remain at the Memphis federal facility after he testifies in the case of the TennCare doctor, but it seems that the powers that be and the media are still out to make this politician as miserable as possible.
John Ford has been sentenced to nearly 20 years for a white collar crime while a Tennessee woman can blast her sleeping husband in the back with a shotgun and get only a pat on the back from the criminal justice system, which has almost made the white woman a folk hero.
But John Ford must pay the price for being a once-powerful black Tennessee legislator. This apparently makes him a menace to society.
What ever happened to justice in America?
A media outlet sent word through a family friend that they wanted a recent picture of Ford,and rightfully so the family has refused. This outlet only wanted to see if prison has changed the appearance of the former Memphis politician s..........
The PUBLIC that John Boy Ford ripped off knows that prison has changed his appearance......we don't need to see no stinking picture. I'm sure the appearance of his anus has changed a little too. It's to be expected!
We don't care what this thieving fucker looks like so spare us.
John Ford has been sentenced to nearly 20 years for a white collar crime while a Tennessee woman can blast her sleeping husband in the back with a shotgun and get only a pat on the back from the criminal justice system, which has almost made the white woman a folk hero.
And you have black OJ Simpson almost slicing the head off of white Nicole Simpson and that fucker gets off scot free.
So save your racist whines about Johnny Ford and/or your injustices....the white race gets screwed every day of the week too.
Brother Thaddeus:
Long before the Willie Herenton's the AC Wharton's, the Sid Chism's, there was John Newton Ford.
Brother Ford was truly the "go to guy" to help those Afro American citizens who had been put through hell, trying to get some rightful assistance that white folks take for granted and think they own!
I never heard of, or know of, anybody that John kept a tally on how much he had helped. He just helped, got thanked, and moved on! No one can show me where he once made payback reference, to how he helped somebody out.
Yesterday Wharton made the city pay out 1000 in fees to a rich white woman, over a damn dog being shot by the cops. John Ford made Tenncare help out over 1000 people who could not get medical help for their children, just to stay alive! And it wasn't just Afro Americans he helped out!
Let's put it out there in front: John Elkington runs Beale Street. 6million dollars is missing from there. Not one damn media outlet has called for, or initiated, an investigation as to where the damn money went. Perrusquia, Maki, Sanford, Peck and Andy Wise literally haunted/embarassed John Ford, his wife, his children and other family members into a jail cell.
Memphis move forward? My ass! Any Afro American man that stands up in this town is going to be set upon my the machinations of the beastiality inclined white man the minute he steps up!
Let's see the US Attorney pull a hidden camera trap on Elkington over a stupid assed watch! It ain't so funny when a white man gets caught up in the white man's trap. Let's see Valerie Cartoon make some wise crack when Elkington does the perp walk, then put her kid's mug on the screen like they did John Newton's child.
"I Gotz Mines!"
Osbie Howard who is John Ford's number one partner in crime, should also be in prison. He is free and the controller for CDA Security Inc.
" . . . . but it seems that the powers that be and the media are still out to make this politician as miserable as possible. . . ."
This Ford deserves three times the twenty years. His was a black collar crime in that the money he stole from kids that needed baby sitters to get their parents off of the dole and others where he was stealing money that should have been going to the med to treat impoverished voters that went for the Fords for over forty years. It's too bad Edmund, Harold, Sr. and Ophelia are sharing the cell with this thief.
Hey Thaddeus, why not a picture of John in his wrinkled birthday suit,
unless you still just prefer pictures of dead and bullet ridden bodies?
I was told by a friend who works for FCI that Ford looks 100 years old and hes in a wheel chair, no hair dye.
Justice did take place, he was shown for what he is.
Osbie Howard is John Ford's #1 partner in crime when it comes to TENNCARE.
They convict John Ford of WHITE collar crime! That say it all dont it? WHITE collar peoples. You can blame them whites for that. Who don't steal from the system? Everybody steal. Why beat on John about stealing and taking? It the black man duty to steal ever nickle from the system they can. After all the ancestors was slaves and that give you the RIGHT to steal any chance you get. Don't be blaming Mr. Ford. He just doing what he entitle to. Ain't nothing wrong with stealing from the system people. Thats why I tell my kids, you take what you can anytime you can. John Ford a hero for taking what he can! If you aint got nothin it aint wrong to steal from other peoples. Simple.
When O.J. Simpson stormed into a Las Vegas hotel room allegedly to retrieve some of his possessions, he had no idea that a higher power would nab him for a double murder back in 1994 Los Angeles.
Jury nullification had set him free in the notorious l995 murder trial for killing two white people and he thought he had got away clean. But now he will be rotting in jail for a long time, not really for the Las Vegas incident, but for the murder of Nicole and her boy friend.
Jury nullification also set the Tennessee killer white woman free even though there was no doubt that she had blown her sleeping husband away, left him for the buzzards, and fled the state. Maybe fate will intervene in this case and eventually incarcerate this murderer.
John Ford has not killed anybody.
He received a 20-year sentence for a white collar crime only because he is John Ford.
His sentence should be reduced to five years with time served and he should be released.
"His sentence should be reduced to five years with time served and he should be released."
"Who don't steal from the system?"
Most don't. It's you, your friends and family that have the IQ of a pit bull and garbage cans and shoplifting as a source of food. John Ford is no different other than he wore a suit, had all his teeth, but walked out of restaurants without paying. As for you and your ilk, you are not allowed in restaurants even though legislation has been enacted with the hope you might become civilized. Didn't work, did it?
Let's see Valerie Cartoon make some wise crack when Elkington does the perp walk, then put her kid's mug on the screen like they did John Newton's child.
February 22, 2010 8:19 AM
P.S. I am waiting patiently to see that day! I will have my recorder ready.
My grandfather was a white man. But I must say, "I hate white people"! They are capable of saying and doing some cruel shit. RIP
My grandfather was a white man. But I must say, "I hate white people"! They are capable of saying and doing some cruel shit. RIP
Then you must hate yourself...what a stupid, miserable bitch you must be! For real, talking about doing cruel shit....those mean ole honkeys have nothing on the twenty-first century, genital-mutilating, slave-owning, cannibalistic, (loving) folks in AfreaKa from which you derived. Hey, dey be your Peeps....just keeping it real so you will understand, dumbass.
Anyone supporting this cruddy jail bird so named John Ford must be of the lowest form of a human being. To be so ignorant to think this crud should not be jailed until his last breath must have the instincts of those poor human beings that sleep in card board boxes along the river front.
This slime bag stole medical funds in the hundreds of thousands along with baby sitting funds so that the poor could have at least a portion of hard earned tax payer earnings. Truly, John Ford should be pickled in sewage.
You that support John Ford must be somewhat depraved.
"Deidre can win with your support. Let’s send this smart, intelligent and caring woman"
The same thing could be said about John Ford and Barack Obama. Think about the mess they have made of things.
John Ford pickled in sewage? For a white collar crime that would have netted a similarly-situated white man only five years at the most?
Come on, people. Where is the love? Where is the humanity? Where is the forgiveness?
Would we wish this fate on the Tennessee killer white woman who smoked her sleeping husband while he was asleep and then fled the state as the man's body deteriorated like a dead dog in their marital bed?
John Ford is certainly no saint, but he should be released and allowed to simmer in his own soup. His days of glory are over and he can never be a threat to society.
Show this fallen soul some mercy!
Some dumb ass posted:
"Come on, people. Where is the love? Where is the humanity? Where is the forgiveness?"
Forgiveness, let this pickled sewage be forgotten. John Ford has been stealing from the needy big time for about forty years. He should be held in jail while holding his ankles for thirty six hours short of his meeting the devil in hell. This way his self serving family of embalmers can bid for the half ass funeral services he so rightly deserves.
Since John has the brain of a wild hyena, it might be a candidate to place on a monkey island where he could hoot and holler while outfitted in a tattered loin cloth.
Forgiveness of the inhabitants of this crime ridden city would serve only one purpose, those forgiven could kill off one another as that is the limit of their capability.
According to a story in the Commercial Appeal recent studies indicate that 80% of those released from jail are incarcerated. That being the cases good sense should indicate that John Ford be kept behind bars. Otherwise, he would be out stealing from the poor then expecting the tax payers to hire in another attorney to keep his butt out of jail.
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